Leo's Confusing and Comforting.

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» a warning for an uncomfortable scene ahead «

Leo wouldn't shut up ... he'd been fanigirling for about three hours.
He stole my food.
God, help us; I had no food ... Leo was gonna die.
"Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie, Rosie?" Leo asked quickly, bouncing in the seat beside me.
"What?" I asked.
"Do you like Smiffy?" he demanded, putting his nose against my cheek and began to push against my face.
"As a friend? Yes. As anything else? No," I answered.
Well, I thought I did anyway - DAMN YOU, LEO!
"AAAAAAAAAAAWWW!" Leo squealed - holy shit, that reminded me of Simon and his 'aw' thing. Leo just had to do the squeal right in my ear as loud as possible, didn't he?
"Do you fucking mind?" I asked.
"No, I fucking don't," he answered. "Do you have anything to tell us?" he added, showing Jonathan and I a picture Smiffy had posted. For fuck's sake, Leo, it was a fucking photo of me and his geckos.
"So?" Jonathan asked. He was being quite cool and ... nonchalant about the whole Leo-is-fanigirling-over-a-new-ship-that-involves-his-sister-and-someone-near-his-age thing. Wait ... how old was Jonathan again?
I honestly couldn't remember how old Jonathan was, but Smiffy was definitely older than him, I thought.
"IT PROVES THEY SHOULD DATE!" Leo screamed, still hyper.
Jesus Christ, he was driving me insane.
Wait ... why the actual fuck did I just think that?
"Why should they date?" Jonathan asked.
"Because they're my OTP." Leo said, dangerously serious. "Even though the fanfic that involves other OTPs, Rolex is my truest of the true OTPs," Leo added.
"Jonathan, please make him shut up," I begged.
"Nah, even though it pisses me off a little that he thinks someone who's ten years older than you should date you, I sorta agree with him," he admitted.
"SHUT THE FUCK UP! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP IN THIS BUILDING!" the neighbours hollered. I burst out laughing along with the two blithering idiots.
"But I wanna express my OTP," Leo pouted, ruffling my hair. "All seriousness, he likes you, and you like him, get your act together and have the balls enough ask him out," Leo demanded.
"Leo - I - don't - like - Smiffy - like - that - neither - does - he - for - me - you're - thinking - of - the - wrong - guy," I said, shaking him with each word.
"Wait, what?" Jonathan asked.
"You know about him, remember?" I asked, Jonathan frowned at my words and tried to remember. "The guy you saw kissing me," I added, he frowned. What an idiot. Anyone else think of Hermione Granger whilst reading that? Nope? Just me? Why am I talking to myself in my head? Why a I questioning myself? Cheese ... petrol. Reference. I was sleep deprived ... probably.
"Who?" Leo demanded. "Gurl, gimme all the details!" he told me.
"Well, what d'you want me to tell you about? Their appearance? The kisses?" I asked, seeing Jonathan tense up a little and Leo getting more excited.
"Appearance first." Leo confirmed.
"Well, he's got dark hair, brown eyes and is average height," I told him.
"Do we know him?" Leo asked, I nodded and he let out a squeal. Holy shit, he was going full fangirl. Or was it fanboy?
"Yeah, you do," I said.
"Does he work at YogTowers?" he questioned, I glanced at Jonathan, and nodded.
"Who is it?" Both boys shouted.
"Tell me, tell me, tell me," Leo said, shaking me by my shoulders.
"Missing a word off that," I said, he pouted.
"Pwease?" he asked.
"Fine, since you asked so adorkably," I said. "It's Tom Bates." I admitted.
"HOLY SHIT! NOT OTP, I REPEAT, NOT OTP!" Leo shouted, shaking Jonathan vigorously.
"Wait, so?" Jonathan asked.
"Night you watched me kissing someone, that was him, and the day of the crash. He admitted he liked me and knew I didn't feel anything like that for him." I told them.
"No. No Rom. I forbid Rom." Leo said seriously.
"Same," Jonathan said seriously. I rolled my eyes a little. "Hey, you should go to bed," he added, poking my nose.
"Carry me, bitch," I said, holding up my arms. He sighed and knelt in front of me, and I got on his back.
He carried me into my room and dropped me onto my bed.
I changed and laid down on my bed, closing my eyes and touching the tape stuff on my face. I sighed and turned over.
I turned back over and looked at my phone, to see the message Leo had sent.

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