Chapter 33

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My eyes fluttered open but close immediately at the bright light in the room.

My head was throbbing in pain while the memories all came flowing back. Tears pooled in my eyes thinking about what happened.

I gently opened my eyes again adjusting to the light, looking at a bright white ceiling.

I could still feel some of the drugs in my system.

"D-ad?" I croaked out.

He quickly rushed to my side, embracing me.

"You're okay principessa, we're here now." He reassured me.

"I-I'm sorry" I cried some tears spilling.

"Why, you don't have to be sorry"

"be-bacause all I ever do is cause problems for you guys. I-I'm just a burden on top of everything" tears full on flowing.

"Oh principessa, you don't have to be sorry and don't you ever say you're a burden again, understand. You're not a burden and I-we love you more than anything. You don't cause problems. Understand?" He said in a stern but gentle voice.

I just weakly nodded as I continued sobbing and hugging him.


After a while I finally calmed down and eventually looked around.

The whole family was there again, all already changed in different clothes.

Matteo was sleeping on one of the couches, laying on grandma's lap.

The ones that were awake looked at me with sad eyes.

This is embarrassing, I didn't know that the whole family was here and I cried in front of them.

My cheeks flushed which they cooed at.


Arsenio's/dad of Valentina's POV.

A Few Hours Earlier

After making sure that Valentina and Matteo were okay, we all walked down to the dungeons.

We walked to the door to the dungeons and I scanned my handprint to come in while my men at the front greeted me respectively.

After getting acces we walked down the stairs to the dungeons. Down the stairs and by each cell greeted guards me and the rest of the family.

All our heads were held high and made sure that the power and dominance echoed.

Finally already seated in one of the torture rooms in the dungeons was Jake tied to a metal chair, making sure he couldn't break it or move.

The metal chair was stuck to the ground so you couldn't try anything really.

We all scattered around him while one of my men threw ice cold water on him to wake him up.

Jake was already pretty beat up, I guess some of our men decided to punish him too for hurting the mafia princess.

Jake woke up in a panic while looking around.

"Do you know why you're here?" I asked in a monotone voice.

He shrugged, so...I did what any other person would do in my place and gave him a couple of punches.

"Speak" I demanded

Suddenly he just started smirking and then said. "Probably for what I did to that pretty pretty little girl"

"So...What did you do to Valentina Hernandez?" I needed to make sure that he knew why he was getting what he was getting.

"I wanted a little fun...she didn't but I.don' is hot and I get what I want and I wanted her."

There's no fun without consent.

"What exactly did you do to Valentina" He tried to rape her and I needed to make sure that he knew that that isn't some fun game.

Raping someone is one of the worst things you can do.

"I drugged her food to make sure she couldn't struggle but for some reason that didn't really have an effect on her. I still followed her and then pushed her against the wall, she struggled damm she has some good and hard punches for a girl that age. I climbed on top of her and banged her head against the ground. I started exploring those beautiful curves, hearing her pleas to stop.-" he snickered. "-beautiful." He finished.

My anger was boiling at this point. You could see the pain in our family though hearing his words.

"You tried to rape my daughter you bastard" I gritted out my teeth.

"And you,'re going to pay"I was the one chuckling now while the others planed sick smirks on their faces.

His face turned to a scared one while gulping hard.

I walked over to and picked out one of my favourite knifes.

I walked back to him tossing the knife in between my fingers.

In one swift motion, I stabbed him in the back.

He screamed in agony the blood running down his back, I pulled the knife back out and.....

I pulled his pants of and cut his dick of that is what he gets, trying to rape my only daughter.

I've learned some things over the years.

He wont die of course than the fun would stop and we wouldn't want that now would we?

I had some more fun before I motioned for my father to come forward and have his fun.

He did a lot but the best thing he did was that.......he cut the hands of that were on my daughter and to stop the bleeding, he burned those edges close.

Than the others followed and even some of my men.

The woman in my mafia are the best though, so specific making it extra painful.

——— hours later

A lot has happened to him, before I killed him.

He was stabbed, carved, beat, drowned, some limbs were cut of,....and much much more.

Lastly after we were all done, I grabbed his dick and shoved it down his throat.

He suffocated and died.

It was a wonderful sight to see.

I told some men to burn his body while we left blood all over us.

We walked out of the dungeons, blood still covering us all and walked to our private bathrooms here.

Men and woman greeted us respectfully than got back to working.

Some mafia's drive on fear to their men, we don't.

Our men are loyal to dead, we don't have traitors or spies we make sure of it. We take care of our men, we're all like a happy family. They got pissed when they heard about Val and all want revenge.

Some of our men who don't have any other family or stuff live together in houses that we pay for.

If one of our men dies we personally say goodbye to the families and make sure that they are financially good.

That's the least we can do for them and their loyalty.

After arriving at the bathrooms, I got in my own and showered.

We all have an own suite in here, in our main warehouse.

After showering and changing clothes, I meet with the others and than we go back to Valentina.

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