Heeeerrrreeeee's Jonny!

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» someone likes messing with photos. Saw it and was like wtf? «

**** ROSE P.O.V. ****

Once I was in the flat, I locked it and flicked on the lights.
Turning on the heating I put a microwave pizza in the microwave ... because that's where you normally put it ...
I realised I still had Alex's jumper on. I forgot to give it him. Like the good person I was, I sent him a message about it.

ROSIE: Hey, Ally, still got your Cornerstone jumper, want me to bring it round tomorrow? X

I went into my room and got changed, seeing the scares were still visible, then sniffed the jumper.
It smelt like him.
And it smelt good.
My phone vibrated and I looked.

Ally: No, it's ok, you keep it xx

ROSIE: Ok, ty x

I put the jumper on the end of my bed and went into the kitchen, the pizza was finished and I took it out and began to eat it. Yum.
Once I had eaten it, I binned the rubbish and turned the lights off and went into my room, where I collapsed on my bed and immediately went to sleep.
"Fuck off!" I shouted, slamming my hand on my phone, which was my alarm. "Bloody hell," I muttered, sitting up and looking at my calendar, work at ten, finished at four.
I got up and got washed and dressed, making myself look presentable. The boss didn't really care what we looked like as long as we wore something that represented our work.
I grabbed my bag and put my phone, purse and other stuff in before leaving the apartment and locking it, then put the keys into my bag.
I walked down the streets, walking the familiar route, not paying attention as to where I was going as I'd walked this route so many times.
"Rosie!" a familiar voice exclaimed, I looked and saw Kim.
"Hey, Kim, what're you doing here?" I asked, as we began to walk together.
"Oh, I'm just going shopping before going to work. You?" she asked, looking up at me with bright eyes.
"Going to work," I shrugged, she smiled.
"Boring work, huh?" she asked, I nodded. "What d'you do?" she questioned.
"Work at cash register, sometimes helping out customers if they need help," I shrugged.
"Simple work," she said, I nodded.
We got to my work after another five minutes.
"I'll see you at YogTowers?" she questioned, I shrugged.
"Maybe, maybe not," I said. She left and I went into work.


The day was boring, but busy.
We had a sale, so every mother/young woman came scrambling into the shop, literally fighting over clothing.
We sold a lot of stuff and us on the tills had a busy day, hardly getting any breaks.
I even saw Kim come in at one point ... I think it was with Hannah, but I might have got her name wrong.
I went into the back and got my stuff.
"Kogan!" the boss's voice hollered, I turned and looked at her.
"Yes, ma'am?" I asked.
"As there's now so many employees, you're not going to have that many hours, so this is your new timetable," she told me, handing me a piece of paper. Twelve hours a week. Cool, maybe ... Was twelve hours work a week good or bad?
"OK, thank you," I said, putting the paper in my bag and leaving the store.
I could go to YogTowers.
Listening to BabyMetal, Doki Doki Morning, I walked along the streets of Bristol, taking the sort of familiar route to YogTowers.
I made it to the building and went through the reception, and went to the elevator.
"Rosie!" A voice squealed as I walked into the elevator, I looked up and saw Simon, he pulled me into a hug and shook me, knocking the breath out of me.
"Hi, Simon," I groaned, as he finally set me down.
"What brings you here?" he asked as the elevator dinged and opened. I shrugged my answer.
"Felt like coming," I said, he nodded, smiling.
"You wanted to visit someone you like like," he teased. I frowned, wishing he wouldn't do that.
"Who?" I asked.
"Smiffy!" he exclaimed, causing my frown to deepen.
"Simon, I'm pretty sure we're only friends," I reassured, the elevator dinging as we passed the floors.
"Really? Then why're you wearing his Cornerstone jumper?" he asked, sassing me. I looked down and saw I actually was.
"Didn't notice I was wearing this. Besides, we went to his place to check on his geckos and when he was walking me home, he gave me this so I wouldn't be cold," I told the older man, who was smirking.
"Are you oblivious?" he asked, I shrugged.
"Ask Jonathan, or Leo, they know me better than I do myself," I admitted, Simon sighed and facepalmed.
"Well, this is our stop," he said as the doors opened to the familiar corridor, we both stepped out and went our separate ways.
"Yay, you came," Kim cheered as I bumped into her.
"Yeah, I can visit more because I've got less hours at work, too," I told her, she grinned evilly.
"Have you played Five Nights At Freddy's?" she asked, I scoffed.
"Played it? I beat all the nights and the hardcore modes." I said, her eyes widened.
"How?" she asked, I winked and tapped my nose.
"Secret. Which I may be willing to share if we play the game," I said, she contemplated this then nodded.
We went into her office and turned off all the lights and loaded up the game.
"Ready?" she asked as I pressed the game to start.
"Fuck yeah," I muttered, we listened to the phone guy, who was going on and on.
"Aahh, we're gonna die!" Kim cried as we were now in night three, at five a.m. on three percent power.
"No, we're not," I told her. She hid in my shoulder as the power went out and Freddy began to play his song, I hummed along,
"Eeeeeee-!" Kim squeaked, then the five turning into six happened.
"Told you," I shrugged.
We carried on until the sixth night.
"We might actually die," I said as we lost power at four.
"HERE'S JONNY!" a voice screamed and something grabbed us.
We both screamed.
"AAAH, YOU MOTHERFUCKER! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? ASSHOLE, I SERIOUSLY FUCKING HATE YOU SOMETIMES!" I screamed as I had turned and elbowed Jonathan in the balls. I rest my head in my hands.
"Ooww!" Jonathan whined, holding his crotch as he knelt on the floor.
"I hope that fucking hurt, you prick," I groaned, rubbing my eyes, only just acknowledging the laughter from the doorway. I looked up and saw Alex, Trott and Ross.
"Did that scare you?" Ross teased, I raised my eyebrow, got up and full on sacked him. He fell to the ground clutching his crotch.
"Did that hurt?" I asked the same tone of voice as him, mocking him. "You two wanna join him?" I asked, turning to the other two, who shook their heads and ran off into their office. I turned to look at Leo and Jonathan, grinning madly.
"Kim? Get the duct tape," I said, locking the door, and walked towards them.
"No! NOOOOOOOOO!" Jonathan screamed.
We did stuff to them ... things.
We only put duct tape on their mouths, slowly peeled it off so whatever 'hairs' were near their mouthed were slowly ripped off.
And we also drew stuff on their foreheads.
"We're sorry! Don't do this to us again!" Leo begged, kneeling at my feet, staring up at me, I smirked.
"OK, babe," I replied, then helped him up, he kissed my cheek and hugged me, which I gladly returned.
"Sorry for scaring you," Jonathan said, ruffling my hair as Leo wouldn't let me go.
"I'm not sorry for scaring you," I shrugged. "I'm still gonna get you back, that was just the beginning," I added, whispering my words into Leo's ear. He shivered a little and squeezed me tightly.
"I'd like to see you try," he muttered as we pulled away from each other.

» you now may come up with whatever ship names you like «

Mini-Kogie?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora