Slipping and Kissing.

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Hat Films soon buggered off, leaving me back to my own devices, as they claimed they had to go and do their jobs.
They really shouldn't have.
I limped over to my bedroom and sat on my bed, finding the precious metal and clutched it on my hand, shaking slightly. I wanted to, but I didn't ... should I?
"ROSIE!" I jumped and hid the blade in my bedside table, standing up and breathing slowly.
That frightened the shite outta me!
"Jon?" I asked, coming out of my room and was engulfed in a tight hug.
"Aah! I love you. Eez been too long," he said, making me frown at the stupid accent he tried.
"Yeah. Love you, too," I muttered as he kissed my cheek.
"Babe!" Leo exclaimed, pushing Jonathan away and gripped me into a hug.
"'Babe'?" I heard Beckii question. "You got something to say?" she asked, Sparkles* raised his eyebrows, something flickered across his face.
"I love her," he said, messing up my hair, not that I cared.
"SHIPPED!" she shouted, prancing off as Jonathan chased her, shouting: 'if anyone gets to ship them, it's me, her motherfucking brother!' yeah, he said that and tickled her. SHIPPED!
"Why're we friends with these guys?" Leo asked.
"Normal's boring," I shrugged.
"True," he muttered.
I watched them unpack and scream at each other angrily.
It was pretty amusing and I had a laugh or two.
"So ... are you and Leo dating?" Beckii asked, sitting next to me on the countertop.
"No. Why?" I asked, she rolled her eyes and facepalmed.
"It's just ... you and Leo look so good together, you're both so comfortable with each other's company," she sighed, eating her crisps.
"Called brother-sister-bond," I said, poking her face.
"Yeah, well I call it you not knowing your emotions and Leo liking you," she retorted, I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah, whatever." I mumbled, taking one of her crisps.
I noticed Sparkles* leading Leo into Leo's bedroom.
What were they doing?
Oh, I hope it wasn't rated M!

**** LEO P.O.V. ****

Sparkles* led me into my bedroom, shutting the door behind me.
"Are you dating Rosie?" he asked, standing in front of me.
"No," I admitted.
But I wish I was.
"Why do you always call her 'babe'?" he questioned.
"I dunno, a habit. Been calling her babe since I met her," I answer honestly. He sighed and looked around the room.
"You like her." Shit, that wasn't a question.
"As a sister, yes," I lied.
"Bullshit," he said, running his fingers through his hair.
"Why bullshit? It's the fucking truth!" I snapped.
"Then why're you so defensive?" he asked, looking up at me.
"Because I love her!" I hissed, then put my hands over my mouth in shock.
Fuck you, Sparkles*, fuck you.
"I knew it," he whispered.
Oh, shit -!
"You like her, too," I whispered, he began to blush, not meeting my eyes.
"No." Have I ever told you Sparkles* couldn't lie to save his life? Yeah, what he said was the biggest lie I ever heard.
"Now that's a lie. Aren't you and Beckii together, though?" I asked, he shook his head.
"We considered dating, but decided we shouldn't; she'd get hate for being with me," he admitted in a mumble.
"Fuck ... so. Me, you, Smiffy, Ross and Tom Bates all like the same girl? Shit's gonna get real," I said, laughing a little.
"Who?!" Sparkles* demanded.

**** ROSIE P.O.V. ****

"Who?!" I heard Sparkles* shout.
"What's wrong with the ginger bastard?" I asked Parv, who shrugged innocently, hiding something in his pockets. "Hey, what's in your pockets?" I asked sternly.
"Nothing," he lied nervously.
"Turn out your pockets," Beckii and I said, holding out our hands.
He handed us a load of Monopoly things.
"Good boy," we said.
How in sync were we?!
Later on, I was sat in my room, drawing art, having said I wanted to be alone for a while.
"WE'RE GOING OUT TO DINNER!" Jonathan yelled.
"OK!" I shouted back.
OK, they were gone.
I carried on drawing for an hour and a half, not realising that I had drawn Hat Films' Minecraft characters.
I sighed and put the book to the side, reaching over to my bedside table. Grabbing my blade, I pulled up my sleeve, taking off my bracelet I had on.
There were several angry red lines dotted up and down my arm, along with my other arm and my legs, my legs weren't visible, thank God.
Why did I do this to myself?
Oh, yeah, because I was a walking talking waste of space that should die alone because I hurt everyone I fucking care about.
I began to cut the skin, watching as the blood began to seep out and down my arm.
Again and again and again, I cut into my arm, deeper each time, the pain making my eyes water.
"Rosie?" Leo spoke shakily, I looked up, horrified.
Shit, he stayed behind.
He strode across the room and kneeled down in front of me, placing his hand on the lines on my arms, grabbing the blade and putting it in his pocket.
"I thought you stopped," he whispered, not looking up at me.
I didn't answer.
"You ... you don't know how much it pains me, to-to see you do this to yourself! It's not worth it, you're better than this," he tried, I looked up at him, and saw he was staring at my arm
"I should've died when I was in the fucking car crash." I told him, no emotion in my voice. He looked at me, terror in his eyes.
"Don't you dare - don't you dare!" he breathed. "You-you can't say that, what about Kogie? What about Smith? Beckii? Your parents? Sparkles*, Tom, Hat Films, the guys in the office?" he questioned, one of is hands on my bloody arm, the other on my face. "What about me? We all care about you, love you to pieces, i-i-if you died, ... never mind any of them, I'll not be able to cope without you," he ended in a whisper.
"Leo," I mumbled as he pulled me up and into the bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet, he came and pulled me up and set me against the sink.
"Shh," I closed my mouth and held up my arm for him to clean up and bandage.
He pulled my fist into his side, looking at the cuts and cleaning them, dabbing them with a cotton ball with disinfectant on it.
"Rosie ... swear to me you'll stop." he stated, no anger in his voice, just a soft tone, which I knew too well: stop-before-I-tell-Kogie kind of tone.
"I-I swear," I muttered with a slight stutter.
"Good," he sighed, and got the bandage stuff and began to wrap it around my arm. "I know your reasons as to why you do this to yourself. I know you're better than this, so stop. I don't want to see you go mute and try to commit again. If you do, it will be the death of me - no pun intended, too," he said, which made me smile a little.
"Yeah, I get it," I sighed as he finished up and let my arm drop.
"No, you don't!" he muttered, running his fingers through his hair. "I care about you, so, so much! Yet, you don't notice it! You're so blind sometimes!" he said.
"Leo?" I asked in a nervous voice.
"I. Love. You." he practically spelled it out. "I love you so much, I always have and maybe always will. But Smith managed to get there before me," he muttered.
"Leo ... wha- ugh! Why does everyone think Smith is into me? Or that I like him? I don't!"
Well, I thought I didn't.
Fucking hell!
"He does, he really does," he told me, suddenly close. "But so do I!" he whispered. I sighed and pulled him into a hug, my head on his shoulder.
"Life is complicated," I muttered into his shoulder.
"And stupid," he added, I nodded.
"Fucking emotions," I finished.
He pulled away from me a little, so our heads were a little apart.
I noticed he had tears down his face and some in his eyes.
"Don't cry." I mumbled as his eyes searched mine.
"I know." he replied, and his head came closer to mine, I tensed a little and leant in a little, and before I knew it -
Leo had pressed his lips to mine and was holding me close, neither of us bothered by the fact the others could be back at any given moment.
And I thought I was OK with this.
Wasn't I?
What ... what about Smith?

(A/N: I couldn't help it! Part of this was for PhantasticArea11Neko, who began to ship Rosie and Leo in the second chapter! You happy now?!)

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