Chapter Three.

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        We have been watching a marathon of "Adventure Time" for two hours.

"Jansonnnn I'm hungry!" Tyler cries out.

"So am I, Tyga!" Jason joins the cry for food. I start laughing again.

"Aren't you hungry too, Juliette!" Tyler whines to me.

"Uh yeah of course, but at least I am not annoying about it." I smirk at him. He crosses his arms.

"Janson! Take us somewhere with food." Tyler keeps whining.

"Fine Tyga. Just because I am hungry too." He agrees.

We put on shoes and head out the door. While we wak to either of their cars, I start to think.

"You guys know I am not going tomorrow, right?" I ask for their agreement.

They sighed, but nodded.

"I am sorry, but I don't think I woud be able to handle it. I am barely getting by right now." I say slowly. I actually feel okay. Better than I did.

        We arrive at a small resturant with a mini bar on the side. I look at the bar. Only one person was there. I saw the back of his head. Looks particulary familiar.

"Tyler, don't we know hi-." Jason was cut off by Tylers hand covering his mouth. I watch Jason's eyes widen. I look back at the man.

He had short, curly hair. His shirt was a maroon long-sleeve shirt with blue jeans.

Then I realized.


I start to cringe to the floor, and let out small sobs. My breathing was becoming irregular. I can't do this. I can't breath.

"I'm not ready!" I cry out. It's too soon. I feel the pain slowly overcome me.

As I fall to the ground, I watch Adam's eyes spot me. His eyes were red and puffy. He caused this. Then all the sudden, I see him heading towards my way. No no no no no no. He is right in front of me. 

I stare at his features.

His face was a mess. His eyes were bloodshot. His face showed nervousness. He was pale. I hate seeing him like this. But I have to accept the truth. 

He doesn't like me anymore.

"Juliette. P-please l-l-let me e-eplain." Adam stutters. I cry out louder. I do not care if I cause attention.

"No. Get away from me. Please.." I whisper. If I spoke any louder, it woul be crying or screaming.

"But please.-"

"No. She said get away. I don't want to fight, Adam." Jason says sternly. 

"I cant handle this." I mumble. Hot, salty tears come fast.

Jason grabs my arm and helps me up. I look to Tyler. His death glare is focused on Adam. I turn my head. I'm done.

When I am so focused on giving up, I feel myself being lfted up.


Jason picks me up and carries me. I put my head against his chest, looking for some comfort. Then darkness consumes my vision.



Hope everyone is having a swell evening/night/day.

ONE OUT OF THE TWO CHAPTERS IS NOWWW. I was going to update tomorrow, but I am actually going to be busy! Wow, shocker right?

Well hope everyone enjoyed this chapter and is enjoying the book. Love you long time~

-stay gucci

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