What's This Potato Penny?

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We waited for a while, and soon enough, Smith entered the room.
"Happy birthday!" Everyone cheered. He jumped and looked at us, laughing.
"Thanks guys," he said as we practically bombarded him.
After about five minutes, several of us had to go back to working.
"Can you keep him busy downstairs while we prep the vlog?" Trott asked me and I nodded.
"Oi, ginger!" I called, he looked over at me and I grabbed his arm and dragged him out, some of his presents in a bag on my arm.
"What?" he asked as I dragged him downstairs.
"Do not question the Potato Cat Impersonator!" I told him, which made him laugh.
"OK, so what're we doing here?" he asked.
"Well, I have to keep you busy, so I thought you should just open your presents here so there isn't much mess upstairs," I shrugged.
"Eh, OK," he said, opening the presents that the others had gotten him.
"I'm guessing Jolly Ranchers are your favourites?" I asked once he opened a package and there were a few of them.
"Yeah," he muttered, then looked up at me and did this weird smirk which made me laugh.
"What the fuck was that?" I asked, he chuckled. "Hey, I've just realised," I said, looking up at him. "You're twenty-seven," I said.
"No shit," he commented.
"You're ten years older than me," I said. He blushed and looked down.
"Yeah, that makes me feel old," he shrugged. "Hey, y'know how Lewis kissed ya cheek other night?" he asked and I nodded. "The fans ship you with someone like twice your age," he said and I laughed.
"Yeah," I muttered.
"What did you get me?" he asked, effectively changing the subject. I turned and put my hand in the bag, almost throwing them on the table.
"Before you ask, Kim forced me to get these," I told him upon seeing the look on his face.
"Well, that explains a lot," he muttered, opening the softer ones. "Wow," he said, laughing, a bright smile on his face.
"Why did you cut your hair?" I asked, seeing his short hair.
"I wanted it cutting," he shrugged.
"I like it longer," I muttered, more to myself than to him, but I knew he heard me.
"I'll be sure to remember that," he mumbled.
"Good." I said, watching as he opened present after present.
"I like how it all revolves around burgundy," he commented as he put down a red jumper.
"Well, apart from this," I said, holding out the small package.
"What is it?" he asked. I almost face-palmed.
"A unicorn," I said sarcastically. "Maybe you should open it and find out." I told him, waving it in his face until he grabbed it. I pushed up my sleeves and rest them on the table.
"Oh, wow, thank you," he said, examining the necklace. "Help me put it on?" he asked, so I did. "Holy shit, what the fuck happened to your arms?" he asked, turning my arms over. "What's this?" he asked.
"Oh, making dinner, I kinda fucked up with a knife and it cut my arm. Then I tried to put it down safely, but got my other arm," I lied. "As you can tell, I wasn't having the best of luck," I lied even further.
"Does Kogie know?" Smith asked.
"Nah, Sparkles* was there when I fucked up so he helped bandage my arms." I shrugged. That part was true. I really did fuck up, big time.
"Oh ... OK," he said, but there was uneasiness in his voice and expression.
"Smith, don't worry, I'm OK," I said.
"OK." he sighed and let me reattach his necklace as I'd dropped it when he'd grabbed my arm. " but, if I were you, I'd push the sleeves back down," he said, putting his hands on my sleeves and pushed them down for me. I felt a blush creep up onto my face, so I stared at the table. "Don't want anyone wondering why you've got bandages on your arms, right?" he asked. When he spoke, his head was close to mine, I felt his breath blow onto my face as he spoke. I looked up at him and I was a little surprised at how close we were.
"Because this isn't suspicious at all," I muttered softly.
"It isn't. But it could be," he said and moved away, so I did the same.
Maybe I should move back home - so then I'm not driven crazy by the ginger bastards here.
Eh, I like this place, so I'm staying.
My phone buzzed loudly and I checked it. It was from Ross, telling me to take Smith back up cos they're ready.
"C'mon, your friends need you," I said emphasising on the word 'friends'.
"I'm scared," he admitted and I smiled. "Aren't you coming up?" he asked.
"Not yet, I need to clean this up." I said, nodding towards the wrapping paper.
"Lemme help," he said and before I could argue otherwise, he began to help me pick up the paper and bin it.
"Thanks," I said once we'd done.
"No problem, P.C.I.," he said and I frowned. "You said you're a Potato Cat Impersonator. P.C.I. is that only shortened," he shrugged and I smiled.
We went up to the common room, where we saw the stuff Smith was gonna eat.
"So ... he's not gonna enjoy this, is he?" I asked Sjin, who smirked at me.
"Not really, depends on whether he gets the good ones or not," he said and I grinned.
"Wish I could stay and watch the show, but I gotta go," I muttered. "Tell me how it goes." I added, Sjin nodded and I left.
From the editing room, we could hear most of what was going on - Duncan and Kim shouting, Hannah swearing angrily, Lewis screaming in annoyance.
I shut my phone up and checked the message. It's from Sparkles*:

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