Lies and Beckii's Bloody Problem

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Holy shit, that flat was amazing!
We had been given the tour of the flat and I think the woman - who's name was Alice - and Jonathan both knew I loved the flat.
Alice had took us around the flat, explaining that there was a basement underneath the building where the secondhand stuff would go when I had gotten my own furniture and that all the neighbours were kind and didn't bother you, but the elderly woman on the end would constantly bake cookies, buns and cakes for everyone, especially newcomers. That was proved when the woman had come out when the tour had ended and we were talking. She had offered us some chocolate chip cookies and since we hadn't really eaten much that day, we had accepted and instantly fell in love with her cooking. Alice said we'd be given the news of if I had the flat by the next day and we would have the keys sent to us in the mail. The elderly woman had invited us into her house and I was reminded of Hansel and Gretel, but it turned out she really loves cats and is the sweetest woman ever.
Two days ago, we had received the keys in the post and were putting my things like the wardrobe, chest of drawers and bookshelf on eBay so we could get enough money to buy decent stuff from IKEA when we got there, so I wouldn't have to use the secondhand stuff for long.
We've been given two weeks to move in before I started paying rent, which wasn't a lot of time, but it meant the quicker I left, the quicker they could be safe.
Jonathan had been cheeky and had gone on every social media he had and told them he was selling his stuff, under a different eBay account to his actual one, the different one he had created simply needed when he tells his fans he's selling stuff.
We had several people wanting to buy immediately but he decided to wait until the end of the betting before giving the stuff to those who had betted, thankfully, Jonathan didn't make them pay for the stuff with the ridiculous amounts of money people had betted and was happy with small amounts like seventy to a hundred pounds.
I had been off work, telling Lewis I didn't want to come in, which he was fine with, I had said I'd work from home, which he was thankful for and had people send their footage to my computers, which had been a good idea as I had managed to work better at home.
Jonathan's was the band at the moment, making final touches to stuff, recording and possibly going to photoshoots. He would be back soon, but until then, I would be editing videos and packing things like my books, DVDs, CDs and bedsheets - which I actually had a lot of.
It was about half past five when the someone had knocked on the flat door, making me freeze in the middle of editing the content. I heard Jonathan tell Leo he was going to get the door as they had returned. I put my laptop to the side and went to my door, seeing Leo on the sofa, Jonathan at the door.
"What Smith?" Jonathan asked.
"I want to speak to Kitty," he said.
"She's not in," Jonathan lied poorly.
"Bullshit. Just let me talk to her for a few minutes. Please?" Smith begged. Jonathan looked at me and I nodded reluctantly. He opened the door and Smith came in. Jonathan went and got Leo, pulling him into Jonathan's room, pretending to give us privacy when I knew for a fact they'd be eavesdropping.
"What d'you want, Smith?" I asked, crossing my arms on my chest as he shut the door behind him.
"How come you haven't been coming to YogTowers?" he asked.
"There's a thing called a phone, y'know. You could always text or phone and ask instead of coming here and asking," I said.
"You've been ignoring my texts," he retorted. I frowned at him, trying to look like I didn't know what he was talking about.
"My phone's been glitching a little, so it might not have received your texts," I lied.
"Bullshit," he said.
"Smiff, look, I'm busy, OK? I haven't been feeling well so I've been working from home. Please leave." I said.
"Look, I'm sorry I showed Kogie your arm -" I tensed a little, Leo didn't know and if he was listening in, he was gonna be pissed off. "- I should've let you show him when you were ready," he said, a sad look on his face.
"It doesn't matter any more, Smith," I said, sighing.
"It does; you need to get help," he said and I glared at him.
"Don't you dare tell me what I 'need to get' because it's not your place to say!" I exclaimed, now pissed off at him.
"I don't want you to get hurt," he told me.
"Smith, fuck off, saying that all the time. What d'you think you can do? Huh?" I asked.
"Protect you. I know I can make sure Zed doesn't try to hurt you," he said, his eyes saddening.
I realised what I'd have to do to keep him safe - make him hate me.
"What don't you get about Zed possibly coming and killing you? If you died to try and make sure Zed 'doesn't try to hurt me' it'd be useless! He'd not be happy until I'm dead, OK? Just ... just fuck off, OK?" I asked. "If you want, I'll talk to you later; now isn't a good time, I have to send the content files back to YogTowers in about half an hour and I'm no where near done," I partly lied. I did need to send the files back, but whenever I had finished editing.
"OK. Promise you'll talk to me properly tomorrow," he said.
"Promise," I said, knowing I was probably lying to him.
He pulled me into a hug and despite myself, I hugged him back. We stood in silence for a moment in which I breathed his scent in, knowing I'd probably never smell it ever again in a few weeks. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest and I couldn't help but smile when I hug him tighter and his heart speed up. I pull away from him and I look into his eyes. He leans down and kisses me gently. I forget everything and I begin to react to his kiss. He pulled away before I can do anything and I feel my heart flip as he did so, disappointed it had ended far too quickly for my liking.
"I love you." he whispered, kissing my forehead before he turned around and left.
"You're gonna make him hate you, aren't you?" Leo asked and I nodded. "You're a smart girl, but an absolute idiot," he said.
"You're right about that," Jonathan said, Leo going and sitting on the sofa. Jonathan looked at me and I sighed.
"Yeah, I know, he's probably gonna get hurt regardless of what I do, either emotionally or physically," I said, Jonathan nodded and hugged me quickly before going and sitting next to Leo.
I went back into my room and continued to edit the content I was given.
When I was finished, I decided to look on Twitter. I was surprised when I saw I had a lot more followers than I had the last time I had been on - which was a while ago. While I went through my notifications, I noticed I had been tagged in several tweets, pictures and things. Something Smith had done had caught my eye - when he had recorded me with his phone. I read the caption and I felt myself blushing:

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