Remember The Geckos?

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When I came to, I was back in the hospital room, no mask on my face, but that annoying heart monitor going off. Man, I hated those things.
I looked around and saw both Leo and Jonathan asleep in chairs beside my bed, I turned and saw Tom was still asleep.
What really bugged me was the fact I lost my memory. Did that normally happen when someone was in a car crash?
"You're awake," Leo said groggily, I smiled at him as he pulled me into a hug. "It's been an entire day. The band have been visiting, so has everyone from the Towers. Smiffy has been really concerned," Leo added, waggling his eyebrows. I rolled my eyes.
"Right," I said, he pouted.
"The doctors said you can go home two days after you wake up. I'm gonna go and get one of the doctors," Leo said, pouncing up and practically pranced out of the room.
"'Than, wake up," I muttered, shoving his arm.
"Five more minutes, Mum," he mumbled.
"Since when do I look like Mum?" I asked, his eye shot open and he pulled me into a tight hug.
"ROSIE!" he squealed, pulling me into a hug.
"Hey, 'Than," I said, smiling to be hugging him.
"I missed you," he whispered.
"I've only been asleep for like, twenty-four hours," I joked.
"I don't care; I was scared I'd lose you." Jonathan admitted.
"Good to see you're awake, Miss. Kogan," a nurse said, flashing a light in my eyes, blinding me, checking my pulse and other stuff.
"Yeah," I muttered.
"You'll be allowed to go in two days time," she confirmed. Jonathan grinned brightly.
After a few more things, she left.
"Wanna watch some videos?" Jonathan asked, I nodded.
He sat on my bed, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as he pulled his laptop onto our legs and we watched some of the Yogscast's videos. Leo had yet to return - he was probably chatting up a nurse or something. I feel sorry for nurses and doctors because they don't get the recognition they deserve, I mean they save lives and help people get better and yet some of the most richest people are dickheads that really don't deserve what they have.
"What's that?" I asked, pointing to a vlog Lewis had put up. He clicked on it and Lewis appeared on screen with the band.
'Hello and welcome to a vlog. You can see I have Area 11 with me, this is because we have some important news that also involves the band,' Lewis said.
'My sister and Tom Bates were in a car crash,' Jonathan on the screen said.
'And as we really love her and hope she gets better, we're putting our touring on hold until she gets better,' Sparkles* said.
'As Bates and Mini-Kogie are our editors, there won't be a lot of videos going out until they're able to come back to work. This video has also gone out onto all the channels as a warning for you so if there aren't as many videos as there should be, here's the explanation video,' Lewis on screen told the camera.
'We hope they both make a great recovery; they didn't deserve this, and they'd be really grateful if you leave nice comments wishing them a speedy recovery,' Parv exclaimed.
'Bye!' they all said and the video ended.
"That's sweet," I muttered, looking up at Jonathan, who smiled.
He put on Markiplier (a great YouTuber), and we joked around, keeping quiet for Tom's sake. The screen went dark a little and I caught sight of my reflection: pale skinned, white strips on the sides on my face from where the cuts were.
Holy shit ...
After a while, Jonathan had to put the laptop away as I had to 'sleep to get better' as the nurses and doctors put it.


Over two days I had stuff taken away from me (like the heart monitor), Tom had been able to go once he'd woken on his second day - lucky bastard - while I had been stuck in there eating shitty hospital food.
Some of the tape that was on my face, neck (which I didn't realise until it had to be changed) and arm were removed, but I still had some, which were because I had scars that needed stitches and they thought I'd rather have the small tape on my parts of my body ... I think they're right on that.
"Hello!" a familiar voice greeted from the doorway, I looked over and saw it was Smiffy holding a brown bag. He was wearing a burgundy top underneath a grey Cornerstone jumper, as well as wearing dark trousers and dark trainers. For some reason he was wearing a beanie.
"Hey, Smiff," I said as he sat down next to me.
"So ... still got a little memory loss?" he questioned, I nodded. "Remember the geckos?" he asked, I frowned.
"No but -" he cut me off.
"You love geckos, I know. Which is why I asked Kogie if I could pick you up and take you to see my geckos, to see if you get any memory from any of it?" he told me, I nodded. He handed me the bag, which I opened.
"Kogie put some of your clothes in there, thought it'd be better if he got them instead of me," he said, I smiled a little. "He also signed the thing so you can leave today so we can just leave once you've got ready," he added, I nodded, he pulled the curtains around and stayed out as I changed.
Oh, fucking fuck, fuck.
I stood up and unraveled the bits at the ends, which covered the scars, thankfully.
"You ready?" Smiffy called.
"Ugh," was my response as I began looking for a hairbrush ... I got nothing.
"O...K," he replied.
A nurse came in and took the stuff off of me and handed me some crutches which I used - duh.
"You look nice," Smiffy said once I joined him (he took the bag which now had my old dirty clothes from the accident) and we began to walk.
"Yeah, only Jonathan forgot to put a hairbrush in the bag," I told him, he smiled, then took off his beanie and put it on my head.
"Don't worry about it," he muttered as we made out way out of the hospital. "I don't actually have a car, so we're gonna have to walk," Smiffy told me, I smiled and chuckled a little as we walked down the streets of Bristol.
"So ... care to remind me what happened before the crash?" I asked.
"You saved my life, I was gonna go out into the road and you pulled me to safety. You saw my geckos. We were really close," he said.
"'Were'?" I questioned.
"Well, you might not want to be as close as we were before," he said. I frowned.
"Don't bullshit me," I said, he smiled and kissed the top of my head.
"OK," he chuckled as we crossed a road and we were going a route I was familiar with. "Penny for your thoughts?" he asked.
"I know the way but at the same time I don't," I admitted.
"This is the way to my home, you'd often come to my place, we'd take this route, so that'll be it," he supplied the answer which I agreed with.
After about twenty minutes, we reached his place.
"Anything?" Smiffy asked, I nodded.
"Yeah," I muttered.
"Good," he replied, I was kinda thankful he didn't asked what it was.
We went into his home and we were greeted with a half naked man.
"Defi, put some clothes on," Smiffy said, sounding annoyed.
"Sorry, Smith," he muttered. "Hot stuff," he directed this at me.
"Seventeen," I told him, he quickly left to (what I can only assume to be) his room.
"That was kinda funny, how you just brushed him off," Smith chuckled.
"Hmm," I agreed, he smiled and looked at the top landing, where his room resided apparently.
"Here," he muttered, I was surprised when he bent down and put his arm under my knees, the other on my back as he carried me into his room.
"Uh, thanks," I said a little awkwardly.
"No problem," he said, smiling down at me as he led me into his room.
I saw the cage with two geckos in and internally squealed in adoration.
"Aw!" I cooed as we went over to the cage.
"I need to clean it and get 'em food and water, can you look after them?" Smith asked.
"Yeah," I answered, he picked them out of the cage and put them on my lap, they immediately went and climbed not my head, one on the top of my head, the other on my face.
This had happened before - I remembered the geckos!
"Aw, haha," Smith chuckled. "Can I take a picture?" he asked, holding his phone, I nodded. The one on my face put its feet in my eyes so I had them closed, frowning a little.
"That looked cute," he chuckled in a quiet voice. I don't think he intended for me to hear that.
"What did you say?" I asked, pulling the one on my face off and let it drop into my lap, where it hissed, trying to look threatening.
"Nothing," he answered, I rolled my eyes and began to amuse the geckos.
"Aren't your legs numb?" he asked after a while.
"A little," I admitted.
After a while, we ended up sat on his bed, playing Minecraft on the PlayStation.
"Here," he said, pulling my legs onto his, the one in the cast put down gently. "What happened, anyway? All I know is that you and Bates were in a car crash and he got off lightly while you had to undergo surgery," he told me, killing a zombie.
"Uh, Tom has a broken arm. A truck had hit the back of the car, we had crashed and gone down a slope which ended up blocking most of the exits because there were trees on either side. We'd both been knocked unconscious. I must've broken my leg while in the crash, cos when I woke up, it was broke. We smashed the front window and he made me go out first. I caught my leg on some glass and it sunk into my leg. Tom had to pull my leg off and he climbed out, the car soon caught fire and - uh -" I cut off, feeling awkward.
"What?" he asked.
"Nothing," I lied.
"Liar, tell me," he said, poking my side, which made me squeak and move away.
"You ticklish?" he teased, poking me again, I moved and killed his Minecraft character.
"No!" I stated proudly.
"I call bullshit!" he said, then began to tickle me, which made me remember something.
"AAAAH!" I squeaked as he poked my sides.
"Tell me," he 'demanded', stopping to look down at me, where I noticed he had his legs on either side of my hips so he was straddling me. I was a little uncomfortable with it, but pushed the thought aside.
"Why?" I asked, breathing heavily.
"Because I'm a nosey prick who wants to know," he said honestly.
"C'mere," I whispered, he leaned down, his head close to mine. "I'm not telling you," I whispered in his ear. I felt him shiver.
"Please," he begged.
"No, because no-one knows, not even Jonathan, I think. And I don't want you to judge me!" I said, suddenly tears were welling in my eyes.
"Shit," he muttered, sitting up and pulling me into his lap, resting my head on his shoulder.
"I don't even know why I'm crying," I mumbled, wrapping my arms around his middle.
"It's OK," he whispered.
He rubbed my back, whispering sweet soothing nothings in my ear.
"The night before the crash ... Tom kissed me. Then just after, when the car blew up, he did it again. He knows I don't have any feelings for him like he does for me," I admitted.
"Hey, it's OK, I'll tell him," Smiffy reassured me.
"No; he thinks we like each other," I mumbled into his neck.
"Wow," he muttered, I nodded.
"Smith?" I asked quietly.
"Yeah?" He asked.
"Promise me you won't lash out?" I asked, he nodded.
"Promise," he said. I got off of him and we soon began to play games again.
After a while, I began to just watch Smiffy playing on his own, the concentration on his face was adorable.
I fell asleep.

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