Chapter Five.

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My eyes started throbbing, a burning sensation from my eyes to my cheeks. The hot, salty tears started to drill into my cheeks. I have been crying since the boys left, which would be about five hours. In times when I felt tired of crying, the tears kept coming.

"Why can't I be happy." I let out a small sigh.

"Juliette, we are home!" I hear Tyler sing. I hear footsteps come my way. I do not care if they see me like this. I see Tyler in front of me, his face becomes horrified with sadness.

"Jason! Come here! Quick! Please!" Tyler cries out. I hear swift steps run into the main room.

There Janson was standing straight, shock filling his eyes as the tears begin to settle in.

"Jules!" Jason yells while coming to me. He cuddles into my left side.

"What are you doing Jason?" I pondered, but no response. Then Tyler comes and cuddles on my right side. I can't help but smile at these cuties.

"Jules?" Jason mumbles against my skin. His chubby cheeks rubbing against my skin.

"Yes, Janson?" I said while rolling my eyes. I started to feel my sleeve get wet.

"Janson. What's wrong?" His head comes up, and his eyes were turning puffy.

"Jules. I just want you to be happy. Your sadness kills me. I wish I could just take away your sadness. I would rather be tortured with sadness and depression, than you being unhappy." Jason confesses. I felt tears slip down my stained cheeks.

"Oh, Juliette! What did I do? What did I say?!" Jason screeched. I just laughed. It felt really nice to laugh again.

"Oh, Jason! You are so very clueless!" I chuckle, "I am so lucky to have you." I whisper to myself.

"Okay. Enough with the mushy stuff. Let's party!" Tyga yells. Oh, this was going to be good.

Four hours later, and the boys are both pooped. First, we went to the In-and-Out Burger and ordered half of the menu. What can I say? I was hungry. Then we went and bought tons of monster and RedBull. Finally, we came to the hotel, ate and drank everything. And when I say everything, I mean every single thing. So that leaves me to now.

I listen to the boys snore as loud as a lion. I go to my bed and stare at the ceiling.

"What did I do to deserve this friendship?!" I questioned my thoughts out-loud.

The memories of when I first met Jason and Tyler at the convention drifted into mind.

"I can do this." I mumble to myself over and over again as I walking to the front of the convention center doors. The words start slipping out faster. My breathing becomes irregular. I stop.

"I can't." I say softly.

"Hey, are you okay?" Someone says behind me, with their hand on my shoulder.

Right there, in front of me was Jason or MinecraftUniverse. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Oh, I'm fine, just nervous." I gave him a half-smile. I wasn't just nervous. I was terrified out of my mind.

"What are you nervous about?" Jason asked, with his cute, adorable puppy face.

"Uh well meeting you guys. You all have changed my life," I said as softly as possible," for good, of course."

He stared at me for awhile, then smiled.

"Well then, I guess I'll show you around." He shot me a smirk. I laughed and smiled. He sure was amazing.

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