Another Walk Home With Alex Smith

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**** SMITH P.O.V. ****

I opened my eyes and caught sight of Rosie sleeping peacefully next to me.
I couldn't believe she lost her memory.
I continued to just admire her features, despite the cuts and scars littering her face.
"So, you like her," Defi's voice spoke from the doorway.
"Nah, mate," I said, trying to sound casual.
"Bull to the shit, my friend, I've seen it before. I know you like her, and way more than you, yourself, know," he said, trying to sound wise and intelligent ... what a load of shit.
"Mate, don't try to sound intelligent, because it might begin to hurt your brain," I joked, he chuckled a little.
"So, how did she break her leg?" Defi asked, leaning against the doorframe.
"She was in a car crash with one of our co-workers," I answered honestly. Rosie moved a little and was buried into my side, my arm going around her - to keep her warm, of course.
"Shit, son. What happened to the guy?" he asked.
"How did you know it was a guy she was with?" I asked.
"Alex, pretty girl like her, a lot of boys will want to drive her somewhere. So, what happened to the guy?" Defi asked, I snorted a little and rolled my eyes.
Nosey bastard.
"He got a broken arm. He could leave hospital earlier than Rosie here because Rosie had internal bleeding in her leg. Something like a muscle bleeding. It was cos when they were escaping the wreckage, her leg got caught on a piece of glass and it sunk into her leg," Defi visibly winced.
"Ouch," he said, rubbing his calf, I chuckled a little.
"Yeah, that's how I felt as well," I admitted, he smiled a little.
"That guy likes her, too, doesn't he?" Defi asked softly, I nodded. "I don't know who the hell he is, but you've liked her since you first laid eyes on her all those months ago," he said.
"Dude, it's been, what? Two months? Three? That's hardly enough time to know someone to date them," I said, he scoffed a little.
"We'll, it's enough time to develop feelings for someone." he said, and with that, he left.
Defi, I hated you sometimes - BECAUSE YOU WERE FUCKING RIGHT!

**** ROSIE P.O.V. ****

I had done this before, hadn't I?
I woke up and looked around. No-one. I sat up and checked my phone: 7:30pm.
"About time you woke up," a familiar voice spoke, I looked and saw Smith standing there, eating an apple.
"Why?" I asked.
"You've been asleep for three hours," he chuckled as I widened my eyes at what he'd said. "Lemme just finish eating this and I'll walk you home," he said, I nodded and went to put a hand through my hair, but a hat was blocking my way.
"I've still got your hat, I see," I said, pulling it off so I could scratch my head.
"You can keep it," he said as I'd gone to give him it back.
"Thanks," I said.
He finished his apple and we went downstairs, I simply slid down them while he walked down them.
We left his home and were soon walking along the main roads.
"So, you remember much?" Smith asked.
"I remember coming over to yours a lot and helping you with your geckos."
"Cool," he said, smiling down at me.
"So, anything else I should remember?" I asked.
"Dunno. Oh, yeah, d'you remember Trott?" he asked, I nodded.
"The midget guy you work with," I said, he laughed loudly but nodded. "Yeah I remember him." I confirmed.
"Well, he posted a picture of you and Leo hugging, and said he thinks you're secretly dating, but that was months ago; it was when you first arrived, you didn't seem phased by it," he said.
"It was because I don't always go on Twitter, I saw it and didn't go on since then," I admitted.
"Smart," he chuckled.
"Yeah, that's me, full of smart ideas," I muttered sarcastically.
We walked in comfortable silence when I realised something.
"Shit, I don't have my key!" I hissed, stopping. "And I don't have my phone, either," I added, when I checked my pockets and found they were empty.
"Shit," he muttered, the pulled out his phone. "You know Kogie's number?" he asked, I frowned a little, but nodded. He handed me his phone and I typed it in.
"Text or phone?" I asked, looking up at him.
"Better phone him to be safe," he answered. I nodded and pressed the thing to phone him.
'Hello?' Jonathan asked.
"Yeah, it's me, I don't have my key, or my phone. Could you keep the door unlocked or unlock it when I get there?" I asked.
'How long you think you're gonna be?' he asked.
"Dunno, twenty minutes-ish," I answered.
'OK.' he said and hung up.
"So?" Smith asked.
"He'll unlock the door and dunno," I said, he chuckled and we began to walk again.
"What're you gonna do until you can go back to YogTowers?" Smith asked as we crossed a road.
"Dunno. Watch Netflix or something. Play video games, probably, maybe record that and edit it for fun; I've got nothing to do," I admitted, he chuckled.
"Wow," he muttered. "Well, I'll probably visit you whenever I can, just to keep you company," he told me, gently bumping shoulders with me.
"Thanks, Smiffy," I said, he smiled down at me and I bumped my head on his upper arm slightly.
"It's no problem, anything for you, my dear," he said and I looked up at him, horrified. "Rosie, what's wrong?" he asked.
"D-don't call me that - ever," I whispered, tears shining in my eyes.
"What - why?" he asked, putting a hand on my cheek.
"J-just don't," I stammered, looking down.

"I know you're depressed! Everyone else chooses to ignore it, don't they? I know it infuriates you; you wish someone would notice and help ... I know you trust Leo more than Kogie. I know plenty, just from being with you these past few weeks. Wanna know what else I know? I know you can't trust people because the last time you did, you were hurt beyond anything anyone could do to help ... I also know I can help you ... it's OK to cry."

I looked up at Smiffy.
"What do you know?" I asked. His eyes widened.
"You remember that?" he asked, I nodded. He pulled me into a hug, rubbing my back. "I'm sorry," he mumbled.
"Can we go?" I asked, my voice quieter than normal.
"Yeah, let's get you home," he told me, and we began to walk in silence.
The silence was comfortable and quiet, even though I had a stupid moment back then, it was like it never happened - which is good, I guess, because that means he won't push me into telling him everything.
"We're here," Smith said, pulling me out of my daydream. I looked over at him and gave him a small smile, which he seemed to see right through. "I'll take you up to your flat," he said, pinching my cheeks for some strange reason. The fuck?
We made it and I tested the door. Locked.
"Hey, dickhead! Open the door!" I called, kicking the door with my good foot, so I had to balance on the crutches.
"HOLD ON!" Leo shouted.
He make a few loud noises before opening the door, only in his boxers.
"Nice," I said, he rolled his eyes and left to the kitchen.
"I'll see you later, yeah?" Smith asked, I nodded.
"So, you don't want your hat back?" I asked.
"Nah, like I said, you keep it," he told me, I nodded and went into the apartment, shutting the door behind me as he left.
"HOLY SHIT! I SHIP ROLEX!" Leo screamed ... did he just say 'Rolex'? Wasn't that a type of watch?
"What?" Jonathan asked, walking in - he was also in his boxers.
"Ooh, Riffy! Roffy? Nah. Kogie and Smith together is Kiffy! No ... I read a fanfic and that was a ship name. No. Riffy or Rolex will do!" Leo rambled.
"What did you feed him?" I asked Jonathan as Leo began ranting different ship names and a fanfic making him cry ... help?
"I may or may not have fed him all the extremely sugary pop we have. And I stole some of your homemade drink and added about fifteen spoonfuls of sugar to it," Jonathan admitted. I face palmed so bad at that.
"Dumbass." I hissed, punching his arm.
It was gonna be a long night.

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