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"Adam, hurry up! We are going to be late for the third time in a row!" I yell to my wonderful boyfriend of three years. For once, I am not the one that is making us late with changing. He keeps telling me that he has to look really good today.

"Babe, one second!" He yells as I see him combing his hair to perfection. 

"I am going to leave without you." I sing to him, hearing things fall since I am rushing  him. After being together for about three years, I am even more excited to see where our relationship will go. We still go on dates about every other week, sometimes even Minecraft-themed ones. With Adam's busy schedule with his job for his 20 million subscribers, it has been a very eventful road. Our relationship has not been perfect and has had some bumpy road. But in the end, we always go back together. Right now, we are heading to PAX South in San Antonio, but Adam is taking the longest time ever.

"Okay, darling, just one more second!" Adam yelps out as he is fixing his bushy beard. I begin to open the door very slowly to taunt him. He begins to scream profusely for me to wait. I can't help but laugh at the sight of him running towards me with his backpack.

"I could have gone to PAX and back because you took so long." I whined out to him as our hands clasps together, our fingers intertwining. I still get butterflies each time.

"You know you are very impatient, right?" He smiles as the words come out of his mouth. I shrug.

"I've been told that many times, yes." Suddenly,  my butt begins to feel a weird vibration. My free hand reaches down in my back pocket to pull out my Galaxy s5 phone. 


"JULES! WHERE ARE YOU AND ADAM!" I wince as my ear drum is being blasted from Jason and Tyler. I look towards Adam who is rolling his eyes because he can also hear them from where he is.

"It is not my fault this time! Adam was being a girl and taking sooooo long!" I whine to my best friends. I hear Adam let out a beautiful chuckle. Jason begins to jabber on the other side of phone about how we are going to miss the introduction ceremony. We begin walking towards the convention center, lucky that we chose a hotel that was very close by. Janson says to hurry then hangs up. I begin to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Adam stares into my eyes. His face shining as perfection.


"What no tell meeeeeee!!" He begins to whine like a baby yet again..What I have to deal with every day...

"YO LOVEBIRDS! CAN YOU PLEASE HURRY THE FLIP UP!" I hear Mitch and Jason yell from about 13 feet away. My grip on Adam's hand becomes tighter as I start to run as fast as I can. As I am running while practically pulling Adam, he is yelling and screaming rape. As we become closer to the two boys, they are laughing hysterically. I let go of Adam's hand and go to flick Mitch and Janson on their foreheads.

"Juleeeessss whyyyyy-"

"Fight me guys."


"Uhhhhh 2V2?"

"Sure leggo."

"GUYS OHMYGOSH HURRY U-oh hi Juliette." Suddenly, a wild Ashley appears out of nowhere. I take it that she was yelling at the boys. We all run quickly into the convention, realizing there were kids and teens surrounding the door and us. After me and Adam got back together, I went to most of the conventions that Adam went to. Yet...I am still overwhelmed with happiness and surprise when people ask for my autograph and a picture with me. As I begin to sign autographs, Adam's hand slowly slips its way into my right hand. With this, the kids and my friends around me start shouting "OHHHHH". The old, familiar crimson color finds its way onto the apple of my cheeks. The crowd begins to chant "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!". I shake my head, while Adam is being a butt and telling the crowd that they are going to get what they want.

"Adaaaaaaaaam stoooooopppp-" Then his lips are molded into mine as I feel a bundle of fireworks explode. The grip of our hand holding becomes loose as my arms find their way to his neck. It might sound crazy, but I wouldn't want to kiss anyone else. Not now and not ever. 

"Butttt Tyllllllerrrr... I want to buy somethinggg." I whine to him. Since we have about thirty minutes until the next panel, I wanted to buy a golden foam sword. The only bad thing is that the line for buying things is super long, which Tyler just does not have the patience for. 

"Do you have to buy something right nowwww?" 

"Yessssss, so-" Before the words can come out of my mouth, my vision is suddenly blocked by a pair of strong hands. Knowing that someone would do that in a place where there are people completely everywhere lets me know its people I know. Before I can speak, another pair of hands block my mouth. My body begins to be lifted from the ground. My mind is going everywhere from who this could be and what they are doing.

No one talks and as I am being carried to my doom. What if its a serial killer cosplaying or kids who do not like me dating Adam? What if its...Alesa. 

I try to scream and kick around, but nothing happens. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes, few drops falling into the hands of the people carrying me.

"Noooo, don't cry! You aren't supposed to cry yet." A voice booms out of nowhere. I know that voice...Jerome?

"Stand up!" The pairs of hands slowly unravel from holding my body. My legs being firmly pressed onto the floor. My eyes softly peel open to see that we are in the big room where the panels are held. Before I can see who was carrying me, the bodies swiftly run away. Confused, I walk to the middle where there is a spotlight on the microphone. It is so quiet that I could drop a pin and hear it tumble onto the floor. My vision begins to turn left and right. Kids on both sides of me yet are quiet and facing forward. I reach the microphone and look around again.


"Juliette," Adam's voice pops out of nowhere as the lights on the stage begin to flicker on. His eyes are attached to mine, "You mean the absolute world to me. I have no idea what I would do without you. You...you give me a life of excitement."

"Adam.." I feel the tears welling up in my eyes.

"When we were apart that time, I was such a mess. You have no idea how much I thought about you, dreamt of you. You are so intoxicating and beautiful. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." 

"Oh my.." I feel my face filling like a cherry. Tears now falling gracefully to the floor.

"Would you make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" Now he isn't even on the stage. He walks towards me until the microphone is the only thing that is blocking us. 


"Will you?" I swear his voice sounds as if it has gone three tones lower. The huskiness of his voice really sticks out.

"No." I watch his eyes being crushed before my eyes. Before he can say anything else, I hear everyone booing me in the crowds.

"GUYS, I AM KIDDING," I say towards the crowd, then turning to Adam, "Of course I will marry you." His eyes change yet again as a smile grows on his mouth. Before both of us can say anything, our lips attach to each others. The fireworks are still there. They have always been there. And I believe they will never end.


a/n: so guys, this took a long time wow! well, I cried writing this whole chapter, except when she said no. I was literally dying. But other than that part, I was bawling. If any of you guys needs some tissues, I will personally take some to youuuu. I will have one more authors note that will be important after this. I love you guys! Hope you are having a SPECTACULAR day!

-stay gucci

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