Back At Work

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(A/N: been meaning to say this for the last couple chapters but kept forgetting - THANK YOU FOR THE 1K+ READS! I can't thank you enough! How you put up with this I'll never know!)

It had been a few weeks since the stupid scenario where I kissed Sparks* and told Jonathan I'd had enough.
Tom Bates had acted as if anything between us had never happened, which I was kinda thankful for because that'd just make everything a whole lot worse and as bitchy as it probably sounds - I didn't need that kind of drama in my life.
Jonathan and Leo don't talk to me, which I had learnt to get over with; life was a bitch and then you die. You gotta get on with life, even if you didn't p want to.
I wasn't so sure whether I wanted to continue living, but I knew I had got to be strong and happy for those around me because if I was a total sad sack, then it rubs off onto everyone else, and that was what we needed least.
"Mini!" Turner cheered as I entered the Editors' Room.
He literally ran and picked me up, squeezing me to death.
"OK ... can't breathe, Turner," I gasped. He chuckled, which vibrated onto me and he let me down, not before taking off my hat and ruffling my hair up. I mock glared at him as I sat at my desk, putting my hat back on my head, covering my ears with my hair, then put on my headphones as I loaded up the things I'd need to edit the video I was going to edit: Garry's Mod Trouble in Terrorist Town.
I felt at home with the other editors; I had fun people around me and made me feel happy and made me enjoy my time here. I was really thankful to know them, even if they could be dicks at times.
After editing, I had gone into the kitchenette to get a drink and hopefully some food. I jumped a little, turning and glaring at Smith, who was stood in the doorway, laughing at me.
He was wearing the new Wine or Cheese top and had a beanie on.
Damn, he looked good - shut up, mind! Be dirty after work.
"What's with the hat?" I asked, leaning against the countertop.
"Borrowed it from Sjin to do the wine or cheese acting thing," he said, smiled a little, rolling my eyes.
"By 'borrowed' you mean you asked for it, but will never give it back," I stated, he sighed and nodded.
"You got that right," he muttered. "Good to see you back here, anyway," he added, half smiling and I screwed the lid onto my bottle of pop.
"Thanks," I said.
"When do you have a break?" he asked, looking at his watch.
"Uh, I've got another half an hour before I go back to work," I told him, looking at my phone.
"Wanna hang out with me, Ross and Trott?" Smith asked.
"Uh, sure," I stammered a little, he grinned and held out his hand, which I took and he led me into his office.
Holy shit, could Trott scream!
Ross grabbed me and pulled me over his shoulder.
"FUCKING HELL!" I shouted, feeling dizzy as he spun around in a circle. "I don't want to be looking at your ass!" I added, sounding a little annoyed.
"Tough," Ross muttered and began to run a little.
"JESUS, DON'T DO THAT!" I hollered, gripping his top tightly. Smith and Trott were roaring with laughter at my displeasure.
"SIRS, I HAVE A PEASANT!" Ross shouted.
I hated the guy sometimes.
But still, it was in his nature - to be a knobhead at times.
After about ten minutes of feeling I might be dropped on my head, I was finally allowed to get down.
"Have you guys ever played a horror game?" I asked, sitting on their sofa.
"We've played Minecraft Slender," Trott said.
"No, like Five Nights at Freddy's. Outlast, that kind of thing," I said. They shook their heads and I rolled my eyes. "You should, people might get a little bored of just Trials, GTA and Minecraft." I told them.
"Actually, the games are kinda scary that we don't want to play them," Ross admitted and I snorted with laughter, biting back my smile.
"I've played Outlast three times. It's fucking terrifying, but it's a good game," I admitted.
"We'll consider it," Trott said.
"And by that you mean you'll watch a YouTuber's playthrough, be scared of that and be too scared to actually play the game," I said bluntly.
"Yeah, pretty much," they muttered together, causing me to roll my eyes at them.
"Get someone like Hannah or Kim to play with you," I said. "People want to see more Quimby. Or is it Kiss or Rim?" I asked, smirking.
"What?" Ross asked, but Smith snorted and started to laugh quietly.
"I ship it," I said to Smith, who went into outrageous laughter.
"Forget DunKim, support Rim!" Trott said, finally catching on.
"Fuck, yeah," I agreed.
"I still don't get it," Ross admitted. I chuckled a little, raising my right eyebrow at him.
"Shit, you're serious," I muttered, biting my thumbnail a little, keeping my hand close to my face. "It's you and Kim, your ship name. Rim, or Kiss, or Quimby," I explained, realisation crept upon his face.
"Why Quimby?" he asked.
"Quim and Hornby put together," I shrugged.
"Do we have a fangirl on our hands?" Smith asked.
"Nah, I just read fanfics when I have nothing better to do!" I said honestly. "You should - there's loads, some about you guys, I swear I saw one and it was a threesome one which is kinda creepy, there was another, and it became very detailed, it was Smith and Trott together. Let's just say it got too smutty to continue. Another was you two again and it said Trott thought Smith had a large dick, but when it got smutty, you had like the smallest known to man and Trott's was apparently bigger," I said. Trott, who had happened to be taking a drink, choked on it, spluttering, trying to breathe.
"I can't believe you just told us that," Ross chuckled, smirking at his two friends.
"You can't talk, there was one and you were a fucking stripper!" I said, which made Trott and Smith burst into laughter, tears going down their faces. "Full body glitter, heels and the outfit to go with it!" I added. "You apparently make a good show," I muttered, taking a drink of my pop. "You liked to give Smith a good show too," I added, making the ginger choke on his spit, mock glaring at me. "Well, it was a Smornby fic!" I exclaimed. "Besides, it was you who asked for the show in the first place!" I said.
They were either blushing or laughing for the next five minutes.
"I'm sorry, but you have some very dedicated fangirls," I told Ross, who was blushing. "And fanboys," I added.
"Shut up," Ross muttered grumpily.
"What if we're in a fanfic? And our lives are the toys of a demonic die-hard fangirl?" I asked, shaking Smith who was sat next to me. "WHAT IF WE'RE IN A FANFIC?" I shouted.
"Then they're lucky they get some control over you," Trott muttered.
"Nothing has control over me!" I exclaimed defiantly! Not definitely, defiantly - two very different words, too bad some people didn't know the difference in spelling.
"Whatever, don't you have some editing to do?" Ross asked.
"Rude," I muttered under my breath so they didn't hear me. "Nah, I've got, like, ten minutes left before I have to go back to the pit," I shrugged.
"Pit, how lovely," Ross muttered and got me in a headlock.
"Motherfucker!" I yelled. Let's just say my voice went higher than any of us could've expected.
"What was that?" Trott snorted, holding his stomach, laughing once again. Ross had let go of me to hold his sides.
"A thing I wish never happened," I grumbled.
"I never believed you could go as high as Kim," Ross said.
"QUIMBY!" I screamed. "I'm leaving," I sighed as they were laughing at me. "Douchebags," I grumbled and left the room.
I went back into the Editors' room and put my feet up on Turner's chair, which I had wheeled to mine so I could rest my feet because my feet and my leg hurt.
"Hey," I looked over at Colin, who had spoken.
"Hi," I replied, and put my headphones around my neck.
"How's life?" he asked.
"Depends," I muttered.
"How so?" he asked, leaning back in his chair.
"Great job and friends, but not talking to my brother at the moment," I admitted.
"Life is like that. But you and Kogie are family, you'll both get over whatever it is and get back to whatever normal you two can get," he said, making me smile.
"Since when are you full of wisdom?" I asked.
"When I want to be," he shrugged and we went back to editing the videos, sending them off to the correct channel and uploading them when we had to.
Eh, life was strange.
I spent the rest of the day just editing, sometimes joking with the others so they'd think I was OK and made sure the quality of the videos were good.
When I got back to the flat, I laid down on the sofa, glad they'd gone to a different country.
Don't get me wrong, I still loved the two idiots even if they were assholes at times, but like what Colin said, we would get over it. Well, one way or another, and we'd get on with our lives.
I began to play GTA, seeing Hannah, Lewis, Hat Films, Sjin, Sips and Duncan were on, and began to snipe them, killing them all.
Sips sent me a message via chat:

Y u do dis?

I merely smiled and continued to kill them, making their lives a living hell.
Eventually, Smiffy had killed me and I swear they might as well as been cheering their heads off in their offices.
I carried on playing, even after they had left the game, just free-roaming and killing civilians and getting five stars and being chased by the cops. Yep, I was totally living the life.

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