"Christmas with Jadam"

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Hiiii guys. This is just a little special chapter for christmas. Love you allll <3 (Juliette and Adam stuff YAS)

        "Julietteeee. Baby come back to bed and cuddle." Adam whines like a little boy.

        "But Adam, I wanna open the presents." I whine back at the beautiful man sleeping in my bed.

        "Fine. But then can we cuddle?" He gets up and stares at me with puppy dog eyes.

        "Yes. Of course Adam. NOW LETS GO!" I yell in excitement.

This is the second Christmas I have spent with Adam. It has been the best year of my life. Thing is, he gets me about 40 presents. He spoils me so much. 

        "Adam, did you get me tons of presents again?" I ask him, pleading for him to not. He just gives me a smirk. I run to the Christmas tree and only see three that have my name. Yesssssss. But why so less?

        "Merry Christmas Juliette. I love you so much. Thank you for being the best girlfriend ever." He comes up to me, then gives me a kiss. Fireworks still go off in my stomach each time he kisses me. I never want that feeling to go away.

        "Adam, would you like to open yours first?" I ask him nervously. I do not know if he will appreciate my gifts. He has so much money, he can buy so much expensive stuff. But me? I am going with a budget.

        He opens his first present, as I tap my fingers nervously. 

His face glows up, smile growing on his adorable face. He gets up and hugs me tightly.

        "Do you-uhu- like it?" I ask him with doubt. 

        "JULIETTE I LOVE IT. I LOVE YOU!" He yells out of happiness.I hope. He hugs me tighter. I just giggle. 

        After Adam a few other of his presents, he urges me to open my three presents.

I see a small, tiny box and decide to open it first.

I unwrap it, and open the box to see the most beautiful gift ever.

        "Adam thank you so much. I love you too much. You mean the world to me." I tell me, feeling joyful tears fill my eyes. 

       I finish opening all of Adam's presents. I am very grateful to have Adam.

        "Wait Juliette. I have one more gift for you." Wait another one?

He grabs my hand and pulls me outside in the snow. 

        "Adam, I am cooooold."

        "Hi cold, I am Adam. Now shad up." He jokes seriously. What is he going to do. He takes a deep breath then goes.

        He gets on one knee and stares straight into my eyes. Oh my gosh. Is he...?

        "Juliette. I love you so much, it hurts. When I think of you, I feel so amazing. You are amazing. You are beautiful, funny, outgoing, loud, awkward, insane, gorgeous. I am so lucky to have you. Thank you for being mine. But now, I don't want to have you for a while. I want to have you forever. I want to always wake up in the morning next to you. I want to be that person that makes you feel amazing. I want to love you forever. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" Adam puts so much emotion in this speech.

        I find that I am crying my eyes out, because I feel the same way. I nod furiously, as I am unable to speak. Adam slids the engagement ring on my finger then flings the box to the other side of the room. He gets up and fills me with kisses and hugs.

This is the best Christmas ever.



wELL Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you have a wonderous day ! I love you all so much. <3 I thought this little "Christmas With Jadam" would be good for the holidays. I didn't want to torture you that much on a happy day. So I will next update on New Years because I am always lonely on that time xD


Maybe it will come, maybe it will not <; You neverrrrr knowwwww


And thank you for all the support you have blessed me with ~<3

-stay gucci

You saved Me {Sequal to &quot;Your My Hero&quot;}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora