Chp. 4 Jonathan's not a happy chappy

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» trigger warning for self harm. «

Oh, shit, Jonathan!
Someone grabbed me by my arms and literally dragged me out of the bed, I looked up and saw Jonathan, who looked very pissed.
"Leave my sister alone, dickhead!" Jonathan snarled, pulling me up and dragging me out of the room.
"Get off me, Jonathan, you don't understand -" I began.
"Shut up, Rose!" he yelled at me, I stopped and ragged my arm from his hands.
"No, you shut up and listen, Jonathan! You're never there, you were and then you weren't! You expect me to follow all your rules and listen to you? Fuck that! You left when I needed you most and didn't stay in contact, you never phoned and you were never there!" I yelled at him, emphasising the last two words by saying them slowly. "While you buggered off, Leo stayed in contact and became the brother you were supposed to be!" I shouted, he glared down at me angrily.
"Shut up! You made it hard to stay in contact!" he yelled in my face.
"How the fuck did I make it hard?" I hissed in his face.
"You were always so sad! You hardly talked in the first place, if you did it was about how shit your school was. So do let me apologise I just didn't want to put up with a whiny bitch who thinks the world revolves around her!" he shouted.
"OK," I mumbled, looking down and looked back up to his face. "Whatever you say," I muttered and went into my room and shut the door.
See, I wasn't wanted ... or loved in fact.
I sat against the door and listened to the two of them argue.
"Don't go near her ever again," Jonathan snarled.
"She is like a sister to me, why would I do something to manipulate her? I was there for her when you weren't. You stopped speaking to her - why? So you could get with girls? Get drunk? Forget her? I had the time to talk to her - everyday. When you saw me on my phone everyday, I was texting her, asking if she was OK, if she was sad, or still as depressed as she was. What you said was horrible, I never knew you could be as pathetic as you are." Leo said, trying to sound calm, but the anger evident in his voice. I heard footsteps and a door open and slam.
This had been a pretty shit morning.
After a while, there was a knock at the door, I wiped my face and sighed, opening the door.
To my surprise, it was Beckii.
I let her in and she hugged me tightly.
"I'm sorry Kogie said all that stuff to you," she murmured.
"It's OK, not your fault. If anything, it's mine," I mumbled, she looked at me, wide eyed.
"How is it your fault?" she asked.
"I went into Leo's room, I stayed with him, Jonathan caught us," I didn't speak what was going on in my mind.
"No, it's not your fault; Kogie should've stayed in contact and not leave you," she said, stroking my cheek with her hand.
"Uh, could I be alone for a bit?" I asked, she nodded and kissed my forehead. I found this slightly amusing as I was taller than her and she had to reach up.
"OK, but talk to me if you need to," she said, I nodded and she left.
I watched as the door closed and listened for anyone coming.
I went to my backpack and searched through it and found what I wanted.
It was like the only friend I had in a way; it had always been there and never left, like Leo.
I sat on my bed and looked at my horrible body.
That time, it was on my legs.
It stung it hurt more then it would on my arms, but the pain I deserved.
Five times and then I put it back.
The blood was thick and heavy, but it was OK.
I cleaned it up and saw the angry lines.
I changed and put on my black clothes; they were all I really had.
I got ready and then got my money on my bag. I didn't want to stay here. It wasn't my choice to come here; it was my parents' choice, I think they couldn't cope with me like they could with Jonathan.
Once I was all suitable for going outside, I left my room.
"Where d'you think you're going?" Jonathan asked, standing in front of me, trying to stop me from leaving. Like that was gonna happen.
"Out to get a job." I said shortly, manoeuvred my way around him and left the apartment.
I walked down the streets and made it to town, where I went to the shop and asked about the job.
Turned out I was the only one willing enough to ask for the job.
The owner of the shop (who was a female) talked to me about how many hours I could do. I told her as many as she wanted me to do. So I was then full time working at a stupid cash register. Still, it could have been worse; I could've been scrubbing toilets.
Once I got all the shifts, I walked around the streets of the town, not really wanting to go back to Jonathan's place.
"Hey, you're Kogie's sister, right?" a woman older than me said. I looked up and saw a woman with black hair and a man with blonde hair.
"Uh, yeah. How did you know?" I asked.
"He showed everyone a picture of you at work, probably from a few years ago, but I could see the resemblance," the man said, I nodded. "So, what're you doing on your own?" he asked.
"I needed to get out, there was a little trouble at home ... already," I said, the woman smiled at me.
"Oh, I'm Kaeyi, this is Martyn," the woman introduced.
"I'm Rose," I said, shyness flooding me.
"Uh, why don't you come with us? I mean, we're going to work, it might be good for you to meet everyone," Martyn said.
"OK, not like I have anything to do," I said, smiling at them. They grinned and Kaeyi looped her arm with mine.
They led me down a few streets and led me to a building.
"This is YogTowers," Martyn said. "A thing of beauty," he murmured, looking at me. I gave him a look that showed I was just gonna have to go along with it.
They both dragged me in and brought me into the elevator with them.
"So, if you don't mind, what trouble was happening this morning?" Kaeyi asked.
"Oh, I was staying in Leo's room, he's like a big brother to me and knows how to comfort me. Jonathan came in to wake him up and saw us and was really pissed off. He said a few other things, insulted me, Leo basically told him to leave us alone and to not be as big of a dick," I said calmly.
"Wow. I didn't know Kogie could be like that," Martyn said honestly.
"I gotta admit, neither did I," I said, half smiling at him. I didn't really remember the last time I properly smiled; I'd seen some messed up shit, I guessed.
The elevator doors opened and we got out.
There was a lot of offices, drawings on the doors and red lights flashing every so soften on some of the doors.
"We have to be quiet; some of the guys are recording. We'll take you to the common room," Martyn whispered, I nodded and let them lead me to the common room.
There was other people, who greeted Kaeyi and Martyn. I felt like an oddball because no-one there knew me.
"Martyn, who's this?" a man with dark hair asked.
"This is Rose, Kogie's sister," Martyn said, I waved.
"I'm Lewis Brindley. Pleasure to meet you," he said, holding out his hand, which I shook. He had a firm handshake. He seemed like a nice enough guy.
"Nice to meet you too," I said.
"Rosie!" A familiar voice said from the doorway, I looked and saw Alex.
"Hey," I said, he smiled and pulled me into a hug, which was very weird.
"How do you two know each other?" Martyn asked as I pulled away from Alex.
"We bumped into each other, literally," Alex told them, I nodded. "Kogie forgot to pick her up so I phoned him and told him to pick her up and that was two days ago." he explained, I nodded.
"Well, welcome to YogTowers," Lewis said.

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