Chp 3.

244 16 1

I woke to bright light in my face. I groaned and peaked through my eyelids.
Sunlight was streaming through the slightly open curtains, straight into my face. Leo was still asleep, bless.
"Mornin'," Leo mumbled, burying his head in my neck, I looked at him, and he pulled away, his eyes shining brightly along with his smile
"Hmm," I replied. God, if Jonathan came in now ...
I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking down at him, his hair's a complete mess.
"I'm gonna go and get dressed," I muttered, stretching, he nodded and closed his eyes.
I got up and went into my room and got my clothes and got dressed, then went and got washed.
Soon enough, I had to go out into the living room, where I saw Jonathan waking up from on the sofa.
"Why're you ready already? It's only -" he looked at the clock on the wall. "- nine thirty," he said, groaning.
"Exactly," I muttered, looking at the newspaper on the side.
I really needed a job.
I looked through it and saw a simple one, an assistant in a clothes shop. I never exactly liked shops, but I needed a decent job so that when I was eighteen I could leave Jonathan in peace and live my life alone.
"What you looking at?" Leo asked, his head resting on my shoulder.
"For a job," I shrugged. "I finished all my college work, but I need a job," I told him.
"OK," Leo nodded.
The rest of the day, they were out and recording stuff for their band, whilst I sat on the sofa writing my stories to be actual published books. I was excited for that to happen; those who I was writing these stories for was a big company and if it was published then I'd just be unbelievably happy, the happiest I'd ever be in my life.
When they came home, they had brought McDonald's. I wasted a bit of the food, which Leo ate.
When it came to seven o'clock, there was a knock at the door.
"Go and get it, Rosie," Jonathan muttered, eating ice cream from a bowl.
"I see you have a bowl," I said, smirking a little as I got up and stretched.
"Fuck off," he muttered darkly.
I went and answered the door and saw three familiar people.
"ROSIE!" Parv yelled, tackling me into a tight hug, which I awkwardly returned. Parv was nice and hyper. I thought I needed him more in my life so I could be more confident and less awkward around people.
"Hey, Parv," I greeted, then looked at the other two. "Hey, Sparks*, Beckii," I greeted the two, who smiled and helped me get Parv off of me.
I led them into the apartment, and they greeted the two boys laid on each other. What the hell?
I looked over at Beckii who had the same look as me, sort of surprised but not at the same time.
"C'mon, I need girl talk," Beckii said, grabbing my arm and pulling me into my messy, shitty room.
We began to talk about 'girl stuff' as she put it. Stuff like jobs, boys, the guys, things like that.
"You two OK?" Jonathan asked from the doorway, we looked up and nodded to him. "They're staying for tonight," he added, looking at me. I nodded and yawned.
"I reckon you're tired," Beckii said, smiling at me.
We both got changed and got supper, which was the first thing I didn't waste that day.
We bid night to the boys and went into my bedroom, and continued to talk about shit by the light of my rubbish lamp.
"I'm so tired," Beckii yawned, rubbing her eyes.
"You can go to sleep, I'm tired too," I replied to her, she smiled at me and laid down on the camp bed. I turned off the light and stared up at the blank ceiling, waiting until everyone else was asleep.
It was about two hours later before I could get out of my room.
I gently pushed open Leo's room and went in, shutting the door behind me.
"Hey," he greeted, letting me lay down beside him, wrapping his arms around me.
"So tired," I muttered, he smiled at me and kissed my forehead.
"Same here," he replied, pulling me closer and burying his face in my neck.
After a while, we both fell to sleep.
Oh, shit, Jonathan!

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