Job Offers?

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I woke up and had an arm around my neck, choking me a little.
"Morning," Leo's voice spoke, vibrating on the back of my neck.
"Hey," I mumbled, turning to look at him, he was still covered in pen.
His hair was a complete mess and he looked tired.
"I'm tired," he whispered, resting his forehead on mine.
"I can tell," I told him, he smiled and buried his head in my neck. "I drew on you and Jonathan and posted the pictures to Twitter, you were both too tired to realise," I added.
"It's still on isn't it?" he asked, I nodded, he moaned and sighed. "Help me get it off," he muttered, grabbing my hand and dragging me into the bathroom.
"You shall not piss," I muttered, he gave me a look that said 'not-the-time'. Well, boo. "Sorry," I said, grabbing some wipes and began to wipe his face. He kept pulling adorable faces at me, making me laugh.
"Stahp," I said, poking his nose. "Get some cereal ... put it in a bowl and not yourself," I told him, wiping the last of the pen off of his face - it was surprisingly easy to get off.
"Fuck off," he muttered, taking my hand and dragged me into the kitchen, where we made breakfast.
He ate Weetos out of the box, whilst I ate Cheerios out of a bowl with milk.
"Hey," Jonathan said, walking into the kitchen, also shirtless like Leo.
"Morning," Leo and I said at the same time, we looked at each other and high-fived.
"So pro," Leo muttered.
"Yeah, whatever," Jonathan scoffed.
"Shaddup," I said, poking Jonathan's cheek.
"We're dropping you off at YogTowers, we're going so we can record for the new album," Jonathan told me, I nodded and went and got washed, dressed and brushed my hair.
My eyes were hurting, so I put on my Red Or Dead glasses.
Funnily enough, Leo had his glasses on.
"Hey," I said, poking his nose piercing, he bit my finger playfully.
"Bae," he said, making our words rhyme.
"I'M YOUR BAE, NOT HER!" Jonathan shouted, I facepalmed and watched him jump onto Leo, licking his neck. I frowned and took a picture.
"I would say something's wrong with you, but I'm your sister, so I also have it. Whatever it is," I muttered, Jonathan ruffled my hair hurting my head a little. "Ow," I said, glaring at him, he poked my nose and I growled at him.
"Bitch is angry," Jonathan. So ... I sacked him.
"And you're losing your way to reproduce," I retorted as he clutched at our legs, groaning in pain.
"Don't! Don't you want mini Kogies running around and bringing joy to the world?" Jonathan questioned.
"Define joy," I said bluntly, then we both dragged him by our legs as we walked out of the flat, locking it behind us.
We got some strange looks, which I didn't blame them for; there was someone clutching our legs like a three year old.
We got to the car and drove to YogTowers, they dropped me off and left, Leo hugging me before ditching me.
"Rosie," Alex said, walking up to me as I got onto the correct floor. "Lewis wants to see you in his office," he said, I nodded as he ruffled my hair and pointed to the correct office.
"You wanted to see me, Lewis?" I asked as he let me in his office.
"Yes. Simon and I were wondering if you wanted a job as an editor here," he said.
Well ... I didn't expect that, despite the fact the others kept suggesting it.
I was an idiot, OK?
"Yeah, that'd be great," I said, smiling.
He led me to the editors' room and showed me to the guys there. Colin Bassett, Alex Turner, Tom Bates, Adam Davis and Adrian Ruiz.
I was given an episode of Cornerstone and was given the task to edit it.
It took me an hour and a half, but I did it.
"Hey, you done?" Colin asked, I nodded, he put on the headphones and watched the video. "It's really good for a first time," he complimented.
Lewis came back and also watched the video.
"That's good," he nodded. "So, we'll sort out your hours and make sure it fits with your life outside of YogTowers," he said, I nodded and followed him out.
We sorted everything out and I had to head back to the Editors' room.
Tom kept joking around, sometimes putting us off, Colin said a few inappropriate stuff.
"You guys do know I'm still a minor? I'm only seventeen," I said, they raised their eyebrows in surprise.
"Shouldn't you be in college?" Alex asked.
"Nah, finished all my courses in a year. Saving up to go to Uni, if I can," I shrugged.
"Cool," Adam said, flicking my ear.
"Hey, Rosie, what're you doing?" Kim said, coming in and sitting on the chair next to me.
"Doing my job," I muttered.
"Oh, O- WHAT?" she screamed, making us all jump back in surprise.
"Yeah," I nodded.
"Wha - but - why - who - the fuck?" she stuttered.
"Lewis gave her a job as editor," Alex told her, I nodded.
Then she tackled me to the floor.
"OH, MY GOD! WE'RE GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN. YOU CAN EDIT ALL MY STUFF AND MAKE THE YOGSCAST A LOT MORE FUNNY WITH YOUR DARK SENSE OF HUMOUR!" she shouted in my ear, laying on top of me as she had me on the ground.
"CAN YOU GET OFF OF ME PLEASE?" I shouted back, the boys roaring with laughter.
"What the fuck did we walk in to?" Trott's voice asked from the doorway. We both looked up and saw Hat Films at the doorway.
"She wants to get with me," I shrugged.
"Kim fangirled at the fact Rose's now an editor," Tom said, I nodded.
"Well done, Rosie," Alex (Smith) said, I waved.
"Ta," I said.
Hat Films soon had to leave to record another Hat Corp or Hat Pack, whichever it was, while Kim stayed and edited some of Flux Buddies.
The day's events had been a little unusual.

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