Killed It

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"So, how was the test?" I asked, throwing myself facedown onto Dashi's bed and Koshi joined me as soon as we got back to our room. She only shrugged and flopped onto Dashi's bed as well. She never minded though. We could use whatever thing of hers we wanted long as we promised not to destroy or deface it.

"We're in danger." I said in the happy Ralph Wiggum tone because I could and Koshi smiled.

"Yeah, we are. Which ones did you miss?"

"Probably half the test, I don't know." I mumbled, only partially awake from having studied half the night.

"Yeah, same." Koshi sighed and gripped my paw in hers, "Oh, get this! Squirt finished the whole thing in 15 minutes!"

"Haha, nerd." I joked as Koshi softly punched me on the arm.

"Be nice." She scolded me, but didn't really mean it, "Squirt's the reason you, Pinto, and I stand a chance at passing." That was true, but the three of us didn't exactly stand a HIGH chance at passing.

"But what if we don't pass?" I asked brightly.

"Hahaha," Koshi's expression tightened in worry, "Then we're in trouble."

"Aren't we already, Kosh?" I tried to lighten her up the best I could, but Koshi was too strung-up about her grade to calm down, but nevertheless, she tried to smile for me. What a good sister!

"Yeah, I guess we are." Her smile fell, and I got the message right quick.

"You probably did great, Koshi." I said before I realized what was coming out of my mouth, "You're definitely smart enough."

"Really?" She teased, "Well, I guess you're not too stupid yourself." She softly punched me on the arm.

"Wait, not too?"

"You're just the tiniest bit of a dumbhead, if you get what I mean." Koshi winked at me, laughing once more.

"Ah, there you are!" I giggled and flicked her on the forehead as Dashi walked in.

"Well who'd have thought?" She put her paws on her hips teasingly as her eyes fell on both of us fighting with no intent of actual murder for once, "You two can actually get along!"

"That's cos we're both gonna fail a test together!" I exclaimed in the most cheerful tone I could as Koshi grinned and winced at the same time.

"Jane, I'm not sure that's a good thing." Dashi said only a little sternly as she sat on her bed between the two of us.

"But it was a science test!" I protested, crossing my arms as Dashi giggled.

"What was it on?" She asked curiously.

"Atomic number and all that stuff." Koshi answered, "I don't think either of us did too well."

"I don't blame you." Dashi told her, tracing each one of the stripes on her bedsheets, "I wasn't very good at chemistry either."

"Really?" we both gaped at her. Dashi was one of the smartest people on the planet; SHE couldn't even figure out Shellington's science nonsense?

"Yep." She nodded, "Our family just isn't very scientifically gifted if you know what I mean, but I'm not sure either of you are old enough to remember the first time Dad and Michael tried to figure out what the difference between a period and a row was." Dashi laughed as a tiny bit of melancholy made its way into her smile. Our parents were doing better, but we still hadn't had the chance to see them, and all three of us missed them terribly.

"I know." Koshi giggled, "Mama told me."

"Michael got so mad at science that he threw Dashi's textbook across the room and swore at it." I recited the exact story our mother had told us.

"Oh," Dashi exclaimed, "I think we still have that textbook in our attic!" Whatever our uncle Mike (called Michael because we could) did something stupid, my parents always tried to keep some form of record of it due to the Universal Law of Siblings: if you have them, you've gotta embarrass them.

"I bet you two did great." Dashi reassured both of us, "You're definitely smart enough."

Oh, the lies Dashi would tell to spare our feelings.

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