Chapter 16

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I walked in my closet and grabbed my jeans, T-shirt and hoodie.

I walked to the bathroom and take a quick shower. After that I looked at my wounds. They were nowhere near healing. Most of the whip slashes and cuts were infected and my bruises didn't look the best either. I get dressed, comb my hair and brush my teeth.

Looking in the mirror one last time, I see I forgot to put concealer on my neck. The handprint is still there, I quickly grabbed the concealer and covered it up.

"Valentina!! Hury up!" Xavier yelled from downstairs.

"Coming" I yelled back, rushing out of the room.

I ran downstairs, to see them waiting for me at the door.

"Finally, you took forever" Xavier exaggerated

"I did not" I argued back.

"Okay okay, kids, calm down." Dad came into view.

I gave him a small smile.

"Allesandro get everything your sister needs. Clothes, accessories, electronics, school supplies,..."

"I will dad" Allesandro replied back grabbing the black card that dad handed him.

"Have fun principessa" dad said giving me a kiss on the forehead.

"I will."

"Well, let's go." Blake said walking of somewhere.

We all followed the same way he was heading. "Isn't the front door there." I questioned, pointing to the front door.

"Yes, but we're going to the garage." He answered back.

"Oh, makes sense." I muttered to myself.

We ended up at a door, leading to the biggest garage I have ever seen.

My eyes widened at the sight. "Wow"

They all chuckled, before Allesandro ruffled my hair saying we should head to the car. "Don't touch my hair, it's going to get fizzy and look bad." I said annoyed at Allesandro

"You don't look bad" He replied before walking of to a car.

We went to sit down in the black SUV. All I can say is that I'm shocked.

"Seatbelts on everybody." Allesandro ordered which we followed, then started driving to the mall.

Allesandro was driving, Blake sat in the passenger seat. I was sat behind in the middle, Xander to my left and Xavier to my right. I needed to sit in the middle because I am the youngest and smallest. We all know that's bullshit as a reason, but whatever makes him happy I guess.

———— 20 minutes later.

The entire ride, the closer we got to the mall, the more nervous and anxious I got. Something bad is going to happen, I can feel it in my gut and my gut is always right. I started fiddling around with my necklace and bouncing my leg subconsciously.

I could see the mall come into view, when Xander placed a hand on my bouncing leg. I looked at him, making eye contact.

"It's okay, you're going to be okay. Nothing is going to happen, we'll protect you. breathe in from your nose, out from you mouth, together okay." He said.

I nodded, before doing the same breathing technique as him. It helped knowing that they'll take care of me and protect me, then the breathing exercises. It helped a lot.

"Thank you Xan" He smiled at the nickname. While I laid my head on his shoulder.

A few minutes later, Allesandro announced that we were there. My nerves immediately shot up again, seeing so many people. But most of all the men. I know my family wouldn't hurt me, but all these other men....

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