Death Comes Knocking

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(Explicit language)

I whimpered as Smith sat up, pulling me up with him as I clutched onto his arms.
It was Zed.
He found me.


"Alex?" I asked, my voice barley a whisper.
"I want you to hide," he told me.
"Where?" I asked, looking at his bedroom door as there was a banging on his front door.
"I dunno ... there's a shelf in my wardrobe with a duffel bag on it. I'll help you climb onto it," he said, pulling me up and pulled me to the wardrobe. He gave me a leg up and I climbed onto it.
"Alex," I said when he'd turned to shut the door. "Try to be safe," I said. He leaned up and kissed my cheek.
"For you," he said. He shut the doors and I curled up behind the bag.
I heard Smith exit his bedroom and go to the front door.
"BITCH, OPEN UP!" I put my hand over my mouth to muffle my whimpers.
"Sorry, mate, I ain't letting no douchebag into my home," I heard Smith say sternly.
"It's not like you have a choice, you ginger cunt!"
I winced as I heard Smith get hit, his body crashing to the floor with a thud.
"You're gonna tell me where the bitch is, and you're gonna tell me now," Zed threatened.
"Go to Hell," Smith retorted.
"Asshole," I heard Zed hiss. "Panners, Will - you two make sure this asshole doesn't do anything stupid. Dupper, Xavier and Wilters, I want you to search every room; we're gonna find her." Zed said in a low voice. I curled up into the smallest ball I could physically curl up into.
Doors were being banged open, they were swearing when they couldn't find me.
"Zed, mate, I don't think she's here," I heard Dupper tell him.
"Bitch, that whore is here. He drove her here. She's here somewhere. But my little dear is being idiotic. She must remember that hiding makes it worse," Zed told him.
Smith's bedroom door opened.
My breathing caught in my throat and I stared at the doors in horror, light seeping in through some gaps between the doors.
"Hmm ... you can hear me, can't you dear?" Zed asked. I bit down on my lip in fear. "Yes, you can. I can practically smell your fear. Maybe if I'm quiet enough, I'll hear your ... heartbeat," he said silkily. The floorboards creaked under his weight, but I remained silent. Zed would hurt me more the longer I stayed there, but I didn't want to die. Smith told me to stay there, to not make a noise, so that was what I would do.
He walked throughout the room, tipping things over, cursing rather loudly when he didn't find me where he expected me to be.
He was running out of places to try and find me and I knew him discovering where I was hiding was inevitable.
I was going to die.
My only regret was bringing Smith into this; he'd die today too and it was all my fault.
"The wardrobe," he whispered. His footsteps came closer. Some of the light was now blocked by his figure. "I know you're in here. I can smell your blood," he whispered. The doors opened and I prayed to the gods he'd not move the bag.
"Hmm, not down here," he said, having knelt down. I heard him moving Smith's clothes.
Get off his stuff, you motherfucker!
"So, it means you're up here."
A hand grasped the bag and it was moved out of the way.
I was suddenly ragged down by my hair.
"ARGH!" I yelped as I landed with a thud, his hand locked in my hair. "GET OFF!" I yelled.
"ROSE?" Smith shouted.
"ALEX, RUN!" I yelled, then got hit in the face.
Zed dragged me to the living room where Smith was on the ground, blood dripping from his nose.
"Ugh!" I groaned as Zed pushed me to the ground.
"Aw, he covered her neck up. Did you not like my love bite?" Zed asked. Smith glared at Zed, who was stroking my hair, peeling the bandage off my neck. The cold air hit my wound and I grimaced.
"Don't touch me you fucking cunt-headed prick!" I snarled.
My head was slammed into the ground as Zed hit me, forcing my head on the ground. Tears of pain stung my eyes which I held shut; I didn't want to give Zed the satisfaction. He was leaning over me and I daren't look at Smith, pure fear of what Zed might do to me in front of Smith was taking over.
"Bitch, you should remember what happens when you insult me," he whispered. I glanced at his hand and saw a knife. "Maybe I should carve a few more notes on you," he said.
"No," I mumbled.
His knife was placed on my now bare side. I hissed in pain as I felt it rip away the sensitive skin.
"Rose," Smith whispered. "Please, no, don't hurt her," he begged. I looked at him and saw he was crying.
"Beat him up," Zed snarled, pointing at Smith.
"No!" I yelled. I elbowed Zed and got up, despite the pain in my side, then kicked Dupper in the balls. He fell over, clutching his crotch. Xavier went to punch me in the face but I miraculously dodged it and punched him in the face instead.
"Rose, no!" Smith yelled. Xavier grabbed me and slammed me into the ground.
I hit my head pretty hard.
I passed out.

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