Chapter Thirty-One.

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"So what do you have planned for today, Adam?" Jerome asks him as we are hand-in-hand. He chuckles while walking through the convention. We are coming to the end of the convention. I really don't want it to end..

"Do a few panels and signings then leave early to take Juliette on a date." He says with a big grin on his face. I start choking since I had no idea we were going anywhere.

"You are taking me on a date tonight?" I look into his eyes. He nods then starts walking faster. I grip onto his hand tighter and just try to process it. 

The big thing I like about Adam is sometimes he is so sneaky with his words. He plans little things here and there. 

"Ya know, I think Mitch and I should go on a date tonight as well." Jerome jokes around. Suddenly Mitch appears and smiles as well.

"Fans would love some Merome." He wiggles his eyebrows. 

"Since I was a Fangirl, I do agree that we go nuts for that! I actually used to write a fan fiction about you guys." I announce, hoping they won't ask more about my book.

But I guessed I jinxed myself.

"CAN WE READ IT!" They both yell in unison. I let go of Adam's strong grip and stand still. Suddenly I am running. 

They will never read it. Ever.

"Juliette slow down!! We just want your Wattpad user name!!" I hear Mitch yell while going into a laughing fit. How did they know it was on Wattpad!? Dang it. They are catching onto me.

Suddenly I see Izzy. I push myself to run faster to her.

"Hey Iz! We need to go. Jerome and Mitch are trying to find out my Wattpad name!" I grab her arm before she can say anything. We run into the main Exhibit Hall to disappear into the many crowds. Finally we stop running and try to catch our breath.

"Why do they want to know your Wattpad name?! I can't breath my gosh. My lungs suck." She breaths heavily, trying to regain herself. She wasn't in the mood for anything athletic especially since it is so early in the morning.

"Because I told them when I was a big fangirl, I wrote a Merome fan fiction. So now they want to read it and I can't have that." My head shakes in embarrassment. They are going to see how much I was obsessed with them. I was the BIG fangirl. 

"Well what was it?" Izzy's breathing begins to get normal. She grins since she was also apart of the fandom.

"My name is soon's meromemepls." After that, I hear a chorus of voices laughing. It wasn't just Izzy's. I turn to see Mitch, Jerome, Brandon, and Adam. My mouth forms an "O" as my hands cover my face.

"OH MY GOSH I FOUND YOU JULE!" Jerome yells in excitement. 


"I like the title. "As the Wind Blows." I feel my face start to become as red as a tomato. I feel an arm wrap around my shoulder. I don't open my hands.

"Babe, we are just teasing you." I hear Adam's voice come out raspy and warm. I wasn't going to give in. Nope nope nope.

"It's embarrassing." My voice comes out soft.

"Why?" Brandon pitches in. Why are so many people involved with this? Do they not get how embarrassing it is? 

Well they are boys who play video games for a living. I shouldn't expect them to get it.

"Well when your boyfriend and best friends are the people who you used to fantasize about want to read your books about THEM. Yeah, it is pretty embarrassing." Slowly, I remove my hands from my red-tinted face.

They all started to laugh yet again. Because this situation was just sooo hilarious. Hardy-Har-Har. 

"We love that about you though. How you used to be such a big fangirl about us and now you are our best friend." A voice says as two figures start to appear in front of me. Jason and Tyler.

Sometimes it baffles my mind as well. I used to be very depressed. I had no hope. My happiness came from boys who played video games and posted them on YouTube. I am actually really proud of myself. I have changed so much. Even though I faced many obstacles, I have realized true happiness.

And it feels amazing.



sooooo i have bad news...

the next chapter will be the ending of this book. Whale there will be an epilouge but thats it! The series is done. I thought it would be a good place to end it... I am literally crying since I just decided it. I have grown so attached to this book...but i have a question for you all!

Would you like me to do an alternative book? With Julson? Or just start writing a brand new book? Or even both? Comment below your opinions! 

I have figured out my  new schedule for writing... it will be Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays!! Because High school is not courteous to us writers... Yes I am sorry I have written.. I have started high school and lets just say its a big change. So I am still getting used to things.. HOPE YOU GUYS ARE HAVING A GREAT TIME AT SCHOOL. If anyone ever messes with any of you guys, I'll go beat them up for you. HMU.

I love you all to PLUTO and back :) You guys have changed myself so much. You guys are the best people ever. Never change. You are worth so much. Don't let anyone change that. <333 

QOTD: What grade are you guys in?

ANSWER FROM AUTHOR: 9TH grade woooo! 

-stay gucci

You saved Me {Sequal to &quot;Your My Hero&quot;}Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora