A Walk Home With ... Tom Clarke?

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Sparkles* paid for our bus fee and amused a few little kids that were also on the bus.
We got glares from teens my age (ish) and they swore under their breaths, saying awful things about Sparkles*.
I hated people.
"I can't believe they said that stuff about you," I muttered angrily, he took my hand and led me to McDonald's, where he ordered a Big Mac meal for us both.
"It doesn't matter," he said, as we sat in the booth, sat opposite each other. "Anyway! Four months and you're legally an adult," he said, affectively changing the topic.
"Yeah," I sighed, resting my head on my fists, elbows on the table. "That's kinda scary," I added, he chuckled a bit breathily, but smiled at me.
"Yeah, it was for me ... about nine years ago," he added, I smiled a little, a quiet snort escaping me.
"That makes you sound old." I commented. He hummed in agreement, accepting the food a waiter gave us.
We began to eat the food, Sparkles* cracking random jokes.
"Wanna hear a Walking Dead joke?" he asked, I frowned, nodded. "Why did the Governor change his name?" he asked.
"Dunno, why?" I asked.
"Because Philip has two eyes and Brian only has one," he said. I choked on the chip in my mouth, laughing.
"Wow," I said, trying to suppress a giggle.
"It's good to see you smile," he said, a small one on his face. I felt my cheeks redden slightly, so I looked down. "I'm being honest," he said, I smiled a little.
"Thanks," I said, he kissed my forehead, moving my hair away from my face.
After a while, we decided to go into Asda, where we were going to shout out some weird things.
"I am Dave!Yognau(gh)t and -" I cut off from my shout.
"I HAVE THE BALLS!" Someone else yelled from a few isles down.
"Janie!" I heard a woman scold, we went to the isle and saw a girl just younger than me with dark green hair and snake piercings.
"Sorry, Miss, but it's to see whether or not someone who knows the Yogscast are near us," I said to the woman. The girl, Janie, gaped at us.
"Oh, my god, you're Sparkles* and Mini-Kogie!" she exclaimed.
"Mini-Kogie," Sparkles* whispered.
"Yeah, we are," I said.
"Could I have a selfie with you two?" she asked, we nodded, she took out her phone and she took the photo. "Kogie, how come you've not been editing the videos?" Janie asked.
It feels weird, the nickname is Jonathan's, not mine.
"Me and another editor were in a car crash, we've been recovering but I'll be going to work again soon," I reassured her.
"Good, your editing made the videos a lot more funny to watch," she said, I smiled a little, looking at Sparkles*, who grinned at me.
"Thanks," I said, she smiled at me and waved, leaving with her mum.
"C'mon," Sparkles* said, leading me through the store.
We got some pop and a few chocolate bars and began to walk around.
"Where are we going?" I asked, as he led me to a woodsy part of Bristol.
"I thought we could go for a picnic or something in the woods, just to talk about things," he shrugged, I smiled and held his hand, walking alongside him.
We walked along a path, and saw there was a tree growing over the path.
We both ducked under it, smiling slightly.
The silence was comfortable and I felt at peace with Sparkles*.
"Here," he said, stopping and sitting down. I sat next to him and looked at the scenery.
It was beautiful.
There were trees spaced out and we seemed to be sat in the middle of them.
"This place is amazing," I sighed, laying beside Sparkles*, who had done so before me.
"I know. I found it a few years back and wanted to show someone this, but never really had the chance ... until now," he added, I smiled a little, looking over at him.
"I wish we could just run away from everything sometimes, just ... not have to worry about anything, not have to be bothered about life and how it's a complete bitch," I told Sparkles*, looking back up at the sky.
"I know the feeling," he admitted, I looked over at him, frowning. "I feel the weight of helping the band. I love them all, despite their errors. I just ... I wish I didn't have to put up with it all, to feel I'm not good enough to do what I do, even though people tell me I'm good enough," he said, letting out a frustrated sigh.
"Sparks*, you are good enough to manage the band, you can do anything," I said. "You're good enough to know when I needed you most," I added in a whisper.
"I love you, Rosie, I do. I know you'll never feel the same way, but I know the one thing I'm gonna be good enough to be? Your protector, your shoulder to cry on, hell, even your fucking punchbag, I'm never gonna let you feel alone, I'm gonna take Leo's place and be a better person," he said.
This is one of the reasons my feelings got so mixed up.
Sparkles* says something that makes my feelings for him go high, make me feel as if I actually love him, that I want to spend (perhaps) my life with the guy, but when I go over memories, I felt the same way for Smith, I remembered every moment from before the crash, how I adored his geckos. How he'd be a funny dumbass, hell, how we first met!
Two ginger bastards manage to take control of my emotions and make me feel as if I can't choose - as bitchy and as much of a cow that makes me sound like - between them. Better to not love either of them than break their hearts.
That was why I should've not let anyone get close to me so I could die quietly, so no-one felt hurt when I went, so they didn't get hurt by me, because I was a fucking wreck; I destroyed the friendship I had with Leo and in twenty-four hours I managed to kiss a different guy within that fucking time.
I was such a mess.
"Rosie?" Sparkles* asked, I looked over to him and he wiped at my face.
Oh, for fuck's sake, I was crying ... again.
"Baby," he mumbled, and pulled me into his side, where he hugged me. "You wanna tell me what's wrong?" he asked quietly.
"My feelings are screwing me over," I said, he chuckled.
"Yeah, at your age, I reckon they tend to do that," he told me.
"Thanks for the support," I joked.
"Yeah, it's my specialty," he told me.
"Your specialty is singing," I corrected, he chuckled and looked back up at the sky.
"Thanks," he said, taking my hand, entwining our fingers. "What's your specialty?" he asked, glancing at me, I shrugged.
"I dunno ... I can play guitar and drums, I can use computers and edit videos. There's nothing special to be a specialty," I said, he chuckled a little.
"You heard that girl today, your editing made the videos a lot more humorous. Isn't that a good thing? You can make people laugh, make them happy. That's your specialty," he told me.
"A comedian ... I think I better leave that to the professionals and hide behind the scenes," I muttered.
"Nah," he said, then got up, holding out his hand. "Wanna dance with me?" he asked, I half-smiled and took his hand. He held my hips as I put my arms around his neck loosely, swaying from side to side.
"Why're we dancing? In the middle of nowhere with no music," I asked, he smiled a little, looking to the side.
"There's alway time for living,
Can we just do it again?
One more time like it once was... Way Back When.
You gave me something to believe in,
We were the best of friends.
Well I remember the good times... Way Back When," he sung, I smiled, knowing the song. Way Back When by Grizfolk. I liked the song.
"La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Memories will fade,
If you want to leave I'll let you go,
I'll guide you on your way, I'll be there for you, don't you know," I sung, he smiled, taking my hand, lifting it up and twirled around, then put my hands back around his neck. He kissed my cheek before carrying on with the song.
"Superheroes and villains,
When we used to pretend.
We'd go wherever our minds will take us... Way Back When," we rest our foreheads against each other's our eyes closed.
"La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la
Memories will fade,
If you want to leave, I'll let you go,
I'll guide you on your way, I'll be there for you don't you know.
It's a promise that I made, never be afraid.
I know we'll be okay, the love we have we can't outgrow," I sung in a quiet voice.
"I love you, but if you wanna leave, I'll let you go," Sparkles* whispered, pressing his lips onto mine.
I ran my fingers through his hair as he pulled me closer to his body, lifting me up slightly.
We pulled away from each other, panting, our foreheads resting together. His lips were soft and (as the fanfics say) pretty kissable. I actually felt like I wanted to kiss him more, but restricted that feeling; I wasn't turning into a slut.
"We - we should probably go back. The others might be worried," I panted, he nodded in agreement.
We got all our stuff and walked back the way we had come, hands linked together slightly.
"Sparkles*?" I asked after a while, we were still walking the route we had come, just at a much slower pace.
"Yes?" he asked.
"What are we?" I asked, he stopped and turned to face me.
"I dunno, actually. But whatever it is, I know you don't want it. I'm just gonna stick myself in the friendzone. Smith needs you and you need him," he added, I stopped walking altogether staring at him in confusion. "What?" he asked.
"You said Smith needs me and I need him. Why?" I asked, not saying that I don't need the guy, I mean, we might've been close before, but I honestly don't remember feeling close to him, maybe only being safe when near him.
"He really likes you, when you didn't hang out with him, he'd talk about how much he liked you, though Kogie would probably cockblock him," he (hopefully) joked the last part.
"Funny, real cute," I said bluntly, he rolled his eyes.
"Then why're you wearing his jumper?" Sparkles* called after me. I stopped walking and looked down, only just noticing I was wearing a Cornerstone jumper.
"I didn't notice," I admitted, he smiled at me and I looked down.
"You like him, he likes you," Sparkles* sighed. "And, honestly? I think I'd rather see you with him than with me," he admitted.
"Uh, OK," I said, sounding a little unsure.
We got back to civilisation, and began to walk along the main roads, a few people actually recognising us and asked to have selfies with us.
We got to a crossroads and had to wait at the lights.
"Haha! It's Rosie!" An all too familiar voice cackled, I looked up and saw Ross.
"Eat shit," Sparkles* told him.
"No!" Ross muttered, then pulled me into his side, almost suffocating me and hurting my arms.
"Shit, gerroff!" I snapped, pushing his arms away.
"Fuck, sorry," Ross said.
"Dumbass," I muttered under my breath. "What're you doing on your own, anyway?" I asked.
"Smith's at some Airsoft thing and Trott's with his girlfriend." Ross answered.
"Cool," Sparkles* said, and we crossed the road.
"Who's mad enough to date Trott? I mean, what the fuck has he done which his beard? It doesn't suit him," I admitted, they chuckled at my comment, despite it being a little mean on Trott.
Ross began to muck about and I was kinda thankful that he soon left to his home.
He was a bit of a crazy bastard and I didn't think I'd be able to cope with him 24/7.
Sparkles* pulled my hand into one of his pockets and kept my hand warm as we walked along the roads.
After about ten minutes, we had gotten back to the flat, where the guys were packing up, again. Seriously? I mean, they were starting gigs soon and they had been in and out the country more times than their ages, no joke.
"Rose," Jonathan greeted in a dark tone.
Shit, he wasn't happy.
Oh, well, had a nice life - not.
"Hey, Kogie," Sparkles* greeted him, a smile on his face. I frowned slightly at the ginger, but this went unnoticed.
"Leave my sister alone," Jonathan said in a quiet yet dangerous tone of voice, I noticed our hands were still in Sparks*' pocket so I pulled mine away. I saw Leo had seen this action and he sent a glare my way.
"Hey, if she needs a friend at her time of need, I'm gonna be there for her," Sparkles* stated.
"So sucking her face off is what you call being her friend?" Jonathan snapped.
"No. That was in the heat of the moment and just a little accident. I was there for her after shit went down," Sparkles told him.
Want to know what I hate? The fact I sound so pathetic having to need someone there for me! If I hadn't come here, then I'd still be friends with Leo and I'd be as independent as I was before. Give or take the crucial skills meetings I'd have to go to once a month, but still! I was probably stronger away and alone with only a phone to contact people than having so many people around me.
Mind rant over ... I think.
"Yeah, like what?" Jonathan asked.
"That's private and none of your business," I snarled suddenly, glaring daggers at Jonathan. "Some big brother you are, being a total dick, then lulling me into thinking you're the brother you're supposed to be, and fucking everything up! I was better off not living with you! At least I was better than what I am now."
Although the rant at Jonathan probably probably didn't make a whole lot of sense to the others, me and him knew what I was talking about. It had probably hurt both of us, me saying those things, but to be honest, they had to be said.
I didn't want to take any more of his shit.

Mini-Kogie?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن