Comicon? Birthdays?

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(A/N: guess what? I'm gonna see Area 11 at one of their gigs *fangirls and dies from excitement*)

Edit, edit and edit.
I had been given the task of editing Hat Film's Cornerstone videos and Duncan and Kim's. I also had to edit Cat Island now.
So much work!
There wasn't much else to say. Area 11 were done with going abroad (why do they even go in the first place?) and were staying in England. They were going touring soon.
We had all silently agreed to never talk about the things that happened, acting as if it never happened.
The Yogscast were also going to Comicon. That was Lewis, Sjin, Duncan, Hannah, Kim, Smiffy, Ross, Trott's cardboard cut out, Martyn, Turps and Sips. That was eleven people (well, ten since the cut out wasn't actually a person).
"Hey, Mini," Lewis called as he made it into the corridor.
"Hey," I greeted.
"I was wondering if you also wanted to come to Comicon?" he asked.
"Uh, sure," I shrugged.
"Good, I just need to sort out the rooming at the hotel and who'll go in which car," he said, sounding as if he was talking more to himself than me. He began to walk off, still talking to himself.
"Well," I muttered, going into the Editors' room.
"Hey," Tom Bates greeted as I went and sat down.
"Heya," I said, turning on the computer and loading the things I'd need.
"So, I heard you're going to Comicon," he said casually.
"Uh, yeah," I shrugged.
After editing Hat Film's Cornerstone, I checked when their birthdays were.
I sighed and looked around, thinking. What would Smith want? Something burgundy no doubt.
Checking when I had a break, I began to think of things which may be burgundy. Hats, jumpers ... uh, help me?
"You OK?" Kim's voice asked, I looked over and saw her standing to the side, leaning against my divider.
"Uh, yeah, why?" I answered.
"You just look troubled," she shrugged.
"Smith's birthday is in a few days. I was just wondering what to get him," I admitted.
Hoy shit, she was worse than Trott.
She began screaming, waving her arms in small motions, like a spasm. Her voice just went to the most high-pitched squeal it could go to without breaking, her face was also contorted, eyes scrunched up, nose wrinkled and her brow furrowed.
"Uh ..." I tried to speak, but she began jumping up and down in a circle. I backed my chair away and held up my arms a little in defence.
"Oh, my God," Hannah laughed from the doorway, I looked over at her and she winked at me. "Her OTP reaction," she added. "What did you say?" she asked, coming over and watching Kim just squeaking happily, jumping up and down, dancing.
"All I said what that Smith's birthday's in a few days and I wondered what to get him," I told Hannah honestly.
"Oh, we have to go shopping! Mini, Mini, Mini, Mini, Mini! LET ME HELP YOU!" Kim screamed at super speed, not waiting for an answer as she grabbed my hand (with surprising strength I might add) and pulled me out of the room and grabbed her bag for inside her office, leading me to the elevator, Hannah's laughter behind us.
She took us to her car and she began driving, jumping up and down in her seat.
"Uh, Kim? Can you calm down when driving?" I asked, gripping my seatbelt tightly.
"Eeeeeek!" she squeaked her reply and I sighed, looking out the window, seeing other cars and shops and houses flash by.
We got to the town, and she dragged me to literally every shop she could get me to go into.
"Why?" I asked for what felt like the millionth time.
"Because I want you to get him something he'll love," she shrugged, pulling me to a jumper section. She made me get a few burgundy jumpers and beanies. We went into a different shop and I was attracted to a man's necklace, which I thought Smith might like, so I got it.
"What did ya get?" Kim asked once I came out, the small brown bag put in my handbag.
"Find out on his birthday," I told her sassily, she rolled her eyes at me and dragged me into her car, having to go back to YogTowers.
"ROSIE!" I heard Sjin yell.
"WHAT?" I shouted.
"I dunno. Where did you go?" he asked.
"Kim kidnapped me to go present shopping, why?" I asked.
"Sam wanted to ask you to hold a practice livestream," he shrugged, I nodded and walked to where Sam would be.
"Hey," I greeted, sitting next to him once he'd waved me into the room.
"Can you do the practice livestream?" he asked, I nodded and he thanked me. "It's gonna start in three hours, so can you finish all the editing you need to do and go to the livestream room?" he said, I nodded and he grinned at me.
"See ya in a bit," I said, writing the time on my hand and went to my computer, which was calling to me. I put my shopping bags under the desk, hiding the things that were actually pretty cool.
The hours seemed to speed past and then it was time for the livestream.
I sat on the spinny chair, headset on, looking at the TV screens.
"And we're live!" Sam told me, I looked at the lense and smiled, waving.
"Hello." I greeted. "I've no idea what I'm doing here," I added in a weird voice Hannah uses. "I can always play a horror game or a trucking game if you guys in the chat want," I added, reading the chat.
"Hello," Lewis greeted from the doorway, I gestured for him to come in.
So, we began to play GTA together, reading several comments and he was my slave.
"I need to go for a quick toilet break," Lewis muttered, taking off the headset. "You need to?" he questioned, I shook my head.
"Bladder of steel," I muttered, moving my mic away to drink some of my tea Lewis had so kindly gotten me. "So. What've you people at home been up to? Working? Pissing? Shitting? Uni?" I asked, hearing Sam laugh in my headset. "Fun fact: I actually graduates from college a year early, as I'm such a smartass, and I want to know which universities may be the best," I said.
The comments section exploded.
"Hey, Rose," Smith said, jumping into the seat next to me.
"Hi," I said.
"What's your full name?" he asked, sounding curious. I turned to look at him, glaring.
"I hate you," I muttered under my breath. "My full name is actually Rosaligne Penelope Kogan. One hell of a weird ass name, right?" I asked, smirking.
"Wow," he said, laughing.
"I know. But everyone either calls me Rose or Rosie," I shrugged.
"What does the chat think I should call Rosie?" Smith asked as Lewis came back in.
"'Penny', 'Elly', 'Rosa', 'Pen' and 'Ligne'," I read, having to squint.
"D'you need glasses?" Lewis joked.
"I have glasses, I choose not to wear them cos I look like an asshat in them," I muttered my reply to his comment.
"I think you'd look cute," Smith told me, watching the computer screen which had my GTA on it.
"Hey, Smith, why don't you go onto yours? I need to head home soon anyway," Lewis said, Smith nodded, they got up and Lewis, for some strange reason, kissed my cheek before leaving.
"And the chat goes wild," I grumbled, eyeing the chat, which had ship names like 'Rowis'.
"Ouch," Smith commented and I kicked his leg under the table.
I began to mindlessly beatbox, looking into the lense and winking every so often, or pulled silly faces. Smith began to sing and I altered my beatboxing so we were making some sort of music together.
"The chat loves it," Sam told us, I glanced at the chat and saw other ship names.
"People, people, if you're gonna ship me with someone, actually pick one instead of going through all the lads here," I muttered. "Who thinks Hat Films should play a horror game? Like Outlast, or Slender or even Five Nights at Freddy's?" I asked, waiting for GTA to load up, so I read the comments left.
Smith read the comments.
"'You two should play a horror game together, slowly getting the other two Hats involved BTW, Pen, have you ever played a horror game?'" Smith read.
"That's a good idea. I've played Outlast three times and I've played other horror games. Slender and the Freddy series don't scare me," I answered.
"Wow," Smith muttered under his breath quietly.
We continued playing and soon, Sam told us it was time to end the stream.
"Sorry, guys, but we're fucking off now, the stream has had enough of us for one day," I told the viewers.
We waved bye and Sam cut the stream, we put the stuff back and turned everything off, soon leaving the room.
"That was a good suggestion, though," Smith sighed as we stood in the corridor, feeling the cold air.
"Yeah, we could do that if we organise it properly," I shrugged.
"You serious?" he asked, I nodded.
"Yeah, I could set it up and we could play the games at night to make it shit your pants," I said, smiling cheekily.
"What about you? Your pants ain't gonna be turning brown?" he asked.
"I grew up with Jonathan, and I've played so many horror games that I'm not bothered," I shrugged my answer.
"I can talk to Lewis and see if we can do that," he said and I nodded, he grinned and pulled me into a side hug before leaving.
"Mini!" Sjin hissed, I turned to look at him.
"What?" I asked.
"You're the new OTP. Everyone wants you two to get together," he told me.
"Well, they can ship as much as they want, we ain't getting together," I said.
"Aw, that's a shame," he said, pouting.
The next few days, I spent wrapping Smith's presents up and going to the gym with Hannah.
I cut the alarm off by throwing it at the wall, effectively stopping it.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP," I shouted, throwing my book in the general direction of where I threw the alarm.
I heard a satisfying crack and blissful silence.
Ah, the peace.
Today was actually Smith's birthday today, so that means I have to get up.


Ally: I'm not sure whether I should be grateful or not XP xx

ROSIE: Plz go with the first, I just woke up and my alarm had a spasm, and my head is like fuck-a you-a xx

Wait ... Was that racist? Not receiving an answer yet, I sat up, checking the time: 8:15am.
Putting the phone in my pyjama pants pocket, I left my room, holding the ends of my sleeves in my hands. I went into the kitchen and made breakfast, making Jonathan and Leo their morning drinks, leaving them hot and steaming on the countertop for when they wake up.
Fishing my breakfast, I felt the phone vibrate and I looked at it.

Ally: Lolz ....... did u break ze alarm? Eh, love-a you-a xxx

ROSIE: Fuck, yeah. Now I'm sure you have something wrong with you xxx

Slipping my phone back into the pocket, I went and got washed and dressed.
Getting the presents, I made my way out, scrawling a note and sticking it on the fridge so Jonathan knew where I was.
I saw Ross' car and he honked the horn as I made my way to his car.
"Morning," I said as I got into the car. I saw in the back he had a bag of presents.
We sat in comfortable silence, listening to the radio he had on and to my surprise, Bullet by Hollywood Undead came on, which I began to sing quietly.
"Damn, girl, you can sing," Ross cheered and I looked over at him. "I love your voice!" he added and I blushed a little.
"Asphalt to me has never looked so soft, I bet my momma found the letter now she's calling the cops," I sung and he began to hum, which made me smile.
He turned the car and we were soon at YogTowers.
We got out and carried our stuff in, going onto our floor and waited in the Hat's room, for Smith, where they had a surprise for him.
Now, we wait.

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