Two Tall Boys

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I felt the long fingers grip my arm, causing me to squirm and look around at him.
"Long time no see," he grinned wickedly.
"Rosie?" Hannah asked, glaring at the man in front of us.
Zed Willows.
What an asshole.

"What d'you want?" The poor attempt at sounding rude and angry sounded like I was scared and wanted to leave ... which was true.
"I just want to talk to you; I haven't seen you in years," he said, glancing down at Hannah and giving her his 'charming' smile which first got me. Hannah's glare faltered and I knew she was doubting herself.
"Um, you want to talk to him?" Hannah asked me, looking at me like 'you-don't-have-to-if-you-don't-want-to'.
"Uh, sure," I said, giving her the fake smile I used to wear. She gave me a reassuring smile and left to find someone, most likely Kim or Lewis.
"Who the fuck is she?" Zed demanded as he took my hand and dragged me to wherever he was dragging me to. All my instincts were telling me to run away from him, kick him in the balls and run as fast as possible. But all my young teenage fears were returning and the memories of me running from him and the consequences.
"M-My friend, Hannah," I said honestly.
"Oh, really?" he asked, I nodded, biting my lip. "Well, I hope you know not to tell her about our relationship." he said sternly. I nodded and his grip on my hand tightened as he began to lead me away from the stalls and out of the place.
"W-Where are we going?" I asked quietly.
"Out!" he snapped. Before I could prevent it, the whimper left my lips and he glared at me. I lowered my head and he held my wrist at a slightly odd angle, which was beginning to hurt.
"Hey, Kitty, where're you going? Perkins needs your help," Smith's voice said from behind me. I looked up at him, probably looking like a deer caught in headlights. Huh, he used one of the million nicknames.
"She's coming with me," Zed snarled. Smith looked at Zed and I suddenly noticed the height difference. I always thought Smith was the tallest in the office (besides from Ridge), but Zed seemed to tower the pair of us.
"No, she's not," Smith said sternly. Zed glared down at Smith before he scoffed.
"What're you gonna do about it?" Zed asked, clenching his fists.
"OW!" I yelped. To my surprise, he let go of my wrist and I held it in my other hand.
"The fuck is wrong with you?" Smith demanded, glaring at Zed who was sneering down at him.
"The fuck're you talking about? She's my girlfriend, I can do what I want!" Zed snapped.
"Bullshit," Smith said. "Leave her alone, asshole, before I have to deal with you myself." Smith snarled. Smith put a hand on my shoulder, trying to reassure me.
"Is that a threat. You ginger bitch?" Zed sneered.
"No. It's a fucking promise." Smith said coldly. "C'mon, Kitty," he said, putting an arm around my shoulders as he led me back the way we came. I didn't look around because I knew Zed was glaring at us, most likely planning something.
"Thank you," I said quietly as we walked around the back of the stalls.
"Who is he? He said you're his girlfriend," he muttered.
"He's Zed. I used to date him when we were younger," I told him.
"'Used to'. So, why did he say you do?" Smith asked. I shrugged.
"Maybe he thinks I'm gonna go back to him?" I asked. He nodded, then looked at my wrist.
"Shit, does that hurt?" he asked. I shrugged, then tried to move it and bit back a yelp.
"Fuckballs," I hissed.
"I'm guessing it is broke," Smith said.
"Probably," I muttered.
"Hmm," he sighed. "Let's get you to the First-Aid guy." he said.
"OK," I said. He led us towards the YogOffice and made me wait while he went down to find the First-Aid guy. I sat on the table, swinging my legs slightly. My phone began to buzz and I looked at it to see Sparkles* phoning me.
"Hello?" I asked.
'Hey, what the fuck happened? I just saw Zed fucking Willows!' Sparkles* said worriedly. Wait, how did he know about Zed?
"Zed found me - no, don't worry, Smith spotted us," I said as soon as he began to yell in horror. "Smith kinda, like, stopped Zed from doing anything," I said, shrugging my shoulders. This was such an awkward position; I liked my phone on my right ear, but Zed (probably) broke my right wrist, so I was holding it with my left hand to my right ear. I probably looked like a twat, but it felt a little comfortable.
'But ... did he do anything before Smith saw you?' Sparkles* asked, I could practically see his face filled with worry.
"Uh, he may have broken my wrist," I muttered. "Anyway, how do you know about Zed?" I asked.
'You talk in your sleep.' Was his answer.
"Oh," I sighed.
'Yeah, oh,' he muttered.
The door opened and I looked up. Smith and some guy.
"Gotta go, see ya!" I said and hung up.
"Hey," Smith said.
The guy checked my wrist and said it was broken.
"How did you break it, missy?" the guy asked.
"I tripped and fell. I put my hand out to try and break the fall but it broke my wrist," I lied easily. I saw Smith stealing a glance at me before nodding. It was pretty difficult to hide the bandages on my arms, but I managed to make sure neither of them saw, although Smith knew they were there.
"OK," the guy said. "Just be careful, OK?" he asked and I nodded. Thankfully the guy left and I looked at my wrist in the cast.
"Tripped and fell?" Smith questioned. "How many times have you broken a bone?" he asked.
"I dunno. A lot," I shrugged. I looked up at him and there was a look on his face which I didn't understand.
"If he ever comes near you, phone me, or Ross, hell even Trott, and we'll come and stop him from getting near you," he said. My heart seemed to flutter at his words. Was he serious in risking getting his ass beat to try and stop me from being hurt? Whatever my feelings were for him seemed to raise higher than ever before.
"Thank you," I said, wrapping my arms around his middle. He pulled me into a hug and I rest my head on his chest.
"Don't worry about it; it's what friends are for," he said. Friends.
I wish we could be more than friends.
No, I did not think that.
"Yeah," I mumbled, feeling him put a hand in my hair. "You're the best friend," I added, seeing as I was placed in a friendzone.
I felt comfortable with Smith hugging me and I let out a sigh.
"Ooh!" I heard Kim squeal. My head shot up and my arms released Smith said slightly.
"Shipped!" Hannah joined in. I pulled away from Smith and gave him a shy smile which he returned.
"I'll just go." he mumbled.
As soon as he left, Kim jumped on me.
"Oh, my God, I ship it so much! Way cuter than Sposie*!" Kim squeaked. I frowned at her before facepalming and rolled my eyes.
"OK. Calm down, small person. He's just a friend," OK, I think you're lying, Rosie.
"He calls you Kitty!" Kim said.
"I am a kitty!" I retorted.
"Aw, the denial," Hannah cackled. I rolled my eyes as they began to fangirl.
Not long after, they had to go and do whatever Yogs do and I was left alone ... again.
I messed around with the Google app, saying things in different voices and also languages. What could I say? It was the P.C.I. in me.
My phone cut me off from annoying Google when an unknown number had messaged me.
Oh, fuck.


I sighed, knowing who it was.
The big question ...
How did he get my number?

(A/N: hello, lovelies. I must apologise on how short this is, seriously, this is like one of the shortest chapters. Anyway, SUPER SPECIAL THANKS and massive shout out to @Hyper_Active_People for commenting an idea in the previous chapter. I hope this is as good as you wanted. Thanks to @Hyper_Active_People this has helped the story for future chapters!! Just so you guys know - you can comment anything because I always look at the comments and see whether there are anyone's ideas there. I want you guys to be a huge part of this!)

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