A Blazing Inferno

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We got off of the train and traipsed through the station, looking for the bus exit. All the adults got out maps, and tried to find it. They couldn't find it, we couldn't find it, the Vegimals couldn't find it, we were utterly, hopelessly lost. Shellington walked up to a guy who looked like he worked at the train station and asked him where the bus exit was. He turned around, and huffed, looking very annoyed.
"Do I look like I work here?" He asked in a British accent. Shellington looked mortified.
"Oh, I-I'm sorry for bothering you sir, it's our first time in the city." He stuttered.
"You should be," He grumbled coldly, "Can't find his way to an exit, what a knob-head..." He muttered.
"OI! Kwazii yelled at him, "WHAT did you call Shellington?!" He was standing stiffly, his paws curled into fists, teeth bared, and a spot of red spreading across his face, he was mad. He pounced, but as he did, Shellington grabbed him from the front, Peso and Dashi grabbed ahold of his paws, and Captain Barnacles grabbed him from behind.
"Woah, easy, Kwazii!" He said, "He's not worth it." And with that, he shot the guy a disgusted look, grabbed Kwazii and Shellington around the shoulders, and left.
"Here's our stop" Professor Inkling called out. "All Octonauts off!" We were scattered in all different areas on the bus, since we couldn't find seats right by each other. We'd tried, and ultimately failed, so we settled for the closest seats we could find. Some of us had to stand, and Kwazii had to pull me and Pinto off of the things that look like monkey bar rings. We pushed our way through the crowd of creatures packed like sardines in a can on the bus to reach him, and push our way off of the bus, hollering a quick "Merci beaucoup!" to the bus driver, who tipped his hat at us, and went on our way. We dragged our luggage down a long winding road that seemed to lead away from civilization, into beautiful green woods. We walked for what seemed seemed like no time at all, in awe at the beauty of the woods, until we reached a huge mansion like house, possibly bigger than the villa we used to stay at.
"This time," The professor said, as surprised as we felt, "It's all ours!" We ran up to the mansion, called a chateau, and the professor unlocked the door, which creaked open. We stepped inside, it looked fancy, a little worn down, but very fancy and clean. Once we all walked inside, we split off in search of a room. After quite a lot of fighting, we decided that the Vegimals and Shellington chose a small hallway to reside in, the Vegimals and Shellington would share 2 bedrooms across the hall from each other with a king sized bed in each of them. The Vegimals would sleep 6 to a bed, and Shellington would sleep on a cot that he found in the closet, the other boys would sleep on the 2nd floor, and the girls got the attic. And I GOT MY OWN ROOM FOR ONCE! All the girls were able to sleep in a room by themselves since the top floor had 4 bedrooms. My room was small, very, very small. It was in the very top corner of the house, and the roof was really slanted. The bed took up most of the room, and there were multiple decorations on the wall. I stood there for quite some time, looking at all the decor, but I had to go soon, since we had a dinner reservation that we couldn't be late for.
"This is the best vacation home ever!" I had thought to myself, but I was wrong, really, really wrong.
Peso yawned widely, and leaned up against Kwazii. The Captain saw this, and went to take Peso from Kwazii's arms, lifting him up with ease and called out to the rest of us,
"You all better get to bed soon, we have a big day tomorrow." We were sitting by the fireplace, learning French from Professor Inkling, telling stories, and singing songs by the remote controlled fireplace in the family room.
"Pinto, tis yer bedtime, wee matey." Kwazii said, patting Pinto on the back and taking him upstairs, to Pinto's protests.
"I better turn the fireplace off." Tweak yawned, and went to turn off the fireplace with the remote, but it wasn't working.
"Kwazii?" She asked dangerously, "Why isn't the remote workin'?" Uh oh, Kwazii's dead.
"It wasn't me, matey! Honest!" He cried.
"Kids?" She asked, even more dangerously.
"Tweak," The Captain said calmly, putting Peso down, "It isn't fair to immediately assume that Kwazii or the children broke it, I don't think any of them have even touched it since we arrived." Tweak nodded solemnly, and then took a look at the fireplace, her brow furrowed, then she looked at her phone but after staring at it for less than a minute, her ears twisted up, and whipped around.
"Cap, look at this!" She said, worry growing exponentially in her voice. I got there before the Captain did, and I peeked over her shoulder, the words RECALLED 10 YEARS AGO were blazed across the screen over a picture of our fireplace.

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