Pretzel Pain.

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Since we were going to Comic Con, we had to have different taxi drivers because so many of us were going. Ross, Kim, Smith and myself were sharing.
I heard Ross doing a vlog and Kim commented on how Trott was small.
"She's one of you," I said and Ross turned the camera to me.
"Oh, look it's this bitch!" he joked.
"Fuck you, Ross!" I said sassily, sounding a little like Sjin.
"Nah, mate, I'm good," he said. I gave him the finger and he chuckled.
When Kim and Ross weren't looking I took a picture of them and edited it to look like a ship thing.
"Hey, Smith, look," I said, showing him my phone after I'd finished it.
"Oh, wow," he laughed, turning my hand a little to see it better.
"What is it?" Kim asked.
"Her cat," Ross joked. I snorted and starting laughing as my mind couldn't help the inappropriateness it thought of.
"You OK?" Kim asked.
"Yeah, just don't let Ross speak." I said and she laughed.
"No, it's a good photo. Nice editing," Smith complimented.
"Thanks," I replied.
The whole way there, Ross and Smith cracked dirty jokes (even Kim did) and we had a laugh, though I didn't know whether the taxi driver was happy that he was stuck with us.
Once we got to the hotel we'd be staying in, we paid the good fellow and waited for the others. Meanwhile, I was listening to ONE OK ROCK and their song Mighty Long Fall. Damn Sparkles* for getting me into this band.
"Hey," Smith said as he pulled out one of my earphones. "You in there?" he asked, knocking on my forehead.
"No, I went to Hogwarts," I muttered sarcastically. "Can I have a piggyback?" I asked.
"Ugh, fine," he groaned and let me hop on his back. "What're you listening to, anyway?" he asked as we followed everyone else into the building.
"ONE OK ROCK. Why?" I asked.
"Lemme listen," he replied and I put an earphone in his ear. "Sounds OK," he shrugged and lifted me up as I was slipping.
"Aw," I heard Kim squeak with Hannah.
"Shut up, Quimby," I muttered.
"The ship name? Seriously?" Smith asked, leaving the two girls confused as we got the right rooms.
Hannah, Kim and myself were sharing, Ross, Smith and Sjin were sharing. Turps, Lewis, Duncan and Sips were to share and Martyn was sharing with Kaeyi (who was going to have a stall in the place) and were also probably sharing with Beckii and Sparkles*.
"I'll see you later," Smith said and (not remotely gracefully) dropped me in front of the bedroom.
"Dick," I muttered.
Kim gave me a hand up and we went into the room.
There was a double bed and a bunk bed.
"I CALL TOP BUNK!" both me and Kim shouted. We looked at each other before we raced to the bunk bed and I jumped (and I mean literally jumped) onto the top bunk whilst she had tried to climb the ladder.
"Children!" Hannah called and we looked over at her. "Rosie got there first and Kim, you can sleep on the double bed and I'll sleep on the bottom," Hannah said calmly.
"Haha, you'll sleep on a butt," I giggled like a maniac. Oh, God, I'd gone insane ... so nothing unusual there then. Then I realised -
I dunked my hand into my hygiene part of the bag and got what I needed.
"Need bathroom," I muttered and practically ran to the bathroom.
After sorting myself out, I went back into the sleeping part and went onto my bed and groaned.
"No, we're off to Comic Con," Hannah said and literally had to drag me out of the comfort of the room.
"What's up with her?" Ross asked as we came into view and we were in the conference room, where Sips was and Ross was recording.
"She's on her periods," Kim admitted casually and I facepalmed.
"How did you know?" I asked, not bothering to look at the guys who were either blushing crazily, looking away, embarrassed, or coughing from choking on their own spit from surprise I actually admitted it.
"Hey, did you know that if you do yoga while on your periods it helps with the flow of your body and relaxes you," Smith suggested.
"If you think I'm gonna twist my body into a fucking pretzel while I'm the new Niagara Falls, you're as stupid as you look," I snapped and they all burst out laughing, some from amusement, some from disgust.
After all the shouts and jokes, we went and did whatever the hell we were supposed to do.
By that, I meant we went to stalls or had to go to a stage or behind the scenes of a signing.
I saw Kaeyi vlogging along with Beckii and Sparkles* when I went on a roam to get some anime stuff and decided to talk to them.
"And here is the beautiful as ever, Mini!" Kaeyi cheered.
"Hello!" I said, sounding like Simon when he and Lewis played that Back to the Future Minecraft map and they had put that arm up on a 'civilian'. They laughed at my idiocy.
"What're you doing here?" Beckii asked, turning her camera onto me.
"What? I can't talk to my friends?" I asked and she smiled.
"Aw," Sparkles* said and pulled me into a side hug, seeming to be careful of my arms.
"I ship it," Beckii said.
"Nah, gotta be Rolex!" Kaeyi exclaimed and I sighed slightly.
"How about none?" I asked.
"Aw, c'mon, you know you're gonna get a boyfriend because me and Kaeyi, why, we're match-makers!" Beckii told me.
"OK, I better go," I said, ducking from under Sparkles*' arm and ran, Beckii chasing me while Sparkles* and Kaeyi laughed from behind us.
I let Beckii catch me and we began to talk aimlessly ... about boys, fashion (not my choice of conversation) and make up (neither was that).
"Oh, my God, you're Beckii Cruel!" a girl squealed. "I'm Gemma," she added.
"Hello, Gemma," Beckii greeted.
"Who're you?" she asked, turning to me.
"I'm Mini," I shrugged and I saw Beckii smirk.
Fuck you, Beckii.
"Oh, you're not really that small," she said bluntly.
"It's because I'm Kogie's younger sister, therefore a Mini-Kogie," I shrugged and she nodded, then turned to look at Beckii.
Gemma was dressed in cosplay, trying to look like a female Link. Her green dress was short and I doubt any of the girls would wear it; it's just under her ass. Her ears were pointing out and her hat wasn't as good as Hannah's. Her make up was also not nice; she had a line on her chin where her orange-like face met with pale skin. She had fake eyelashes on which made her eyes small and beady.
"Well, it's nice meeting you, Gemma, but Mini and I have to get going," Beckii told the girl, seeing as I wasn't involving myself in the conversation like I probably would.
"Uh, OK," the girl said, shooting me a filthy look. "Can I get a selfie before you go, though?" she asked, clutching her phone in her hand.
Beckii seemed to agree somewhat reluctantly and smiled as Gemma took a photo.
"Eek! Thank you!" Gemma squealed, hugging Beckii tightly.
"No problem," Beckii replied and we left the crazy person as we went back to Kaeyi's stall.
"You OK?" Kaeyi asked me when she saw me. I nodded but caught sight of Sparkles* who knew.

(A/N: I'm sorry it took so long, only I think this book is becoming shittier as it goes along and I honestly don't think it's as good as I'd like it to be. Anyway, I'll still continue this for those who want to read this - though I sometimes wonder why you do - but I doubt the chapter will come out more often, maybe they will stay the same, only shorter. Another reason why I don't like this book is because when I had a good chapter, like one I thought was really good, hardly any reads were on them. The final reason is maybe because I'm having a hard time at school, they labelled me as having 'mental health issues' and basically called me 'mentally retarded'. *sigh*. Thanks for reading anyway. It's nice that people like it, even if I don't)

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