Murdering The Boys

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The rest of the day, I was sat with Leo and Jonathan, raging on video games.
"I believe in a thing called love, just listen to the rhythm of my heart," Jonathan began singing to Leo, who looked over at me horrified. I jumped up, throwing my controller at Jonathan, who was creeping up to Leo like a perverted fangirl.
"Yeah, I'm not helping you, Leo," I shrugged and ran from the room.
"TRAITOR!" Leo screamed, then I heard him screaming like a little girl.
"What's wrong with Leo?" Alex's voice asked, I yelped and turned and punched his chest in reflex.
"Fucking hell, don't do that!" I hissed, rubbing my knuckles as he rubbed his chest, wincing.
"Sorry," he mumbled, I rolled my eyes a little.
"Jonathan turned into a lizard-fangirl and creeped up on Leo. I left the poor guy," I shrugged.
"You're heartless," he joked.
"No, I just use my heart less," I shrugged, again.
"Wanna play a game with me and the others?" Alex asked, then noticed what I was wearing and smiled. "I take it you like my jumper?" he asked.
"It's really comfy," I said defensively.
"OK, whatever," he said sounding unconvinced.
"Shaddup," I said, poking his chest. "And yeah, I'll play a few games with you and the others ... who're the others?" I asked, he chuckled.
"Just Trott, Ross, Turps and Sips. We're playing GMod," he said.
"Which one?" I asked.
"Murder," he said, I nodded and he pulled me into his office - which he shared?
"Rosie!" Ross cheered, jumping on me - literally. He ran and jumped onto me. Lucky I was strong enough to hold his weight, right?
"How strong are you?" Trott asked, snorting.
"I dunno, but stronger than you," I said casually.
"Ooh," Alex and Ross said together, I dropped Ross and he fell flat on his back.
"Kiss it!" Trott said, I didn't even know ...
"I can't kiss something that doesn't exist," I retorted calmly. This sent the two tall lads into hysterics.
"You just got told!" Ross exclaimed, Trott rolled his eyes and sat back down.
"Yeah, pfft, whatevs," he shrugged.
The two men sat down and I was stood there like a complete noob.
"Uh, the fuck should I do?" I asked. Alex looked and patted his leg, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.
"Here," Ross said, passing me a laptop, full of charge and a headphone with a mic on the end, which I sorted out.
"Thanks," I said, he nodded and sat back down.
They introduced themselves, and I said a feeble 'hey'.
"The girl, who's the girl?" Sips shouted, making me wince.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP, OLD MAN!" I shouted. "I'M ROSE MOTHERFUCKING KOGAN!" I added, then caught Alex laughing a little from the corner of my eye, so I flipped him the bird.
"Well, Rose Motherfucking Kogan. You're about to die," Sips said calmly, then shot my character, making me facepalm.
'Bystanders win' flashed across the screen.
"Wow," Turps said, everyone else laughing. "Tough love, Mini-Kogie, tough love," he told me, sounding like a 'wise old man'.
"Fuck off, Turps," I muttered.
"Make me," he retorted.
I was murderer again, so went completely silent.
"Rosie, you dead?" Alex asked, I looked over at him and nodded, looking back at the screen, killing Turps, who had the gun.
"Turps, are you dead?" Trott asked, he got no reply. "Turps is dead," Trott confirmed.
I saw his character and killed him.
"AAAHH IT-" he stopped, having died.
"So, it's one of you guys," Alex said. "Trott, Turps and Rosie are dead. I think it's Sips - AAAAH, FUCK, IT'S ROSIE, IT'S ROSIE, ROSS HELP ME, SHE'S GONNA KIL-" he died.
I did my evil laugh and killed Ross.
"OK old guy, it's you and me. And I've found the gun," I said, bullshitting.
"Really? BOOM! FUCK, I MISSED!" Sips yelled, and I began to yell at him, spamming the button and sprinting at him.
"SIPS RUN!" they shouted, but I killed him.
'Murderer wins'
"Hell to the yeah," I said, stretching.
"I didn't know you could scream that loud," Alex said.
"I know how she can scream louder," Trott said, I frowned then gagged.
"I feel sick," I complained, then threw the toy walrus sat next to me over his part.
"Ouch! You hit me in the face," Trott exclaimed.
"Don't be a douche, then," I shrugged.
We continued to play like this for a few hours, maybe two or three before wrapping up.
"That was entertaining," Alex said, sitting next to me as he stretched.
"Yeah, it was," I agreed.
"I never knew a person as small and innocent as you could be as evil," Ross said, sitting on my other side.
"'Small'?" I questioned, raising my eyebrows at him.
"Yeah, you're a midget," Ross said.
"Dude, I'm six fucking feet tall," I muttered, crossing my arms across my chest. "Eyes up here, pervs," I added, pulling my legs up as well.
"So?" Ross asked.
"That's pretty tall," Alex said, wrapping an arm around me.
"Not really," Ross said, I had an annoyed look on my face, threw Alex's phone (he had it in his hands) at Ross, which got him in the balls, he curled up and groaned. I stood up.
"Don't call me small," I advised, then walked out.
"WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE MY PHONE?" Alex yelled after me, I poked my head in, giving him a look.
"Because I don't want Ross germs on my phone," I shrugged, then walked back out.
Where could I go?
I decided to go into the livestream room, but stopped when I saw Kim and Hannah in there. They noticed me and gestured for me to come in, so I did.
"Hey, what's happening?" I asked.
"As it's Wednesday, we're doing Hannah's livestream, wanna join?" Kim asked, I nodded.
"If it's OK with you," I said, they nodded and I sat down beside Kim, taking the headphones she held out to me, I thanked her.
"Hey, guys, I'd like to give you the great pleasure of meeting Rose Kogan! Area 11's Kogie is her brother!" Hannah introduced.
"Hey," I said, waving. "I'm Rose, but most people call me Rosie," I said, adjusting my seat.
"People say you're looking pretty, you better be fun ... usual stuff," Kim said, laughing a little, I rolled my eyes.
"So, what're you guys playing?" I asked.
"Alien Isolation," Kim said, shrugging, I nodded.
"That's a good game," I acknowledged, nodding again.
"Wanna play?" Hannah asked, I nodded. I was nodding a lot wasn't I?
"Sure, why not?" I said.
"OK, I'm gonna go, as much as I love Alien, I really need to edit some stuff, so, good luck, Rosie," Kim said, getting up and leaving.
Hannah and I played the game, getting a freak out every so often.
Soon, we had to finish.
"I hope you enjoyed this," Hannah said.
"I did, it was fun," I admitted, she grinned at me, then we waved at the cameras and the stream was over.
We separated to go and find whoever we needed to find.
I really needed to find Jonathan and Leo.
I found them, if you wanted to know. Asleep, on top of each other. So, like the evil bitch I was, I took a picture ... and maybe drew on their faces. I uploaded the pictures onto Twitter, then woke them up.
"You have something to tell me?" I asked, hands on my hips, eyebrows raised.
"Yeah, I'm completely in love with the guy," Jonathan said. I blinked before nodding.
"It's about time you opened up about your feelings," I joked, they both smiled and got up.
We went home, dragging ourselves through the door, going into our separate bedrooms.
I laid down in the darkness, unable to sleep, feeling wide awake. I sat up and looked around, suddenly feeling scared.
I got up and knocked on Leo's door. He opened his door, and pulled me into a hug, allowing me into his room, shutting the door quietly behind me.
"C'mon, kiddo," he mumbled, he pulled me onto the bed, pulling my back into his warm bare chest, his arms around me protectively. "Love you," he whispered, kissing my cheek, nuzzling his head into my neck.
"Love you, too," I replied, eyes closed and content.

» you're shipping them aren't you? «

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