Chapter Twenty-Two.

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I wake up to the light burning into my eyes.

"Jules. Time to wake up." I hear a voice say to me. I slowly peel my eyes open to see Jason in front of me. His hair sided to his right. Suddenly I see a black metal on his lip.

A lip ring..?

"Jason?" I groggily say with my beautiful morning voice. He chuckles as he takes a seat on my bed.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night from thinking. So I got this baby." He smiled pulling slightly on his black lip ring.

And boy, did he rock piercings.

"It looks really good Jason." I smirk to him," You will get all the ladies falling." I wink to him. His face grows a blush. I actually felt a little bad for Jason. He has to deal with me and watch me so much that he doesn't ever enjoy himself. With Tyler, of course.

"Thanks Jules. That is what I am heading for." He smiles widely. He opens his mouth to say something, but someone knocks on the door. I look at Jason then head towards the door.

Who would be up this early?

I open the door to see Adam standing in front of me with a bouquet of roses.

"Good morning princess." He comes up to me and kisses my cheek. I feel them burn with a crimson color.

"Morning Adam. What are you doing here, not that I am not excited to see you." I shoot him a gracious smile. He grabs my right hand and intertwines our fingers.

"I would like to take you out for breakfast. If you want to. I mean you don't have to. I just thought it would be nice since we are together and to eat together. Alone since during lunch we will have the others and-"

"Adam. I would love to have breakfast with you." I shut Adam's rambling with my words. As he smiles, it brightens my whole day.



I forgot I always have breakfast with the boys. I turn to face Jason.

"Jason. I am sorry. I will have breakfast with you guys tomorrow. And I promise, lunch and dinner, I am yours." I plead to him, feeling as guilty as I possibly can. They helped me through my hard times and even set me back with Adam.

"Thanks Jason. See you later man," Adam nods to Jason then turns to me,"Ready?" I nod.

"So now that we are an actual couple..." He trails off. I grin at his words. We are a real couple. I am all his.

"Yes?" I can't help but grin like a fool.

"Are we going to be like a public...couple?" Adam nervously says. I could understand why he was nervous. He had about ten million recruits. Who wouldn't be scared to come out with a relationship?

"Maybe we can get situated then come out to the fans? We can come out to our friends first though." Laying my head on his shoulder, I let everything sink in.

About a year ago, when we kissed and hung out a lot, it was amazing. But, we were not a real couple. He never asked me out. And Adam being his protective and jealous self, he broke all our relationship in less than forty-eight hours. But to know he felt the same about me, it makes me feel so much better. He just messed up. Really bad. And if he does it again, I would probably slap his booty. He makes my heart skip a beat.

"Okay. I like that. Everyone needs to know that you are my girl." I feel a smirk grow on his lips.

Oh Adam, you have no idea.



Sooooo ohmygosh! So many people ship #Julson! But this is an Adam Fanfiction..? xD Well we are going to have to change your minds. ;) and no. No smut for those viewers. ;——)

Ugh I had a terrible day. My days haven't been getting better :( Writing does help though. And replying and seeing all you wonderful readers and your support<3

Do you guys think we can get some either #Julson or #Jadam fanart? :D


-stay gucci

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