Chapter 69

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"Because she was treating me just like them. She beat me up everyday and made other people do it too, and than all the fucking mental abuse!! I just had enough and smashed her head against the locker when she didn't stop! You can't blame me for anything. She did it, she always did it" I yelled lifting my gun again and pointing it at her head.

The other stayed silent as I was contemplating if I wanted to shoot her head off or not.

I could do it and then it all ended right here right now


I could just shoot her in a part of her body, where she would not die from.

Then let some people of dad's mafia, take her to the dungeons and do exactly what I am doing now with their friends.

I went for the second option and shot her in her stomach.

I made sure to shoot her in a place that would hurt as hell, but not hit any organs and stuff, so making sure she didn't die and I could torture that bitch some more.


Piercing through that silence was that gunshot sound roaring.

I smiled as it hit her in the stomach before she could even react.

She fell back in her chair as she screamed in pain, real tears now falling down that disgusting plastic face of hers.

She quickly held pressure on the gunshot wound as she looked back at me with....a lot of different emotions.







"Oh don't worry, you won't die from that little injury. I didn't hit any organs or any important stuff, which means you won't die...Well that is only if you don't bleed to dead, so if I were you I would hold a little bit more pressure on that wound." I taunted her while laughing a bit.

"You psycho!" She yelled.

My laughing stopped as I looked her dead in the eyes.

She gulped realising what she had said and remembering in what state she was in.

"This is nothing compared to what you've done to me and have made other people do. This is your own dammed fault. You brought this upon yourself." I clarified before sitting down again, crossing my legs over each other.

After a few seconds I started talking again, "You know, I could kill you in a matter of seconds right now. You wouldn't be able to stop it or outrun it." I smiled twirling my gun around in my hand while still pointing it at her.

She was doing a terrible job at stopping the bleeding.

She didn't hold any pressure on it, not covering the wound properly, she sucked at this.

"Gosh how dumb are you? You're going to die that way. You're not holding any pressure on the wound or covering it properly. If I did what you are doing now, I would have died when I was goddam 8 years old. But I didn't, you know why?..Because I was holding pressure on my gunshot wound while looking for something to stitch it together. You can get up you know to find it, but if you do anything stupid, I'll kill you." I said while pointing my gun to the emergency kit for a second before pointing it at her again.

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