Chapter Four.

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        I wake up to the sound of an alarm clock.  I sit up and rub my eyes. Where am I?

I blink three time, as my vision seems to get clearer.

I look to my side.


Why am I with Jason?

Then the memories flood my mind. Every painful detail. I try to forget, but I can't. I just push off the feeling.

I look to my right. Tyler yawning.

"Good morning Tyler!" I whisper loudly, trying not to wake up the spaceman. He smiles. 

"Morning Juliette." He smiles. These boys were my best friends. They were ,also, the only people who understood.

"Wanna prank Janson?" Tyler smirks to me. Oh this is going to be good.

        We got a big bucket of ice.

"Okay so you know what to do?" Tyga asks me. Turning pro boss status on.

"Oh man. I'm set." I grin. We ,softly, do an evil laugh.

Tyler goes and moves his hands to his sides. He opens his shirt. I move him. He groans.

"What? What is going on?" He mumbles with a husky voice.

"Morning Jason." I say, while ppouring the ice into his shirt. I watch his eyes go from sleepy to wide-open. He yells, loud I may add.

"What the heck, Juliette!" Jason scowls at me.

"Hehe that rhymes." I chuckle. Jason gives me a death stare. I start to get scared.

'Oh Juliette. Tsk Tsk. You are going to pay for that." He evily grins at me.

"Oh? And how ist hat?" I say with much confidence. He smirks.

"Like this." He grabs my hands and pulls me against his chest. Water seering through my shirt.

"Janson!" I scream at him. He erupts in laughter.

"Don't judge my strength because of my size." Well he is short.

"It wasn't even my idea! I was pressured." I cry out. Tyler shoots me a look. If I go down, he comes down with me.

"Oh? And whopressured poor little baby Jules?" He talks in a childish voice.

"I point to Tyler."Tyga did." Then I see Tyler running to the end of the room. Then he runs towards us and jumps on us.

"I DID!!" He yells out. "Can't stop, won't stop!"

We all start laughing. I might be squished to death, but right now all I need to do is laugh. It feels foreign.

"YES! We got you to smile and laugh at the same time!" Tyler shoots a grin.

I seperate mysel from the pile of bodies and go to grab my phone off the charger. I looked at the time.

9:03 A.M.

A frown pulls on my face. I go back to the guys.

"What's wrong Jules?" Jason's expression saddens.

"You guys have to get ready. It is already nine. You have to leave in an hour." I tell them sadly.

"We don't have to go! We can just say we aren't feeling goo-"

"No! You need to go! You can't ler your fans down." I let a fake smile fill my mouth. They nod in defeat and go to their suitcases.

        Ten minutes later, they are set to go.

"Are you sure you are going to be okay alone?" Tyler confirms for the tenth time.

I don't want them to go, because I know I am not going to be okay. But I can't have them stay with me forever.

"I will be fine. Now go have fun you too!" I say with a fake smile. I playfully push them out the door. They laugh as they leave.

I let out a big sigh, sliding unto the door. My sigh starts turning into a large sob. This was going to be a long, rough day.


hEY GUYS! Stephy here! Hope everyone is having a splendid day/night/evening/morning!

Okay so I know I haven't posted in awhile. I am sorry!

I was going to update yesturday, but my wifi stopped working because of a storm! I am so sorry!

Hope you like this update! Will update next Friday or Saturday. Whatever you guys want. Comment down below. :D

Love you guys to the moon and back!

-stay gucci

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