Chapter Twenty-Four.

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[written on phone. not edited!:-(]

"You like Jason!" I bite my tongue to hold in my laughter. Now I know it is a bit rude to laugh at that, but it's quite weird for someone to like my best friend. Especially someone as attractive as her..

"Yeah! Why is that funny.." Her face shows an anxious look. Well now I feel bad..

I have to admit... Izzy was a pretty attractive person. No lesbo or anything [because Adam is bae] , but I am actually a bit jealous of her.

"It isn't! Well kind of.. But nothing to do with you. It is just funny since Jason is my best friend." I explain to the girl filled with anxiety. She did what any major-fangirl would do. I watched her jaw drop to the floor with her eyes widening. I can tell she was in total shock.

"Wait-wait-wait. Are you s-saying tha-at Jason, as in MinecraftUniverse or TrueMu, is-s your best f-friend?!" She exclaims in pure excitement. I nod with a smile. Izzy was no longer in a calm state. She was freaking out.

It is kind of weird to see that Izzy used to be me. Metaphorically. When Jason talked to me and took me into the "Break Room", I was beyond flabbergasted. As any fan girl would be. She is the spitting image of me about a year ago.

"Maybe I can introduce you to him after he is done with the panels." A grin finds its way to my face. Izzy starts to smile like a maniac. This is going to be good.

"Hey Janson!" I yell out to him while waving to the boy with a pierced lip. He smiles while him and Tyler run over to me.

"Hey Jules!" They say in unison. Both the boys out of breath since they were running.

They are the laziest people you will meet. And I know from living with them.

"Guys... I want you to meet my new mutual," I grab Izzy's hand and pull her from behind me,"Izzy. She is this really cool girl I met." I wink at her as she blushes hardcore. I look to see Jason smiling and Tyler blushing as well.


"Hi Izzy. I am Tyler and this is Jason. Nice to meet you." Tyga introduces himself to her while shaking Izzy's hand. I have never seen Tyler so friendly.

Does he?

"Hi Tyler! Hi Jason!" She smirks at the two boys. She has forgotten her shy self and has embraced her true, outgoing self. This is going to be good.


Hey you guys!!!? Hope everyone is having a splendid day!!?;-)

so im sorry I haven't update Sorry I had to go on a school trip in to woods. Like camping trip. Now we are at a fair wooo. I am actually at starbucks , drinking an revitizing energy drink from them. SO GOOD.

You guys are so amazing! I love you all so much.

That is Jason with his piercing in the picture ah! Thoughts?

Thoughts on the ships?;-)


-stay gucci

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