Piggyback Races and Mortal Combat

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"Your idea of us having the weekend together is with Ross flirting with Kim, Trott looking ready to fuck his girlfriend and Sparkles* talking to Beckii about Japanese stuff?" I asked Smith.
"... They wouldn't fuck off," he admitted.
"So what're we gonna do?" I asked. We were both sat on the park bench, the girls talking to each other about some girly thing like makeup. The lads were talking about football and Back to the Future. How normal ... something was wrong.
"I spoke with the guys and they said we should do a piggyback race." Smith said, sounding like an excited child on Christmas Day.
"Um, sure," I said, giving him a nod. "I guess they're already in teams. Speckii*, Nanomax, Trott and Katie and us?" I asked. He nodded and looked over at Ross and Kim.
"Is it only me that thinks they act like a couple, but no-one's actually asked if they're together so we don't know if they're together?" Smith asked.
"Yeah, I think they should just get on with it and kiss." I admitted. Tom Clark (Angor) came into view with a camera and I smiled, shaking my head slightly. "I'm guessing this is going up onto the channel?" I asked, him to nodded his answer, setting up the camera.
The course was to run around the Mary-go-round, go through some swings, duck under the slide and jump over the small fence before running under the monkey bars and to whoever was at the end.
Ross got us all together and introduced the video along with the help of Trott and Smith.
"Right guys, so #Rolex against #Speckii* for the first round," Ross said. Ross and Trott went and marked the start and finish, so we had to move around the things in the park, making it far more difficult than if it was just in a straight line. Well, this was the Yogscast, what would you expect?
"Right, mount your men," Ross said when we were at the starting line. I burst out laughing and held on to Smith's arm, using him to stay up straight. Sparkles* facepalmed and was shaking from laughter. Beckii was blushing, not looking at anyone. Kim was laughing manically, Trott and Katie holding on to each other from laughing so much. I was still giggling to myself even after everyone had calmed down. I was still laughing to myself like a lunatic when I had gotten onto Smith's back, Beckii on Sparkles*' back.
"Mounted hard and high," I said, not regretting anything as I kept a straight face. Sparkles*, Kim and Katie facepalmed and Smith just sighed.
"In three - one, two, three, GO!" F.A.P..
Smith and Sparkles* began to run and I held onto Smith tightly.
"I suddenly regret my decision!" I yelped as Smith jumped over something. I had my face buried in Smith's neck, too scared to see my death approaching me.
"So do I!" Beckii squealed as Sparkles* tripped and almost fell over. The two gingers ran past a Mary-go-round and through some swings.
"FUCKING HELL, SMITH ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US?" I screamed as he tripped up and we fell over. I landed on my back, Smith landing on my leg as Sparkles* and Beckii ran past us, Beckii shouting a quick 'sorry' when she saw us on the ground.
"Sorry," he groaned.
"Please get off my leg," I begged, sitting up. He got up and helped me up, then offered to the piggyback.
"We have to finish the race," he said and I groaned, reluctantly getting back on his back and he ran off, trying to catch up to Sparkles* and Beckii.
"SPARKLES*, WATCH OUT FOR DOG SHIT!" I shouted. He immediately slowed down and kept his eyes on the ground, trying to see the shit before accidentally stepping in it. Smith sped in front and he finished the race, almost crashing into Trott. I jumped down from Smith's back and he pulled me into a hug.
"Yes, bitches we fucking won!" he yelled as Sparkles* walked over the finished line, Beckii clutching onto him for dear life.
"GG, mate," Sparkles* said and I helped Beckii get down.
"Dismount complete," I said. The two gingers rolled their eyes at me and Beckii just shook her head slightly.
We went back to the others and it was #Nanomax against #Tratie ...? I don't know what their ship name actually is.
Ross and Kim won which was sort of expected because Ross is so tall and Kim is so small which gives them the advantage while Katie and Trott are more or less the same height so an equal amount of weight while Nanomax had possibly less weight to carry. Plus, Trott and Katie fell over at the swings and Ross and Kim actually jumped over them.
Then it was the battle of the losers where Sparkles* and Beckii went up against Trott and Katie to see who the true losers were. I was rooting for Sparkles* and Beckii to win while Smith was rooting for Trott and Katie. We even placed bets on who would win.
Smith owed me some money.
Trott and Katie were now out of the race and sat on a bench, watching the antics.
It was Smith and I up against Ross and Kim.
The course had now been changed. Now we had to run around the slide, run around the Mary-go-round, go through some of the swings, run around Trott and Katie on the bench, jump over a different small fence and run back all the way across to the finish line where Beckii was stood.
"Ready?" Sparkles* called. Kim and I jumped onto their backs and they put their arms around us so that we wouldn't fall. "One, two, three - GO!! F.A.P.!" Sparkles* shouted.
I gripped Smith tightly as he begun to run, Ross slightly in front of us. I heard Kim screaming at Ross to go faster and I resisted the urge to say something to her.
"Smith!" I squeaked as he tripped a little, giving Ross and Kim some leeway.
"You try and run it then!" Smith yelled to me as he ran around the slide, trying to catch up to Ross and Kim.
I saw Beckii and she threw something to us. I reached up for it and caught it. It was a tennis ball.
"Try and get closer," I told Smith, who reluctantly sped up. I aimed and threw it, it went over their heads and bounced before slowing and stopping.
"What was tha- AAAAAAHH!" Kim screamed as Ross stood on it and they fell over, Ross turning so he landed on the floor and Kim landed on him. "Sorry," I heard her say as Smith and I ran past her.
Smith ran ahead and before I could comprehend anything, we were beside Beckii and I had been dropped onto the floor as he attempted at getting his breath back.
"ROLEX WINS!" Beckii shouted, jumping around.
It ended up being me and Kim against Beckii and Katie. Katie and I would be the runners and Beckii and Kim would be the backpack-like things we have to carry as they were the shortest.
Katie and I were stood at the starting line, Beckii and Kim a few feet away so they could jump onto our backs.
"One, two, three - GO, GO, BRAVO!" Sparkles* yelled. Kim managed to get on my back before Beckii got onto Katie's and I began to sprint, keeping Kim upright by holding her by her legs. Kim kept squealing, holding onto me with surprising strength.
"Make a short cut!" Kim exclaimed when Katie and Beckii rushed past us. How the fuck could Katie do that?
I sighed a little then took a deep breath as I sprinted and jumped onto the poles on the Mary-go-round, Kim holding on for dear life. Somehow, I managed to jump onto the pole at the top of the swings and ran across it then jumped down, ducking under the slide, now ahead of Katie and Beckii.
"Don't do that ever again!" Kim hissed, her grip tight.
I ran to Smith who was at the finish line and I slowed when I got to him.
"Where did you learn to do that?" he asked.
"Around," I answered. "Kim you can get down," I added. Kim was still clinging onto me. "Help?" I asked Smith who chuckled and helped remove Kim from my back.
"Cheat!" Katie panted when she got to us.
"I have no idea what you're talking about," I said. The two girls gave me the evil eye and I smirked a little.
"Bullshit," Beckii muttered.
The lads went against each other and I found it hilarious seeing Sparkles* on Smith's back and I went into a fit of giggles, unable to be serious.
"Beckii?" I asked once the lads had run off.
"Yes?" she asked, looking as if she hasn't forgiven me for 'cheating'.
"I ship Smith and Sparkles*." I admitted.
"Ooh! What would their ship name be?" Kim asked, now interested in the conversation.
"The readers - I mean the viewers can try and create the ship name." I said.
"The fourth wall hurts," Beckii said, her voice full of happiness.
"Like my feels," Kim muttered.
"I'm just gonna leave you lot to it," Tom said. Kim started laughing like crazy, Katie facepalmed but was smiling and Beckii rolled her eyes.
"I miss the Koala Brothers," I said randomly when the lads were taking the piss and now fighting, Sparkles* on Smith's shoulders, Trott on Ross's.
"Oh, my god YES!" Beckii yelled.
"If you're in trouble
And you need someone to help you out
There's no need to whistle
And there's no need to shout

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