There's A SEQUEL To This Shit? + Facts?

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That's right, guysh!


It's called Last Chance At This

Look it up on my profile!

Rosie's back guysh!

I'll probably update that one weekly, or on a regular basis, unlike this when it took several weeks at a time for updates. 0-0 just ... don't quote me on that. It might be weekly/every ten days, depending on whether chapters are finished in time.

I'm really excited for this and I can't wait for you guys to see what's in store for Rosie and the guysh.

Also, I've been speaking like Zylush a lot more recently and it's affecting my everyday life. No joke.

What're you still doing here? Go read LCAT ... Ooh, L-Cat. I like that. Or le cat.

Although I chose to name it Last Chance At This as you guys thought it would've sounded better (and I think it also fits the context of the book), I considered naming it Failure for how Rose feels and other things like that. But more detail when the end of LCAT undoubtedly comes.

Facts about this book because why the fuck not?

• I didn't have a plan for this book at first, that's why it was so bad in the first ten or so chapters.

• Rosie was supposed to move to Ireland to live with Jacksepticeye but I chose not to move her there as creating a sequel would've been difficult to write if she had gone to Ireland. As how she would've gotten there would've been stupid as A11 don't know JSE personally.

• I got messed up with dear and darling - the pet names Zed had for her - so ended up fucking the book over which I wasn't too happy about, but I think it's been sorted.

• I've been editing this book and it's been a pain, like, the tenses were so bad and made me cringe. How you guys put up with it I'll never know. The book hit its target of 5K and I was still editing the book.

• The bad things that happened to her I wrote when I was in a bad mood/in some state of depression. Little insight to LCAT: some depressing things will probably occur and I will have written them when I've been in sad states and couldn't find a way to make anything happy.

• I can probably guarantee the sequel is better because I know what I'm doing in that book and I already know the ending of it which I love. There's probably plot holes, but no book is a book without them.

• I originally had, like, 56-57 chapters of this book when I got my ideas together, but they would've been short ass chapters so I melded them together. It was probably brutal how I cut them all down, but it got to a decent amount of chapters.

• I was going to kill Rosie off when she had that dream of zed killing her and smith, obviously I didn't.

• Kogie was supposed to never talk to her after Leo called her a slut. That went well ...

• I added Dan and Phil to the end at the very last moment; she was supposed to be alone.

• Sparkles* wasn't supposed to get feelings for her but it was spontaneous and may have something to do with the sequel ... or not.

• Janie is actually more important than you think ... sort of. Such an anticlimax.

What're you still doing here? Shouldn't you be reading the sequel?

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