Chapter Twenty-One.

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 Jason's POV: (Whahahahh! Didn't see that coming, did ya? ;-) )

"I am going to wash up." Jules says with a smile glued onto her beautiful face.

Wait, did I just say that?

"Okay, want to watch the Lego Movie when you are done?" Tyler ask Juliette. She lets out a small chuckle and nods. Then she is gone.

My butterflies from my stomach disappear and everything becomes cold.

"What is going on with me..." I mutter to myself softly. Tyler's eyes then move to me.

"Janson? What is wrong?" Tyga ask me with concern. How am I going to say this? I feel so ashamed for myself..

"Tyler.. please don't hate me or be disgusted..." I plead to him. 

"Jason.. You are my best friend. Of course I wouldn't judge you nor hate you nor be disgusted. Just tell me.." His voice is stern and assuring. Ugh..

"I think I am falling for Jules.." I whisper oh-so-quietly. 

"Huh? What did you say?" Gosh dang it Tyler, I am already having a hard time saying it.

"I think I am falling for Jules." I say, loud enough for Tyler to hear, but not as loud for Juliette to hear me. His mouth forms a "o" shape as his eyes widen.

"Wait. Wait. Wait. Really? Since when??" Tyler blurts, obviously still shocked at my confession.

"Well, I feel that I have liked her for a while deep inside. But realizing it, when I found her on the floor during that fight with Alesa." I admit with a sigh.

She looked so vulnerable and helpless.... yet she kept her confidence. Her beauty was shining through the whole building. Tears glistening in her eyes.

"Dude. Is it bad that I ship you guys?" He smirks. I let out a loud laugh. Typical Tyler.

"Wow Tyler. Of course you would." I couldn't help but widely grin. 

"Julson. Hm. Great ship name man." Tyga winks at me. Oh my gosh. I feel like a white girl.

"Yeah," I smile," but she has the hots for Adam. And Adam for sure has the hots for her." My smile starts to fade at my realization. Juliette is for sure in love with Adam. She became so depressed as she found out he kissed Alesa. Adam was also in a terrible condition. Drinking problems, death pills just laying everywhere, and self harm.

"Jason. Don't think so negatively of your chances man. Now I love Juliette and I also love you very much. You just have to be there for her, man. Maybe she might fall for you too?" Tyler pats my shoulder for support. And this is the Tyler I loved.

"Thanks Tyga. That helps a lot. Maybe I can do this?" I pull Tyga in for a hug . His breath moves to my neck.

"You go Glen Coco." Then he slaps my butt. I push out of the hug.

"Dude! What was that? Lesbihonest!" I yell at my perverted best friend. He falls to the floor, laughing his booty off.

"You need some motivation!" He says between his laughters. I couldn't help but crack a smile as well.

"Now what are you boys laughing about?" I hear a female voice appear behind me. I turn to see Juliette. She is in a SkydoesMinecraft shirt with some sweatpants. Her wet hair falling on her shoulders. She stands there with her arms crossed against her chest.

"Jason didn't appreciate my nice gesture!" Tyler laughs out. I roll my eyes.

"You slapped my precious booty!" I fight back at him with a playful tone. Suddenly, I hear another laughter ,belonging to Jules, join our little laughing fest.

"You guys are so hilarious." She chortles. I wish I didn't feel so captivated by her...

"So are we ready to watch the movie?" Tyler smirks. Then we all head to the couch.



So today was a big day for memememe. At my school, we do this thing called "Wax Museum." We become this character and have to say a sixty second speech as them. I was Louisa May Alcott :-)


GUYS! Jason has fallen for Juliette! OHMYGOSH! Drama! ;D Who do you guys ship more? #Julson or #Jadam? Sorry this chapter is a bit short! :(

Chapter dedicated to @Thegeekygirl908 for pretty much predicting this chapter ;) you cheeky little squid <3

Thank you for all the support you guys have blessed me with! We are about to hit 4k reads! OhMIgosh! What should I do when I reach it?

I love you guys to PLUTO and back.

Much luv<3

-stay gucci

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