"I know ..."

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» I had woke up at 5:20 ... Why not update? «

**** ROSE P.O.V. ****

I yawned quietly and opened my eyes, then looked around.
What the fuck was that?
Someone's arm was around me.
I sat up and saw Alex laid down, sleeping soundly.
I got out of bed and looked at him.
He was still in the clothes he was in yesterday, and his hair was in an adorable mess around his face.
Wait - what?
I ran a hand through my hair, it was sticking up like Harry's in the books ... pretty shit reference.
I checked the time and saw it was five-thirty. Great. I made my way into the kitchen and began to get breakfast.
Work started at ten and it always took me twenty minutes to go to work.
Sitting on the counter, I had a bowl in my hands, then realised something.
They DID have bowls, just decided to turn Leo into one. I think Jonathan's trying to come out of the closet?
"Hey," Alex said, coming into the kitchen. "Why're you up so early?" he asked, I shrugged, swinging my legs a little.
"Why were you in my bed?" I asked, frowning.
Asking that question made me feel so awkward!
"You were crying, and asked me to stay," he said, sounding legit.
"Oh ..." I said, trailing off. I thought that had been a dream.
"D'you know why you were crying?" he asked. I looked down and blew air out from the corner of my mouth. "Rosie, you can tell me," he said, standing too close in front of me.
"Get away!" I yelped, out of old reflexes, I pushed him away. I looked down and breathed out shakily.
"... Does Kogie know?" he asked tentatively.
"Sorta," I admitted.
"'Sorta'?" he asked. "What d'you mean?" he asked.
"It means he sort of knows and understands when to shut up about stuff," I muttered.
"Rosie. You can trust me," he said calmly.
"Up to what point? I tell you everything and you're horrified and leave me? That happened before! What d'you know about me, huh? You don't know shit!" I snarled, standing in front of him, having to look up because he's so damn tall.
"I know you're depressed! Everyone else chooses to ignore it, don't they? I know it infuriates you; you wish someone would notice and help. I know you trust Leo more than Kogie. I know plenty, just from being with you these past few weeks. Wanna know what else I know?" he asked, looking down at me. "I know you can trust people because the last time you did, you were hurt beyond anything anyone could do to help," he said surprisingly soft. I looked down, my shoulders shaking slightly. "I also know I can help you." he finished, hugging me. "It's OK to cry, you know," he mumbled, his head in my hair.
"I'm sick of crying," I muttered.
Two hours later, Alex had called my work, said I was really ill, and stayed at the flat, asking Lewis if he could have the day off for personal reasons ... somehow, Lewis understood and let him have the day off.
He's also 'borrowed' some of Jonathan's clothes. I doubted Jonathan would see them ever again; the top was red and the trousers were extremely baggy.
"Why're you still here?" I asked as he sat next to me.
"Keep you company," he lied, I gave him a look. "I don't want to leave you so you can do something stupid," he said bluntly.
"I'm not that stupid," I muttered, crossing my arms across my chest. I saw his eyes lower and I smacked his face. "Perv," I said, causing him to blush.
"I can't help it," he said, sounding a little shy.
"You can by not lookin'," I told him, he stuck his tongue out at me and I did the same.
I curled up and rest my head on the arm rest, closing my eyes a little.

**** SMIFFY P.O.V. ****

I looked over at Rosie and saw she had gone to sleep. Bless.
I worried for her, I really did.
She was hiding something, maybe even from Leo.
They were coming back the next day as well.
"I will find out what you're hiding, Rosie, and I'll help you," I vowed.
She slept for most of the day, before finally waking up.
"Hey, sleepyhead," I greeted as she yawned and opened her eyes.
"Fuck off," she muttered tiredly as she wiped her eyes, sitting up. "Time is it?" she asked, looking at me.
"Four o'clock," I replied, she pulled an annoyed face, which I found rather cute, and got up. "Where are you going?" I asked, looking at her as she walked past me.
"Bathroom, stupid," she muttered, still yawning as she made her way to the bathroom. I checked my phone and saw a few messages from Trott and Ross:

From Trott: Where the fuck r u?!

From Ross: Best answer ur phone, m8, Trott's going mental. Lewis said u phoned in ill ur not at ur flat.

Smith: I'm at Rosie's place, she was in pretty bad shape, so I stayed over the night, she still wasn't too good so stayed the rest of the day. Might be back at work tomorrow, gonna go to my flat to feed Kim and Kanye and get some clothes

"Who you texting?" Rosie's voice asked from behind me as I sent the text to both idiots.
"Ross and Trott," I replied. "I need to go to my flat and feed the geckos," I told her, her face seemed to brighten at the words.
"Can I come? My friend had a gecko, and I haven't held one in ages," she said, I smiled at her and nodded. She practically pranced off to her room and got ready, whilst I quickly cleaned myself up and binned the rubbish I created.
When she came back, she was dressed like Daryl Dixon, black ripped clothes and the leather jacket. Wow.
"What?" she asked, a small smile gracing her face.
"Nothing, it's just -" I shook my head, smiling. "- you look beautiful," I admitted, then watched as she blushed, looking down shyly. "Ready?" I asked, she looked up and nodded. I held out my hand and she took it.
We left the flat and made our way down and began to walk the streets of Bristol, hand in hand.

Mini-Kogie?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن