Chapter Twenty-Eight

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"Adam?" I ask him softly as we are backstage. The panel just ended. More fans asked me advice and some with really silly questions, but it was amazing.

"Yes Juliette?" He ponders to me. His hands reach mine. 

And guess what?

My face went to that crimson color, like it always does.

"Tonight...Can we go to your room? I want to tell you something.." I stare deeply into his eyes. He must have noticed I was distressed since his eyes fill with worry. I grip onto his hands.

"Whats wrong? Are we going to break up? Are you dating Jason?" And of course, Adam ruins all sentiment this conversation had with his jealously. I can't help but laugh since he gets very jealous.

"No Adam. Just trust me on this.."

"Okay. How about we leave at five?"

"Okay." Then it will happen.

[play the song on the side. or wherever it is. just play it...]

We arrive to his room. I take a seat on one of the beds as he goes off to the restroom. I take a deep breath, getting myself ready for what was about to happen.

You got this, Juliette.

"You okay, babe? What is it?" Adam sits right next to me and grabs my hand. I nod and take yet another deep breath.

Here goes nothing.

"Adam... I am going to tell you my life story." My voice comes out soft and low. His eyes widen a bit. I have never told anyone. I will always remember Adam's livestream when he was talking about his life. I was actually crying. Because we had some similarities. 


"Okay babe. Don't worry. I am here. I am all ears." His sweet tones fills my ears. It soothes me as I stare at him.

"When I was born, I was a mistake. Parents both drunk. They got married out of force because their parents said they had to. So when I was born, my dad would always go to the bar at night and come back in the morning still wasted. Because my dad wasn't really ever home, my mom started getting depressed so she did drugs. She would also overdose a lot on anti-depressents. Over time, I got very depressed because my parents hated me. I hated me. I was filled with so much pain and loneliness. This lasted about sixteen years. On my seventieth birthday, I got a boyfriend. He had been my best friend for so long. Then one night... He got bad... He w-would," I felt tears fills my eyes and roll down my cheeks," get really bad and mean to me. He f-forced m-me to-o do-o th-hings. this lasted for about two years. Then, it brings us to here." My tear-stained cheeks and eyes stare at Adam. He was in tears. I didn't notice his tight grip on my hand. 

For once, I could take an actual breath. It feels as if a weight has been lifted off my chest.

Adam pulls me into a warm embrace. He pulls me so close, I could hear him breathing. I snuggle my head into the crease of his neck, with my nose rubbing against his skin. 

"Juliette." He mumbles.

"Hmm." I say with my face still planted in his neck.

"I just want you to know that I went through what you did. But in a different way. I will always be here for you. I wish we could have found each other earlier. But we have us now. I would never do anything to hurt you physically in any way. You are too precious. I will slowly learn to mend those wounds all over your heart. I will be here for you always. Promise you will let me.." His eyes glued to me. A smile creeps onto my mouth as tears start falling down.

"I promise." Then his lips are on mine. I forget all the troubles and the worries of the world. I lose everything and just think of right now. 

Adam is too good for me. 



Guys!!!! I am actually crying wow ah. The song really did not help. I hope you played it. Isn't it such a great song? I love AGBW omf. So today was a pretty good day :--) 

Did anyone else watch Adam's livestream when he was prepping what he was going to say for the "animate my life" ? It was about a year ago. I was bawling in the car uhg. He really inspired me to help others. 

I HAVE A QUESTION [not relatable to the Questions of every chapter], what is a way you guys would like me to do to get closer to you guys? You guys deserve so much. All the support you provide me daily. It really makes me happy. Words cannot describe. Just thank you.

Question of the day!: Favorite band/artist? :)

A: Welp, this is hard. At the moment, 5SOS and The Weeknd. It will probably change tomorrow hahha.

Comment beloooww whose yours! :DD

I love you all to PLUTO and back!! Thank you for all the many blessings you have given me. You guys are the best readers ever.

-stay gucci

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