Chapter Thirty.

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I sit in my stall with other weird girls around me. My back goes against the wall. C'mon Izzy. You should have left before getting caught.

"Isabella Dsyart?" The police officer calls my name. I stand up as quickly as I can. All the eyes suddenly go towards me. Without looking back, I walk out. Suddenly Jason comes into my peripheral vision. I run towards him and give him a big hug.

"Thank you so much Jason." I whisper into his ear as we embrace. We let go after a few minutes. Jason had to sign a few papers then I was out. Luckily, there was no fine.

"How can I repay you Jason?" I ask him for the fifth time. He shakes his head and laughs.

"You don't have to Iz." He chuckles while talking to me as we walk to the car.

"But I want to!" I beg. He sighs as a sign of giving in. Everything goes silent for a few minutes as we arrive to the car. He opens my door as I get in. Seconds later, he gets in. I twiddle with my thumbs until he clears his throat. I stare at him.

"Go on a date with me." 


"I said go on a da-"

"No I heard you as clear as day. Are you serious?" My mouth forms the shape of an "o". Who would want to go on a date with me?

"Yes..will you?" He voice comes out sweetly and raspy. How could I deny the boy that I like?

"Of course!! I uh mean yeah sure." I play it cool or well try to play it cool.

"Great. I'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow." He winks as I get out to go to my hotel. I nod then wave goodbye to him.

This can't be real.

Juliette's POV: [thoughts on Izzy's POV?]

"AAAAAAAddddaaaaaaammmm." I whine to him as I grip onto his arm. He lets out an annoyed sigh.

"Whhaaaaaatttt baaaabeee." His voice is husky since it was barely nine in the morning. 


"Did you just call me babe?" A blush finds itself on my cheeks. 

"Oh um yeah haha sorry. Was trying it out." He says awkwardly while scratching his head.

"No no no. I liked it." I smile. He starts grinning. He almost starts to glow like a pregnant woman with happiness. It was an amazing sight. He was like my own version of a Hollister model. Minus the abs because he sits around a computer all day. I still like him though.

"So what were you whining about earlier?" He questions me with the grin that is stuck to his face. I remember and clutch onto him again.

"I wantttt pancakessss." My stomach takes it cue to make a loud grumble noise. 

"But I want waffles!" Adam exclaims. I give him a death glare. We keep our eye contact for a few minutes. Both of our eyes glued to each other. Finally he gives up with a sigh.

"Ugh fine." He says while grabbing my hand. 



so i am sorry I went MIA :((

first, i thought i published this chapter but i didnt woops. Last weekend, i met my heros. Sadly not Adam but others! Took many photos! Met amazing people and friends! I signed thefearraiser's (jordan) hand! popular? xD I went to GameCon and it was amazing! Can't wait for next year! I also saw 5sos... WOOO. THEN (i was really busy) I had to go to a speech/interp camp at high school so YAAAS.

ISN'T #JADAM sooo cute! also... #JIZZY all the way! :DDD ahhhh. 

I love you guys so much. You all have truly blessed my life with just being you. Please never change. You are you. You are amazing. Nobody is perfect but you guys are perfection for me. Thank you for being the best readers.  <333333

QOTD: What is your favorite hobby/bies?

A: Mine either has to be singing, playing piano, or writing :D

-stay gucci

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