Cast's Coming Off

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I woke up in Leo's arms. I groaned and rest my head on his chest.
"Morning," Leo mumbled, stroking my back gently.
"Hi," I grunted, sitting up and looking down at his face, covered in his messy hair.
"You feeling better?" he asked, I nodded, giving him a smile that he knew was fake. He sat up and pulled me into a side hug. "Bullshit," he muttered.
"Where's Jonathan?" I asked, stifling a yawn.
"Probably in his room. He was a little sad you did yell at him. He now finally understands what you mean to me, and what I mean to you," he answered, I nodded and stretched slightly once I'd pulled away from Leo's hug.
"Oh, OK," I said, and got up, hopping on one leg.
"Here," he said and offered me a piggyback, which I accepted.
He walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen, where we saw Jonathan.
"Morning," he greeted as Leo put me down and left to go to his room for some clothes.
"Hi," I said, sitting on the countertop as he got out some cereal.
"You OK?" he asked, poking my cheek.
His beard and moustache looked stupid.
OH, SHIT! He looked like that rat from Ratatouille!
He did, didn't he? Was it just me?
"Yeah," I answered his question, accepting the bowl of cereal. Mmmm ... food ...
"I love you, y'know that, right?" Jonathan said quietly, I looked up at him, smiling.
"I know. I love you, too," I said, he smiled a sad smile and pulled me into a hug.
I frowned a little, but hugged him nonetheless.
What the fuck did Leo tell him?
I buried my face it his neck and he did the same, only with my neck, dumbass.
"Ship it." Leo called. I pulled away from Jonathan and we both looked at Leo, and started to laugh.
"He ships anything, you get used to it," Jonathan whispered and we finished our food.
"NO, JONATHAN!" I shouted.
I was being given a piggyback by Jonathan, who was sprinting around the flat, acting like a maniac. The band and Adam were also there (that also included Beckii) and they'd done nothing to help my situation.
"Kogie, I wanna have a piggyback!" Parv whined.
"No, no, no," Jonathan said childishly.
"Jonathan, I'll tell them about your special place as a kid," I warned.
"NO! YOU GUYS CAN KEEP HER. NO TELLING TALES ABOUT MY SPECIAL PLACE AS A KID!" Jonathan cried, and he legit threw me onto the sofa. Which I banged my broken leg on.
Fucking fuck, that hurt.
"You OK?" Beckii asked as I curled up slightly, groaning in pain.
"Motherfucker," I cursed, tensing my fists. "Well, that hurt," I said bluntly, hissing in pain slightly.
"You hit your broken leg?" Sparkles* asked, I nodded and he winced. "I feel for ya," he said.
"Don't; that sounds inappropriate." I said. Sparkles* facepalmed and rolled his eyes at me, ruffling my hair.
"How did you manage to get changed?" Beckii asked, indicating to my denim shorts that went just above the cast.
"By putting the clothes on, probably," I shrugged, she smiled and rolled her eyes at me.
"Stop being sarcastic with me!" she whined, I poked her cheek. Jonathan pranced to the bathroom. Nothing unusual there, then.
"What was Kogie's special place as a kid?" Adam asked.
"He used to go into our parents wardrobe and pretend to be in Narnia or something. One day, he was in there and ... let's say our parents got very intimate and he never went there ever again. He also saw them getting it on, and he cried to me saying and I quote: 'Dad was making Mum fiddle with his widdle diddle'." I said. They looked at each other and burst into laughter.
"Really?" Sparkles* choked out, I nodded, grinning. "Oh, that is the best," he sighed, holding his stomach from laughing.
A moment passed and Jonathan came back into the room.
"Hey, Kogie?" Parv asked. "How's the widdle diddle?" he asked, trying to keep a straight face. Jonathan turned to me.
"Did you tell them about my special place as a kid?" he asked, I shook my head.
"No," I answered as convincingly as possible.
"Then how did he know?" he asked me, standing in front of me.
"Probably heard you muttering in your sleep: 'Mummy, why did you play with Daddy's widdle diddle?' 'Than, I've heard you dream about it," I told him.
Everyone apart from Jonathan started laughing.
"Meanie," he pouted. I poked his nose and he mock glared at me.
Soon, they had to leave and go for a flight.
"I'll see you in two weeks, I'll phone and text every day," Jonathan promised, I rolled my eyes and nodded. He embraced me in a tight hug, lifting me off of the ground.
"I'll see you later, babe," Leo winked, I rolled my eyes and hugged him.
"Keep that dumbass safe, he needs someone to keep an eye on him," I told Leo, who nodded and kissed my cheek.
"Don't blow up the flat," he warned jokingly.
"Don't make them lose their minds," I retorted.
They soon left and I hopped to the sofa and watched Netflix.

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