I'll See You Later, Brother.

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Jonathan had phoned for a taxi and we were stood outside, waiting for the taxi to arrive. Jonathan had figured out that the best way to get to London quickest was take a taxi to the train station and get the train that goes directly to London and London alone.
"It's fucking freezing," I hissed as a harsh gust of wind attacked us. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close, his body warmth warming up half my body.
"The taxi won't be long," Jonathan told me, rubbing my arm. My teeth were chattering and my breath came out in white puffs of air. Jonathan rest his forehead on my shoulder.
A taxi came up and the guy rolled down his window, looking at us.
"Kogan?" the man asked. We nodded and he got out, helping us get our stuff in the boot of the car.
We got in the car and the taxi man got in.
"Train station?" he asked for confirmation. We nodded and he nodded to himself. "So, why're you going to London?" The taxi driver asked after a few moments of silence.
"My sister here is moving out," Jonathan answered. "Leaving me to try and cope without her presence," he added, looking over at me, smiling.
"Really? It's nice to see young people being independent; my daughter who's a couple of years younger than you, sweetheart, she's always tailing after her mum, doing whenever her mum says and always goes with her friends, never done a thing on her own. She's got her GCSEs coming up and I'm a bit worried that she'll not be able to cope with doing the exams on her own," he rambled a little.
"Aren't they changing what the GCSEs are?" I asked and he hummed. "it's turning from the letters to numbers, right?" I asked.
"Yeah, used to be A* to a failure which was a U. Now it's numbers eight or nine down to zero," he answered.
"That's a bit stupid, right? I mean, we've gotten used to the letters, why change them to numbers?" I asked.
"My point exactly." Taxi man said.
I looked out the window, listening to the conversation Jonathan and the taxi man were having. They had moved onto talking about comedians, which only made me hurt more, thinking about what I was leaving behind.
"Hey, Rosie?" I looked over at Jonathan. "How're you holding up?" he asked. I shrugged and held his hand tightly.
My phone began to vibrate against my leg and I pulled it out, seeing several messages from Smith.

Ally - Look, Kitty, I'm sorry, please come back.

Ally - Please answer me, Kitty, I need to talk to you.

Ally - I'm sorry for what I said, I regret it, please just come back to me and talk.

Ally - Rose, please, message me! I need to talk to you, even if it's just for a moment, I just need to hear your voice.

Ally - I won't stop messaging you until you reply to me.

Ally - Rose, just ... please, I need you.

I sighed and turned my phone off, glancing over at Jonathan who had been looking at me from the corner of his eye.
"Smiffy?" Jonathan asked. I nodded. "How long 'til we get to the train station?" he asked.
"Ten minutes, round about," the taxi driver answered.
We passed a lot of stuff, a park with little kids, teenagers on street corners. I even saw Duncan heading into a bar. Drunkan would be appearing soon in YogTowers.
"That'll be eleven pounds, please," the taxi guy said.
Before I could do anything, Jonathan had taken out his wallet and gave the taxi driver a ten pound note and a pound coin. We took our bags out of the car boot and made out way into the building.
"This is it. No turning back," Jonathan said, turning to look at me.
"I know. Let's get this over with," I said, walking towards where we buy tickets.
After half an hour, we had gotten our tickets.
"Holy shit, that took too long," Jonathan groaned as he dragged his bag behind him.
"You're telling me," I muttered.
"Umph," he grunted as he sat on the bench. We were on the platform, waiting for the train to arrive. The train would come in about half an hour, so we had some time to kill.
"D'you see that creepy guy over there?" I asked.
"Mr. Creepy McCreeperston?" Jonathan asked, discreetly pointing to the creepy guy.
"Yeah," I answered.
"What about him?" Jonathan asked.
"He's gonna eat your toes," I told him. He spluttered and began to laugh, putting his head in his hands as his body shook with silent laughter.
"Not my toes," he whispered through his laughter.
"And your Monopoly houses," I added. He glared at me, but ended up smiling at me.
"No, it's Parv's houses," he said. "I just needed to borrow some money," he said honestly.
"Just because you 'needed' a lot of massages," I said.
"Fuck off," he muttered, but I caught him grinning.
"Will people please stand behind the yellow line -"
"As they may get sucked off," Kogie said, referencing Peter Kay. I grinned at him as we listened to the announcement.
"- as the train to London will be arriving shortly." The robotic-like announcer said.
We both stood up, grabbing our luggage as we watched the train come into view from a long way away.
"This is it," Jonathan said for the billionth time today.
"Yeah, I know," I replied, getting a slight migraine.
We waited patiently for five minutes as the people got off the train. When we could get on, we put our bags on the racks above our heads.
"This is a two hour ride," Jonathan told me as he sat in the chair opposite me. I nodded, pulling out my iPod. "What're you gonna do for two hours?" Jonathan asked.
"Read, listen to music, annoy you," I answered, looking up at him. He rolled his eyes and I winked before lowering my head to look at the device in my hand.

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