New home and flatmate?

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I led Jonathan to the hotel which I'd been staying at.
Bristol Homes ... nothing old, nothing new.
"Nice," he commented.
"Shut the hell up, dumbass," I muttered as we made our way into the hotel and into the elevator.
"So, you got much stuff?" Jonathan asked, I shook my head. "Hey, Rosie, I'm sorry," he apologised.
"Jonathan, you left me when I was most vulnerable. I needed my big brother. You weren't there. I can't forgive you, but let's move on," I said calmly, going through the open doors and to the room.
"How's your band?" I asked, almost saying 'bang' ... that would've been awkward and would've escalated quickly.
"They're OK ... Beckii hasn't talked to you in ages and misses you so, SO much. So does Leo and Sparkles*!" Jonathan said, I sighed as he began to repeat their names, saying they all missed me.
No one missed me, not any more.
Now, don't call me dramatic or an attention seeker; all my life, I was bullied to the point of depression, self-harm and suicidal tendancies.
Don't get me wrong, I loved my family to bits and would do anything for them, but what was said about me, what they made me think and feel ... it just destroyed me and made me feel as of I shouldn't have been on this planet any more.
Jonathan was there for me, through some of those times. I spilled everything to him, every emotion and thought I ever had, it made us extremely close and we stuck by each other's side.
Then he just upped and left - that truly broke me; the only person I could trust left me, without any explanation. True, he eventually returned and gave a vague explanation. He'd gotten into a band and all that stupid shit, but I just couldn't believe him, not for the life in me. Well, whatever life I had in me at that point in my life.
And to cut this sob story short, we'd never been as close as we once were.
"You ready?" Jonathan asked as I zipped the last of the bags closed, I nodded and slung it around my shoulders.
We both left and I signed myself out, paying the woman for the stuff I'd used.
He called for a taxi, which soon showed up, and we were driven to the correct destination.
He payed the man and we got all my stuff and went into the complex.
"I live with Leo. Remember what he looks like?" Jonathan asked, I nodded.
"Tall, skinny ... cute," I added. Jonathan choked on his spit.
"WHAT?" Jonathan yelped, I smirked smugly at him.
"I'm kidding," I reassured him. Sure, Leo's cute and stuff like that, but he's a brother to me.
Honestly? He's been more of a brother to me that Jonathan himself. Why? Leo stayed in contact and Jonathan didn't. Jerk.
We made it to the apartment and put my shit in the spare room.
Once everything was put in the correct place, we went and sat in the living room.
Jonathan went and watched TV, sprawled across the sofa.
So typical of him.
I sat in the single chair, that was blue and extremely comfy, and began to read Harry Potter. For the fifteenth time, no joke.
"Hey, Kogie, Rosie - ROSE! OH, MY GOD. ROSE I HAVEN'T SEEN YOU I FOREVER!" Leo greeted and began to scream once he noticed me.
He literally ran at me and hugged me, lucky I'd stood up and hugged him ... it would look very awkward other wise, y'know? Cos my brother's in the same room and he'd think something's going on when it isn't.
"I missed you too, Leo," I said, we pulled away from each other and took in the other's appearance.
"Aw, Rosie's all grown up," he said, smiling down at me.
"Really? I wasn't eight the last time you saw me, pretty sure I was fifteen," I said, eyebrows raised.
"It feels like it!" Leo said, ruffling my hair which I'd had cut short before I had moved to Bristol.
Jonathan caught loudly and we looked at him, having forgotten his presence in the reunion.
"Heeeeeeyyy, Kogie," Leo said coolly, smiling widely.
Safe to say it was now officially awkward.
After a while, like three hours, we were all laid either upside down or spread eagled, bored from the games and conversation we had had.
"So, you bumped into Smiffy today?" Leo asked, winking.
"Literally," I muttered, taking off my glasses and looked over at his now slightly blurred face.
"I can see it now ... Riffy? Or Roffy?" Leo asked cheekily, glancing at Jonathan to see his reaction.
"Shut the fuck up about my sister," Jonathan muttered darkly. I rolled my eyes a little, leaning on Leo's leg, my eyes drooping a little.
When I next opened my eyes, I saw I was laid in bed, the covers drawn over me.
I exhaled deeply and checked the time on my phone: one o'clock in the morning.
Knowing I couldn't get back to sleep, I got up and changed into my pyjamas and searched for Leo's room.
Opposite mine.
I opened the door and saw him sleeping, baggy pyjama bottoms on, whilst he was shirtless.
I shut the door and walked over to his bed.
"Leo," I whispered, shaking him by his shoulder, he groaned and opened his eyes.
"S'up, Ru?" he asked tiredly rubbing his eyes.
"Can I stay with you, please?" I asked quietly, he sat up a little, nodding.
"'Course, babe," he mumbled, pulling the quilt and let me lay down beside him.
"Thanks," I muttered, as he pulled me closer and let me rest my head on his warm chest.
"No problem." he whispered, putting his arm around me as we both fell asleep.
Wonder how Jonathan would react.

» Rose and Leo are like brother and sister since Kogie left her and Leo took the place for being the protective big brother «

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