Chapter Fifteen.

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        "Okay. So the object of this panel is that you guys get to come up and ask us questions." Adam smiles and dances around for the crowd. Goofball...

        "Hurrrrry up Adam! I wannnnnnnaaaa talk to theeeeee goonniiieeesss!" Brandon cries out, also being a little funny for the crowd. I have missed this..

        "Okay okay. I will stop being a smart butt." He starts to walk back to his place, but stops."LET'S GET STARTEDDDD!!" He screams to the crowd then jumps into his seat. Some of my friends yell at him because they wanted to do the ending. I let out a small chuckle.

        "Oh? And what is so funny, Jules?" Jason smirks at me. I feel my cheeks go to that crimson color. C'mon control it. Control it!

        "Control what? OhMYGOSH! Your cheeks are the cutest color!!!" Adam gushes about my cheeks. Which is also making them being stained into a crimson color.

        "Guyssss. No moreee PDA. We are starting." Brandon says through the microphone. Through the microphone. THROUGH. THE. FREAKING. MICROPHONE.

All the sudden, the crowd turns their stares to me. OH CRAPPPP. Then people start diminishing in the crowd, and form a huge line. It is almost wrapping around the whole exhibit. So. Many. People.

Anxiety, I swear. If you try to control me here, I will take you down. I think to myself, happy at my confidence. I see Jason, Tyler, and Adam grinning at me.

        "What?" I question dumb, dumber, and dumbest.

        "Oh how I have missed when dear Juliette speaks her mind. Literally." Jason speaks. DANG IT. I see Adam getting out of his seat and coming to mine. He bends down and stares at me. His eyes are so...mesmerizing.

        "I will protect you. I will make sure that your anxiety will not get to you. If it tries, I will fight it off. With my imaginary sword and my bare first." His voice slithers through my ear and into my mind. Adam, I trust you to save me from my dark fears. I let out a small nod with a weak smile. This boy...

He walks back to his chair, as I slowly regain myself from that small gesture. Am I still in love with him? How can I even still trust him? Why are boys so confusing!

While I am stuck in my head, the first fan comes up to the microphone. 

        "Hi. I am Jakob. And I have a question for Juliette." Wait. He knows my name? Everyone looks at me.

        "Uh hi Jakob. What is your question?' I say smoothly, trying really hard to hide my nervous self.

        "Are you and Adam dating?" There it is. The anxiety bomb has landed. EVACUATE WHILE YOU STILL CAN.


        "Yes. We are still fixing some minor issues, but yes." I hear a voice boom into the microphone, letting everyone hear. The voice belongs to Adam. Oh crap. Did he just say that.

        "Thank you." Jakob simpers at me.

        "Thanks for your question." I say very uneasy, stuttering a few words. Adam turns to face me and smiles. For his such wonderful remark, I shoot him a death glare. He slowly turns around. Whahaha. 

        "Uh hi. My name is Sammy. I have a question for Mitch." I move fowards to get a glace of Mitch. His face gleams.

        "Hi Sammy. What is your question?" He smiles, his posture shining with love.

        "Why do you hate Juliette?" The girl simply says. His face becomes stern. Oh snap...

        "Uh. I don't hate her.. I-jus-I," He says softly while stuttering, "please excuse me." Then he runs off stage. I caused this, I need to fix this. I get out of my chair and run after him. 

I get backstage, still looking for him. I look here and there. Suddenly, I stop all that I am doing and listen. I hear soft whimpers occur from my right. I slowly walk towards the sound. Slowly. Slowly. Slowly. Then I see him. Back against the wall, with his head between his knees. Quiet sobs fill his space. I walk over to him and bend down.

        "Hey Mitch." I voice to him. He slowly brings up his head. His eyes are red and puffy. His cheeks are tearstained and pink. I feel bad for everything I have done to him...

        "Hey Juliette.." His voice trails off, as he is facing the floor. 

        "You know, Jerome is really worried about you. I too am worried about you." I confide. He stares at me. 

        "Jerome wouldn't care. This is just something stupid." He mutters. I feel bad that he is still experiencing this pain, even though it has been a year.

        "But he does. Can you let me in? I just want to help you..." I beg the sad, misunderstood boy. He nods. Relief burns down my spine.

        "I-I. I was so jealous of you and Adam. So jealous. I wanted to hate your guts." He mumbles. Wait what?

        "Why were you jealous?" I ask him, trying not to get borderline of my questions.

        "Your relationship. You show up, and you're like the love of his life. I have wanted a girlfriend for so long, and Adam just sees this girl and is now in love? I was so jealous! All the girls I have dated only dated me for fame.." Then the sobs become more rapid. I get closer and rub his back. I get it now...

        "Its okay Mitch. I understand." His heavy breathing starts to slow down.He slowly looks up to me.

        "How can you forgive me?" He sighs.

        "Because I understand why you hated me. I forgive you. I want you to forgive yourself." Then I give him a hug. I can tell he is taken back because he doesn't respond for a few moments. But he soon hugs back.       

        "Mitch." I hear a familar voice blare out. I turn to see Jerome. He is carrying a wide smile. I get up and leave the two best friends to catch up. I start to walk to Jerome.

        "Thank you." He whispers to me. I nod then keep walking.





Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! So... Mitch and Juliette made up!! I am so glad! I loved writing this chapter. Also... isn't Adam adorable!! I know, a lot of you guys don't really trust him. But we all know how dumb boys can be. BUT  he will gain Jules trust and all the readers trust too :)

Thank you for all the support you guys give me each day. I am so blessed with your love. Thank you guys so much. I love you guys to (lets make it more) PLUTO (It is a drawf planet. Like it is the farthest) and back. Thanj you.

-stay gucci

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