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HEY YOU GUYS!! Stephy's back (back-back), Back again (gain  gain), Stephy's back (back-back), Tell a friend!! Hope all of you wonderful ad sexy people are having a tremendous day! I am back from my summer classes for geometry and my four-day vacation! First of all, I would like to apologize for the lack of updates on my behalf. I only thought of myself and not of my wonderful readers. I am truly sorry my friends.


Sooooo, now since the "You're My Hero" series is done )))::::::, I need to write another book! So two wonderful readers offered me suggestions. @sam_garmau6 said I should write an Adam one with Jules in the future. And @Kakucyan commented I should write a Ross story since he doesn't get much love here on Wattpad. So I thought to myself...Hey! What if I do that! So I will be releasing a short story about Adam and Jules. It is JUST a short story, and will not turn into a third book. And I will begin to write another Adam book and Ross book! You, my wonderful friends, will choose which one you would like to be updated on Mon, Wed, and Fri, and Tues and Thurs. 

ALSOOOO, On June 25, 2016 my book "You're My Hero" reached 20k reads! I just would like to thank all of you so much for all the support and love you have blessed me with. I actually cried on that day and threw myself a party and even baked a cake celebrating the success for Jules and Adam and a thank you to my readers. You all have truly changed my life. 

And as a thank you, I would like for you all to comment what you want me to do as a thank you! Anything! I love you all! Never give up, I believe in you all. (: 

-stay gucci

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