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Tweak ran in, yanked Dashi's headphones off, and shook us all awake. But her expression immediately became solemn."Rump...LOST!" And her face lit up in joy. Both of my sisters groaned. I was ecstatic.
"It's 6 in the morning Tweak." Koshi groaned, "You could've told us later!"
"Besides," Dashi said, "Why are you even up before 9, it's Sunday."
"Bider won, Dashi, that's why! I got up an hour ago to play Call of Duty, and I got the good news!"Tweak shouted.
"You're fired, President Butthole!" I yelled. I leapt out of my bunk. Tweak lifted me up and swung me around. I laughed, it was over, Bider and Hairris won! I ran toward the door, wanting to make some more noise, but Dashi sat up in bed, and grabbed me before I could leave the room, "Whoops, Jane, you're gonna need your clothes, you little hellhound. She said, "You can't leave in your pajamas." After I got dressed, Tweak and I both jumped into the Octo-chute, chanting, 
"BIDER WON, BIDER WON!" Once we got to the bottom floor, Tweak brought out a couple confetti poppers.
"Ready, lil hellhound? Let's make some noise."She said, smiling mischievously, brought out some music, and showed me how to use the popper, "Now, when I pull mine, I want you to yell, 'Goodbye, Rump'. Then you let yours off, and I'll yell, 'You're fired', in 3, 2, 1!" She let her's off.
"Goodbye Rump!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. She held onto my paws slightly, and showed me again how to pull it, and I pulled it.
"You're fired!" Tweak yelled. We popped all the others, and when we had finished, had gotten ourselves a rather grumpy audience. Even the Captain came down from his room.
"What on earth are you doing?" Shellington asked, half asleep.
"Exactly my question." Came a voice from the opposite end of the hall. My blood froze, Captain Barnacles came toward us. "Who on the planet is so horrible at their job, that it requires...this when they get fired?" I breathed out a sigh of relief
"Um, the former president of the United States?" I answered. Tweak nodded in agreement.
"Oh, yes!" Professor Inkling exclaimed, "The United States just had a presidential election, and the former president, who wasn't very popular, as I recall, must've lost."
"Ah, well, I am happy for you." The captain began, "But I'm not happy about the mess, you both need to clean it up, understood?"
"Aye aye, Cap" Tweak saluted him. Captain Barnacles leaned in close to me
"Don't tell Tweak," He whispered, "But we're gonna have another celebration of Bider's win after dinner today, since it's made her so happy."
"Yes, sir!" I whispered back.
"Good," He beamed at me like I was his own daughter, and raised his voice, "Now remember, if there is one piece of confetti left, you both owe me 50 push-ups for each piece I find."
"Ready?" The captain asked us, "Squirt, go downstairs and get Tweak for dinner, and then we'll surprise her, alright?" The dining area was decked out in blue, and covered in posters celebrating Bider and Hairris's win, and we were all anxiously waiting for Tweak. After hearing a storm of footsteps coming up to the dining room, a poster fell down. I ran to put it back up. After trying for a while, Koshi came and tried to help, but to no avail. Soon, Tweak had arrived with Squirt trailing behind her. And we were caught like a deer in headlights. For a while, Tweak's expression was unreadable, then her face broke into a huge smile.
"You-you did this all this? I didn't know y'all liked American politics so much!"
"We don't matey." Kwazii said, coming out of his hiding place, "You do, and that's why we did it, just for you." Tweak gaped, unbelieving, so I intervened.
"That, and he just wanted to make a whole lot of noise." I whispered, loud enough that everyone in the room heard. Kwazii took a swipe at me, but he was smiling. For the rest of the night, we celebrated with Tweak as a family, because on the Octopod, it was all for 1, and one for all.

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