Still Awkward ... ish

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It'd been about two weeks since I moved in with Jonathan and Leo.
Still slightly awkward.
My job had been OK, the register was the easiest job, I hardly did anything, except stand, scan and cash.
Jonathan didn't speak to me, only to whoever comes and visits us. That was either Sparkles*, Beckii, Parv, Smiffy, Adam or one of the girls from YogTowers.
I had the day off work, so me and Leo were just lounging around in onesies playing games on the PlayStation.
"Hey," Beckii greeted and sat next to us, both of us had our glasses on and staring at the TV screen, hardly looking like we acknowledged her.
"Hey," I said, leaning back into the sofa, my neck hurting from staying in the same position for too long.
"Did Kogie tell you?" Beckii asked, I frowned and paused the game, earning an angry glare from Leo.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"We're going to Italy to record for the album," Beckii said, I looked over at Jonathan who was on his phone.
"Really? He must'a forgot to tell us," I said, glaring.
"You didn't tell me," Leo said, looking over at my brother.
"Kogie was supposed to tell you," Sparkles* said, then frowned at the bassist.
"Kogie, just leave it, the past is in the past. Move on from it," Leo said, sounding tired.
"Shut the fuck up," Jonathan muttered.
I sighed and watched as the two boys go and get their stuff.
"When're you lot goin'?" I asked Sparkles* as he sat next to me and played the game with me - GTA V.
"Tomorrow," he told me, I raised my eyebrows in slight shock. "Here, gimme your phone," he muttered, I handed him it and he typed in several numbers looking at his phone every so often. "Mine, Beckii and Parv's numbers, in case you feel lonely or need someone else to talk to," he said. I looked at him and smiled, kissing his cheek, I saw a vague blush form on his cheeks.
I leaned against his side and we played GTA together while everyone else ran around, getting Leo and Jonathan's stuff which they needed to pack since they hadn't packed at all.
"Sparks*, Rosie, a little help? Parv asked, we looked at him and shook our heads then turned back to the game.
We were sat on the sofa for three hours before they were all done and could relax.
"Thanks for the help, guys," Beckii moaned, sitting next to Sparks*, who grinned and side-hugged her.
"You're welcome," we said casually, most of our attention on GTA.
Then I was killed by 'JordanCenaKelly'.
"That name looks familiar," Leo said as I respawned.
"Yeah, why?" I asked.
"Dunno," he shrugged. "Must've seen it in a video somewhere," he added.
Time went pretty fast and soon enough, they had to go to bed.
Beckii was staying in my room, again, while Sparkles* took the sofa and Parv was sharing with Jonathan. I was sure they were gay together ... I shipped it!
"So, you gonna be OK?" Beckii asked as we laid down on our separate beds, listening to the quietened shouts coming from the boys' rooms. I don't want to know what they're doing.
"Yeah. I always am," I said coolly.
"So, Kim told us you made a brilliant edit and Simon agreed. Apparently Lewis might offer you a job as an editor," Beckii said. I pulled a face and I heard her laugh. I guessed she saw.
"That'd be nice, but I very much doubt it," I said, yawning.
"I don't doubt it. You've got a dark sense of humour and as you're sarcastic that'll help with the
quality of the video. I think you'll get it," Beckii said, I rolled my eyes and turned onto my side, a dry attempt at getting comfy on this crappy bed.
"Go to sleep, you need it, big day tomorrow," I muttered.
"OK. Night." Beckii yawned, turning her back to me and curling up in the covers.
"Night." I replied, closing my eyes.


Everything was so hectic.
Jonathan couldn't find any underwear, so had stole some of mine (he could keep them, I didn't want them back), Parv was complaining that he couldn't find his 'special photo', which I didn't want to know about or see - ever. Sparkles* couldn't untangle his hair. Leo couldn't find a decent pair of drum sticks, and Beckii misplaced her feminine hygiene products.
These people ...
"Get mine from my room!" I yelled back, and saw him sprint across and crash into my room, falling face first onto the carpet.
Idiot couldn't balance properly and apparently drummers have OK balance. Apparently not this one, though.
"ROSIE, I WANT MY SPECIAL PHOTO!" Parv yelled, he was clutching my leg as I was running a brush through what was supposed to be Sparkles*' hair, but I swore it was cardboard and straw. No offence to him, it was just his hair was being a massive twat.
"THEN WHY DON'T YOU GO AND FUCKING FIND IT INSTEAD OF HOLDING MY LEG?" I shouted, he pouted and stormed off, acting like the five year old he was.
"Rose, can I borrow some -?" Beckii began, coming up to me.
"Yeah," I interrupted, finding a massive knot and carefully brushed it out. "What the fuck is wrong with your hair?" I asked, finding another knot and brushed it out.
"I don't know," he admitted sheepishly as I turned his head and brushed a different part of his hair.
"You guys almost ready to leave?" I called.
"NO!" Jonathan yelled in return. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to Sparkles*' crazy hair.
"If Lewis offered you the job, would you take it?" Sparkles* asked.
"Dunno, probably, I just wouldn't want to get my hopes up," I shrugged, running a hand through my hair. "All done, mister," I said, raking my hands in his hair, checking for sneaky knots. None.
"Thanks," he muttered, getting up and kissed my cheek before going and sorting all of his stuff out.
With their leader back in place, they were soon ready to go.
"Bye," Leo said, hugging me tightly. "Love you," he added under his breath.
"You too," I replied, he smiled and ruffled my hair.
Beckii and Parv then hugged me and said 'see you later' and left with the luggage.
"See ya later, Squirt," Sparkles* said, hugging me and kissing my cheek.
"See ya, Ginner," I said, kissing his cheek. "Keep 'em safe," I added, he nodded and left with his stuff.
Now, that left me and Jonathan.
"So ..." he trailed off.
"S'OK, dumbass. We've both made mistakes, we're cool," I said, he grinned and hugged me.
"That's the flowerpot I know and love," he said.
"Right ... you best get going, Derpy, or you'll all be late for your flight," I said, pulling away from the hug.
"OK, love you, stay safe. If you get scared or anything, Kaeyi and Martyn's numbers are on a piece of paper on the kitchen counter." he said, I nodded and he kissed my forehead before leaving.
I nad the place all to myself for four weeks.
Oh, they were so gonna regret it.

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