Geckos Are Adorable!

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**** SMIFFY P.O.V. ****

As we walked, I took note of her features discreetly, not wanting to look like a total creep.
Black hair, green eyes and freckle-y. She was actually pretty tall, taller than Trott and maybe even Lewis. But she was no way near as tall as Ross or myself.
She was perfect to me.
"Alex!" she yelped, and pulled me back, I looked and saw a truck drive by, inches away from me, where I had been standing. "Idiot, d'you have a death wish? You nearly got killed!" she exclaimed, a worried look on her face.
"Sorry, I didn't hear it, or see it," because I was looking at you.
"No shit," she muttered, then hit my arm with incredible power. It really fucking hurt. I rubbed my arm gently. "Don't fucking scare me like that," she said, sounding scared.
"I'm sorry, I wasn't looking. I'll never do that again," I promised her, she nodded, then wrapped her arms around my middle.
"Good," she mumbled, her voice muffled in my chest.
She pulled away from me and we watched where we were going as we made it to my flat I shared with my flatmate. My flatmate was cool, didn't mind much.
I let her in and we went to look up on Kim and Kanye.
"Daaaaww," she said as we went to their cage. They both hissed at us and she smiled.
"Want me to get them out?" I asked, she looked up at me and nodded, that cute smile on her face.
I opened the cage and they scampered, hissing, she giggled a little and I felt the heat rising to my cheeks.
I picked up Kanye, and he bit my finger, well, tried to. She smiled and stood next to me and stroked him, he hissed and went on the defensive, this made her chuckle a little and I silently offered to let her hold him, she put her hand against mine and Kanye crawled onto her hand, then began to crawl all over her, and rest on her head. She took her hand away from mine and I missed the feeling she brought when we touched. She looked up at me and smiled brightly. How could she be depressed? Well, I wasn't gonna make her sad while she was so happy.
"I think he likes you," I said, she poked her tongue out and crinkled up her nose, looking even more adorable.
"Same," she said, leaning her head back as he crawled over her face, his front feet on her chin and cheek, the other two on her eye and forehead, his tail whipping her ear. He crawled and began to bite her ear, which made her laugh.
"It tickles," she admitted, I smiled.
"You want me to get him off?" I asked, she nodded a little, careful not to hurt him. I gently pulled him off, but he was well set on gumming her ear. I chuckled a little, holding his body in one hand, and carefully pulled his mouth away from her ear, then realised how close we were. I stared into her emerald orbs, getting lost in them.
She frowned a little, then looked to the side of my head, I frowned too and tried to look.
"He's biting your ear, it looks cute," she said, her voice soft.
So close ...
I pulled him off of my ear and fed him.
I handed Kim and Kanye to Rosie and cleaned out their cage. I glanced over at her every so often and saw Kim on her top, Kanye back on her head.
Once I was done, I sat beside her.
"I think they like you," I muttered, my arm across the back of the sofa we were sat on.
"Yeah," she sighed, stroking Kanye's head.
"What's up?" I asked, feelings her emotions - sad.
"Dunno," she sighed, I put my arm around her and she rest into my side.
"You OK?" I asked, she nodded. "I call bullshit," I told her, she looked up at me and frowned at me. "You're not OK, even if you say you are. So, what's up?" I asked, she shrugged.
"Just don't feel like going home when Jonathan gets back ... I mean, we're OK, now, but ..." she trailed off, uncertain and looked up at me. "D'you understand?" she asked, I nodded. "'M lucky you're my friend," she mumbled, both geckos resting in her lap as she buried her head into my side.
Friend ...


I looked up, I had fallen asleep, in a sleeping position and decided to check the time.
I turned on the light and saw the geckos asleep in their cage.
How did they get in there? I went to get up, but something slid down my side a little, I looked and immediately smiled.
I moved slowly and laid her down, then shut the geckos' cage. I stretched and looked over at her, still adorable. I went into the kitchen and got a sandwich. Once I ate, I checked on my flatmate, Defi. Asleep as well.
I went back to where Rosie was and turned on the light, she winced a little but stayed asleep. I went and kneeled beside her and gently shook her shoulder, she groaned a little.
"Fuck off," she mumbled, swatting at my hand a little. "'M tired," she said, yawning.
"Rosie, you should probably wake up," I said, a small smile on my face. She opened her eyes tiredly, looking up at me.
"What?" she asked, sitting up a little and looked around, yawning again.
"We fell asleep ... again. It's ten o'clock at night. You want to go home, or stay here?" I asked, she shrugged.
"Dunno," she mumbled. "Whatever, I'm not bothered," she shrugged.
"I'll walk you home," I said, she nodded and I helped her up.
I gave her my Cornerstone jumper and she put it on, it was pretty big on her, but she looked beautiful in it. I resisted the urge of kissing her then and there.
"What?" she asked, looking down then back up. "What?" she asked, whining it out a little, sounding genuinely confused.
"Nothing, you look adorable," I admitted, then blushed, I saw her giggle a little and hide her face in her hands, her cheeks were as red as the jumper.
"Thanks," she said shyly. I held out my hand and she took it, I pulled her out of the flat and locked the door, putting our locked hands into my jumper pockets.
There were a few people walking the streets, some tipsy/drunk, others just in groups and laughing raucously.
"Uh, Alex? I'm a bit scared," Rosie's scared voice said from next to me, I looked down and pulled my arm out and rest it securely around her shoulders.
"No one's gonna hurt you while I'm with you," I promised, she nodded and rest her head in my side, taking my hand around her shoulders and clutched it.
"OK," she said.
We went into the complex and arrived at the flat.
"Thanks for walking me home," she said, smiling up at me.
"My pleasure," I said, grinning at her, she looked down, blushing a little. "Will I see you tomorrow?" I asked, she shrugged.
"I've got work tomorrow, so have you, so maybe, maybe not. I might drop by YogTowers if you want me to," she said, nonchalantly.
"OK. See you." I said.
"See ya." she said.
Then to my surprise, she leant up and kissed my cheek.
She went into her flat, waved and shut the door.
I seriously love my geckos.

» emotions are dead ... ran dry *shrugs* «

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