Staying in Yogtowers

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After greeting everyone and getting to know their names, I was stuck with Kim while everyone went and recorded their shizzle. Kim was busy but didn't mind me being in her presence. She's a nice woman.
I checked my phone and saw messages from Jonathan and Leo:


Leo: Hey, where r u? Text meh plez xx

I quickly text Jonathan my whereabouts and that I'm OK, then began to message Leo.

ROSIE: I'm at YogTowers, will u talk to me?x

Leo: Yes. U OK?xxxx

ROSIE: Dunno xxxx

Leo: It's OK, Kogie feels really bad xx

ROSIE: Well, he made me feel low xx

Leo: I know, gtg, we're all coming to yoggy xx

ROSIE: Yoggy? Wtf, man xxx

Leo: Don't judge my awesomeness bae xxxx

I put my phone into my pocket and looked over at Kim's computer screen, she was struggling with the editing.
"Need help?" I asked, she turned and looked at me.
"You know your way around a computer and editing videos?" she asked, I nodded and she got out of her seat and I began to edit it, with my own dark humour.
Once it was finished, she watched the video and looked at me in awe.
She literally got down on her knees and repeatedly bowed to me. It was pretty weird.
"You are a god among us. I love you," she said, I smiled and started to laugh a little.
"What's going on?" A ginger man said, he was eating a Jaffa Cake.
"I'm in love with Rosie, she's Kogie's sister," Kim said. "She's created the best video ever!" Kim said, I smiled shyly.
"I'm Simon, the mighty dwarf," he said, I mock saluted him and he smiled. "So, what's the video?" Simon asked, Kim showed him. "Holy shit, this is brilliant," Simon said, sounding awed.
"What's happening?" I heard Sparkles* ask as Kim was bowing to me and Simon was feeding me some cookies. He and Jonathan were in the doorway looking at the curious scene.
"She's a god," Kim said. "Kogie, why don't you have her editing skills?" she questioned.
Jonathan looked at me, looked away, then left.
"What's wrong with him?" Simon asked.
"He's on his boy periods," I muttered, this was apparently hilarious as everyone started to laugh.
After a while, everything calmed down and Leo had me walk around with him.
"So, you OK?" he asked, his hand in mine, our hands in my jacket pockets.
"I dunno," I muttered.
"Hey, I'm here for you, I know you're taking it hard, wearing your heart on your sleeve. Taking what he said personally," Leo murmured, his head close to mine.
"I know," I mumbled, he kissed my temple.
"I'm here for you, y'know," he said, I nodded. He pulled me into a hug and lifted me off of my feet. He swayed a little and I smiled into his neck.
We walked back and made it to the studio Sparkles* used to be in, before he stopped working for the Yogs. We sat on the sofa as I went onto Twitter.
Oh, shit.
"Uh, Leo?" I asked, he looked at me and I showed him the phone screen.
"Oh, you have to be fucking joking," he growled under his breath. "Seriously? Fucking Trott," Leo grumbled and laid his head back on the sofa. "Kogie's gonna kill me," he sighed, I nodded in agreement.
"LEO!" Jonathan's angry voice screamed, we looked at each other and I shoved him into the recording studio, quickly shutting the door behind him.
I logged out of Twitter and looked up to see Jonathan burst through the doors.
Well, he's got good timing.
"Where's Leo?" Jonathan demanded.
"He's gone to the bathroom, why?" I asked casually.
"Have you not seen what Trott's put on Twitter?" he demanded, and shoved his phone in my face.
The picture was me and Leo, hugging tightly, both our faces visible, the caption read:


Wow, we looked like we were one of those cliché couples ...
"Leo's like a brother to me, why would I date him?" I asked, looking at Jonathan.
"Maybe you like him - do you know what you're doing, dating him? He's a player, he'll hurt you, break your already emotional state," he said, I glared at him.
"Sorta like you then? You used to be a player, you hurt me, broke me and my mental state, drained me of any emotions. Leo took your place as a big brother, he was there for me when you left, he picked up the pieces. Don't you dare insult Leo when it was your doing." I snarled. "Now, leave me alone," I mumbled.
He looked hurt and turned to leave.
"Imagine what you're feeling, and amplify that by about six billion and then some," I called after him.
I sighed and sat back down, Leo came out and sat next to me.
"It's gonna be OK," he muttered, kissing my head.
What felt like hours passed before anyone else came in, the guy that did was Alex.
"Hey, Smiffy," Leo greeted.
"You guys OK?" he asked, sitting next to me.
"Yeah," we both replied.
That's all we ever were: OK. Never great, sad, fantastic ... just OK.
"So, what Trott posted, I told him to take it down, or at least put a different caption on it," he told us.
"Thanks, Smiffy," Leo said.
"Shouldn't you be recording?" I asked, looking up at Alex, who shook his head.
"Nah, sweetie. Ross and Trott are editing and I've got nothing to edit, so I thought I could come and hang with you two," Alex told us, we nodded.
"I need to go to the bathroom, and face the Kogie music," Leo muttered. We nodded to him as he got up, he kissed my head and left.
"So, what's with you and Leo? If you don't mind me asking," Alex asked, I looked up at him and sighed.
I'd been saying the same shit repeatedly, hadn't I?
"Well, to cut it short, Jonathan stopped being in contact with me, Leo stayed in contact and became the brother Jonathan once was, but we became closer, and Jonathan's jealous, I guess? I stayed in Leo's room cos I feel safe near him and Jonathan saw us this morning and shit hit the fan," I said, trying to keep it short.
"Wow," he muttered, I smiled at him a little and he returned it.
"Keep that smile on your face; you look beautiful," he complimented, I blushed and hung my head, the shyness suddenly flooding through me.
"Uh, thanks," I said.
"So, whats your favourite colour?" Alex asked.
"Black. You?" I asked.
"Red," he said, gesturing to the shirt he was wearing.
"Is that all you wear?" I asked, he chuckled a little, nodding.
"I could say the same for you," he said, looking at my top.
"I have different coloured clothes, I just decided to wear these." I shrugged.
"Riiiiight," he said, I rolled my eyes at him. "Not to sound rude, but how old are you?" he asked.
"Seventeen," I said honestly.
"Wow. That makes me feel old. I'm twenty-six," he said, I smiled up at him.
"You're OK, old man," I joked, he mock-glared at me and ruffled my hair.
"Thanks, kid," he said, smiling.
Damn, he looked so adorable - ROSE, STOP IT!
"No problem," I replied.
"You do know I'm the same age as Sparkles*," he said, I rolled my eyes.
"Exactly," I muttered. "Old ginger bastards should stick together," I said. He gave me a 'really?' look and I simply smiled at him.
After that, we began to talk about aimless stuff, movies, comics, food, etc.
"Hey, Rosie? We're going," Leo said, popping his head into the room.
"'K," I said, getting up and stretching a little.
"I'll see you later, yeah?" Alex asked, I nodded.
"See you," I said and followed Leo out of the office.
Jonathan was stood by the car, waiting patiently for us.
Silently, we got into the car and he drove us home.
It'd been two hours and Jonathan hadn't said a word to us, which had us both worried.
I went to my bedroom and sighed.
I never expected things like this to happen when going to YogTowers.
Third day with my brother and I already fucked things up.
I was such a good sister.
Not ...

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