New Changes

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Since that day I'd let Tomminow come with me to Inkling's class, I've noticed a change. It wasn't in any way a bad change, but it certainly was new. Every single time I went into the kitchen, Tomminow immediately ran up to me and wrapped her sweet little flippers around my legs and dragged me over to see something she made. But there was another change in store for me, and I wasn't sure how much I'd like it.

It was day 100 or so of boredom in Inkling's class. And this particular day, he had come through the door with a spring in his step and a smile that could have brightened up the whole Octopod. At 5:40 in the morning, something was up.

"What a lovely day, isn't it children." He sighed and drew the curtains open. We both stared at him uncomprehendingly. He had gotten us out of bed for class so early, that neither the sun or even Dashi were up, and it was freezing. We could be sleepy, or he could've just said what we thought he just said. It could work either way.

"Now, to get down to business." Professor Inkling continued on hastily, "I know you're wondering why you're here so early."

"Peso and Dashi made us." Pinto grumbled, rubbing his eyes tiredly. I nodded in agreement, head slumped down on desk and arms over my face, trying to block out any noise and light.

"Well then, today, I'm going to be introducing the reading groups." He went over to the bookshelf and seemed to be scanning each and every book with his tentacle before turning back to us. Yeah, he got the wrong people.

"I know you two are sleepy, but you're only going to have to get up very early today, my children. Starting from tomorrow, you'll need to be here by 6:30." I glanced at the clock. It was 6:10 now, a later start time would be an improvement from this. 

"Now I'm going to let you pick what book you want to read." Inkling continued, "But my rule is pick an APPROPRIATE chapter book."  We agreed.

"And you might want to ask Squirt and Koshi for book recommendations." He suggested. That woke us both up completely. Pinto ad I shared a look of incredulous disgust. Squirt and Koshi? No way. Never in a trillion years. 


"Absolutely not!"I practically jumped out of my seat and Pinto leaned over and fake-vomited.

"Oh, don't do that! They have wonderful ideas in reading. As a matter of fact, it was actually their idea to start this reading groups." OK, that was completely unfair. This was their idea, yet it was them who got to do this after school instead of at 5:40 in the morning.

I glanced out of the corner of my eye at Pinto. I'd never imagined a penguin could possess such a look of evil.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He whispered towards me. The corners of my lips flitted upwards in a mischievous grin, and I whispered back to him,


I looked up to catch the mischievous light in his eyes only dulled slightly by his sleepiness. We were going to shake this Octopod to its core, and I don't think our caretakers will be too happy about it.

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