A Series of Wild Events

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Pinto raised his eyebrows at her,
"You can make English fun?!" He seemed as doubtful as I was. 
"Oh yes I can, see if you don't believe me!" Bella challenged, "The rule of this bet is that you have to actually PARTICIPATE in the activity, understand?"
"OK." I shrugged. I was OK with participating, just not participating RESPECTFULLY. This was going to be interesting. She had us do a speed spelling bee first, where she gave us a word and we'd have to spell it as fast as we could without getting it wrong, and it was pretty funny. When she gave us the word "but", Pinto added an extra "T" by mistake, and we completely lost it. But it gave me an idea. When Bella asked me to spell "We're" I spelled it, but as she moved on to Pinto, I mouthed toward him, 
"Spell no,"
"Why?" He mouthed back, "This is fun." I murmured back one word that would really shake things up.
"N-O." the words flew at light speed out of Pinto's mouth.
"Jane, spell 'taken' " Bella turned toward me. 
"S-T-R-A-N-G-E-R-S." I spelled, knowing I spelled the wrong word. She turned to Pinto, and after he spelled the wrong word, turned back to me, This went on for a while, we got to "up" before she had the slightest hint of what was going on. Once I spelled the wrong word for what felt like the 9 billionth time, the gears in her head seemed to be turning.
"Wait." She held out her paw to stop me before I started spelling, she froze for a second, and a smile began growing, and she giggled. Soon, she was laughing so hard she was doubled over.
"Oh," She gasped, barely able to breathe from laughing so hard, "Oh you little monsters! I can't believe you Rickrolled me like that and I didn't notice!"

"Everyone, hurry up!" The captain boomed to us, running toward the bus station, the bus was just coming to a stop, and we were praying to make it. We reached the bus just as they were about to close the door. The captain, panting too hard to speak, pulled a bunch of tickets out of his pocket, and handed them to the driver. We pushed through the aisle. There were 24 of us, so it wasn't easy. We couldn't all sit together, so Inkling took us 4 kids to the back of the bus, while Shellington and Peso got the Vegimals, and the rest of the adults stood wherever they could find a spot. We let the professor and Squirt sit, well, forced them to sit. They didn't want to sit at first cos of chivalry and all that, but in the face of the fact that they're sea creatures who shouldn't have to stand for too long, it made sense. But the 3 of us weren't used to standing without an adult keeping us from falling, so how did we deal with this? Koshi and I were OK, but Pinto was too easy to tip off balance. Pinto grabbed onto my shoulder with one flipper and the pole with another, and we stayed like that for the whole rest of the tour.
We drove through all of London, taking in all the sights that we hadn't seen, and staring in horror at the London Eye. Once the tour ended and we all were back on the bus, the Captain whispered something to Bella, and she started driving in the opposite direction of our residence. The Captain walked over, and bent over us, 
"As a thank you to Professor Inkling, I requested Bella take us to Parliament so we can hear a debate. I brought some cards so you all wouldn't bee too bored." He smiled kindly and clapped our backs with his huge paw. Once we got to the House of Commons, as Inkling called it, Bella led us into a room she called the Strangers' Gallery, where there were chairs all around, and a viewing area where we could see the Parliament. I don't know exactly what they were talking about, but it was something about taxes and stocks, and Brexit. The only person really invested into the arguments were Inkling. He seemed to be listening intently to what they were saying, muttering things like,
"It would be an outrage to tax the people for this...", or, "Brexit's already enough trouble, don't push it any farther." Bella, Dashi, Shellington, Peso, and the Captain were only listening to the argument to be polite to Inkling, Tweak was too busy fighting with Kwazii, and us 4 kids were keeping the Vegimals entertained. But it only took one little spark to set off the powder keg that was us messing everything up. It was Barrot who first started lighting the match, he was running around, being silly as usual, and making the others giggle. The adults all turned around and shushed us. The Vegimals who were in a little pyramid for some reason froze in place, and proceeded to tumble down to the ground in an adorable little heap. When you're told not to laugh at the cute little bundles of joy being goofballs, for some reason, you want to laugh at them even more than before. We all stifled a few giggles, but then it all came apart. We all laughed so hard we got scandalized looks from all the other old people in there with us.) Even INKLING laughed, despite the looks we were receiving. After getting a hold of ourselves, we all got it back together, and held each one of the Vegimals in one of our laps, they were happy, and we were happy. Crisis mostly averted.

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