Forever And Ever (And Ever and Ever and Evahhhh)

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You ever have those nights where it seems like the world's playing one big joke on you? Such as when you're tired all throughout the day, but once it's nighttime, your body thinks it's time to do whatever the heck it wants to do? Yeah, those nights; and it was just my luck that Dashi found out I'd snuck into Tweak's room last night and we'd been up until 2. (I love Peso (who doesn't?) but at the moment, I'm quite salty about him snitching to Dashi). To top it all off, Dashi had decided I had to go to bed at 8:30 on a weekend because according to her, I was "exhausted".

I was not actually exhausted. In fact, I was lying awake with my blanket twisted around me, staring at the ceiling and completely bored stiff. What was the point of lying here, wide awake and trying to go to sleep when I was wide awake and had better things to do? But at the same time, my body physically didn't want to move even though I was slowly losing metaphorical brain cells (I never had any to begin with) from doing absolutely nothing.

In the end, (It doesn't even matter, hehehe) my boredom prevailed, and I dragged myself out of bed and over to Dashi's camera collection. She had warned me time and time again not to touch her precious cameras, but she wasn't in the room now, and she wouldn't know, so I gingerly picked up a green white Polaroid lined with neon pink (This is DASHI'S camera collection after all...). As I did, the door hissed open. I shoved the camera back onto its shelf as Dashi walked in, and I tried to make myself seem as innocent as possible; sadly for me, Dashi was having none of it.

Dashi is the best big sister in the world, no doubt about that, but she gets scary when she's mad.

"Jane." She crossed her arms and gave me the Look of Danger, "Will you kindly explain to me why you're standing by my cameras which I specifically told you to leave alone and not in bed?"

"I... wasn't tired." I improvised. Dashi sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Try again, baby girl."

"I had to go to the bathroom?"

"Nope", Ah, she really wasn't going to l make this easy for me, was she? "Why are you really up?"

"I don't wanna sleep." I muttered, realizing that sentence made me sound like I was two years old.

"That wasn't what you were telling me this morning." Dashi snapped and pushed me into her bed before getting in beside me, "Now I'm not leaving 'til you're asleep, and don't even try faking."

"Fine." She put a paw to my head and I instinctively snuggled into her. She'd been doing this to me and Koshi since before we were old enough to remember, but since she moved onto the Octopod, those moments become rarer and rarer.

"Now, out of curiosity, do you like living on the Octopod so far?" Dashi asked lightly, running her paw through my hair.

"I've already been here for months and you took me to court. What do you think?" I asked her sarcastically.

"I take it as a yes, then." She laughed, "Oh, you're growing up too fast. I remember the first time I held you like this, you would've fit in my cupped paws. Where did my baby go?"

"Right here." I pointed towards myself.

"Yeah, you're right." Dashi held me closer, "You're still the little monster who bit my ankles when she was hungry." She teased.

"I was one!" I defended, unable to stop myself from smiling, "I'm sorry I'm bad." 

"Oh, you're not bad." Dashi promised, rubbing my back up and down, "You're just... spirited."

I held back a giggle. Dashi was far too nice for her own good. She couldn't say anything mean about anyone if she TRIED. "I love you." I lay my head on her chest. A twinge of tiredness twanged inside me.

"I love you too." Dashi cupped my chin in her paws and kissed me softly on the nose, "And i always have."


"Really." She promised, "And I always will, forever and ever."

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