19th August.

155 10 21

(Viewer discretion advised, trigger warning: sexual abuse. If you are uncomfortable with these scenes, please do not read. The last thing I want if for you to be triggered by these scenes. Warnings will be put in place for where the scene takes place and when it ends.)

Oh, God.
Zed said he'd see me today.
I never told anyone about the threats and stuff he sent me, so no one knew he'd be coming for me today.
On the bright side, I had the day off work, which meant I could just hide in my bedroom with the door locked forever.
On the not so bright side - we were out of food. Jonathan had made it my job to go out and get food. So I was pretty scared.
I was currently hiding under my quilt in bed, not wanting to get up. I was all alone and that scared me, but it would terrify me if someone stayed with me while I waited for the inevitable.
The Stunt Lads theme began blaring loudly, scaring the shit out of me. I grabbed my phone and answered the call.
"Hey, Smith," I said, stifling my yawn.
"Hey, Kitty. Where are you?" he asked. I could just imagine him frowning.
"I've got the day off today, why?" I answered, running a hand through my hair. It had grown quite a lot over the past few months, seeing as I hadn't had it cut at all.
"Well, I wanted to spend time with you today, so if you're free, I could come over. That's if you're OK with it," he said. I smiled at his offer; why does he have to be so adorable?
"Well, I'm kinda having a woman thing today, I think it's best if you steer clear of me today; I might get a bit too pissy." Why did I lie to him? It hurt me when I lied to him.
"Oh, well if you change your mind, or feel as if you're not gonna be as pissy, just phone me and I'll come over," he said.
"Sure," I said, sitting up and looking around.
"OK, well, I'll talk to you later, yeah?" he asked and I hummed.
"Bye, Smith. Take care." I told him whilst I got out of bed.
"I will. See ya Kitty." he said and I hung up.
I might as well get today over with.
I got in the shower and milked it as much as possible. Thankfully, I spent an hour and a couple of minutes in the shower and drip dried, not wanting to put too much effort into being quicker.
By twelve o'clock, I had no reason to stay inside the flat as I was washed, dressed and more or less ready for the day.
Well, I supposed I could play some video games for a few hours.
And that was what I did.
For about four hours, I had played GTA, The Last of Us and some Telltale Games The Walking Dead.
I wished I was a zombie; life would've been much easier because all you'd have to do was walk around, find food and walk some more, obviously in the hope that you'd not be killed by survivors.
Oh, to be a zombie. Instead of growing up to be a potato, I'll grow up to be a zombie P.C.I..
I check the time and saw that it was four o'clock. Jonathan and Leo would be back soon, but they'd want food, which meant I had to go shopping and hope that Zed didn't come and beat the shit out of me while I was walking the streets of Bristol.
"They're both gonna be hungry when they get back," I told myself.
Heaving myself up, I went and got my converse on, grabbing my bag and turned the heating off and left the apartment.
I could feel my body tensing up as I walked down the streets.
At this point in time, I wished I had told Smith I loved him, that I wished we had been together, but I knew it'd never happen; I was Rose Kogan. Sister to Jonathan Kogan and ex-girlfriend to Zed Willows.
I'd be eighteen in a few days. Hopefully I could've made it that far.
The shop slowly came into view and I felt my heart go faster.
I could sense someone was following me.
Pretending I didn't know, I quickened my pace a little, then heard their footsteps quicken.
Before I could do anything - I was gagged and forced into an alley.
"Bitch!" Zed's voice snarled.
I let out a scream, which came out muffled from behind the gag, trying to hit him as I struggled underneath his grip.
"Shut the fuck up!" he snarled, hitting me hard in the face. I tried to kick him, wriggling around to escape him.
I knew what he was gonna do - I didn't want that to happen. Please, someone hear me - help! Please!
I felt a needle go into my neck and felt a liquid be injected into my bloodstream. I let out a muffled cry and felt him take the needle out of my neck.
Everything began to go blurry and I saw triple of everything. I felt Zed pull me backwards, putting a blindfold over my eyes. I stumbled over my feet as he dragged me to the inevitable, slowly losing my consciousness.
"Shh, my dear, shh, just sleep," Zed said soothingly. I let out a weak cry of protest as I felt myself land on something soft and springy.
"Ghna," I tried to speak, but it came out slurred.
"Shh. You'll be fine. It might hurt but that's normal." he whispered, crouching over me and kissed my neck. My last attempt was pathetically trying to push him away by his chest.

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