Important Author's Note. (NOT BAD)

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HEY GUYS! Long time, no... read? 

okAY so I know i haven't updated in quite a while... but hey! I have principal's list and no friends! :DDD I have been so tied up i AM SORRY! 

But on Christmas Day, I will be updating the last real chapter of this series... *cries*

WARNING: Have tissues around you and popcorn because it will be a very long chapter. Just for you guys <33

Okay, i have also been having a hard time writing the chapter because I have grown so attached to my characters.. It is so hard to let them go. To end the series. It really hurts even since I have been writing this series for over almost two years. Thank you for all you guys have done in my life. You have really made my life whole. I love you guys sooooo much. You guys mean the world.

If you don't know, each one of you is beautiful and extraordinary in your own way. You are alive for a reason and you mean so much to me. I care for all of you even if I might not know you personally. I am always open for you all if any of you guys need to talk. 

So get ready and hyped for the last chapter!!! SEE YOU CHRISTMAS DAY! :))))

-stay gucci

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